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5 Reasons Why You are Facing Abnormal Hair Loss

5 Reasons Why You are Facing Abnormal Hair Loss
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Hair loss is becoming a common issue- despite our sub continental genes– yet there is very limited data to back the main reasons as to why one faces strange hair loss patterns. People are less educated about the abnormal pattern of hair loss, failing to understand the main stressor for hair loss cause. To help their hair fall, people will rely majorly on home remedies for their hair loss treatment.

While home remedies are quite effective, staying ignorant over the root cause of your condition can be costly in future.

Most recently I have discovered about alopecia through an interesting read, and I realized how my knowledge was quite limited. I knew hair loss can be hereditary and that’s when my observation took the best of curiosity out of me and I sat down head straight to learn more about alopecia. Turns out, Pakistan bags a novel Hair-Loss Gene. In this interesting article read published originally at The New York Times, I discovered about this rare hair gene which comes from the origins of Pakistani Civilization.

The paper fueled more of my curiosity over different types of hair falls and how very few people are aware of them.

To name a few, following are some of the Hair Loss Types you should be aware of if you are facing extreme Hair Fall.

Types of Hair Loss

The Heredity Hair Loss (Alopecia)

Alopecia is hereditary hair loss as a result of disorder in the immune system. There are few links connecting it to stress as well. Alopecia causes hair loss by leaving bald patches on the head. The person with alopecia would often find a whole bunch of hair shed through the night while sleeping. While these hair loss patterns are specifically more common for men in Pakistan, there have been cases for women and children as well. Alopecia is not just limited to your head scalp. You can experience hair loss of body hair as well. Though it’s a genetic condition, it can be treated through surgery and medication.

Stress Trigger Hair Loss (Telogen Effluvium)

This hair loss is usually observed around the scalp area. You can also observe it on your body. The main reason for this type of hair loss is excessive stress on the body’s hormonal or external problem. Usually this happens after heavy medication. Telogen Effluvium is not a permanent hair loss kind but rather it usually ends after 6 months. In case it persists you should immediately talk to one of our top dermatologists. Sometimes this condition can turn into chronic illness.

Chemical Damage (Anagen Effluvium)

The hair loss damage is quite obvious in this condition when there are big patches of hair loss. In the initial stages it is just patchy hair loss, which turns into complete hair loss if not treated at the right time. The reason for such hair loss is because hair has been exposed to chemicals which has eventually killed the hair follicle and anagen hair. Cancer patients who receive chemotherapy are usually more prone to such hair loss experience. It can also happen if your hair has been chemically treated excessively. Usually if taken proper care hair follicles retrieve hair growth once the chemical induction is cut.

Other Subtle Hair Fall Reasons

– Hormonal imbalance during pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum phase, menopause, birth control pills

– Medical conditions like; scalp or skin infection like ringworm and eczema, thyroid, autoimmune disease.

– High body temperature.

– Extreme weight loss.

– Poor nutrition

Check out our brief guide on Hair Tips and Tricks you can try to reduce your Hair Loss.

Hair Treatments

Depending on the severity of your hair fall you should look out for treatment as soon as you observe abnormal patterns of hair loss. Try to see if your hair loss is because of your poor diet, stress or any other underlying condition. For online consultation, please book one of our top dermatologists at completely for free.

Here are few options you can consider for your Hair Loss

Hair Care Tips

The biggest cause of Hair Loss at times is because of a damaging hair care regime. Or in some cases there is no regime at all. Look out if anything in your Hair Care regime is not sitting well with you. If you have chemically treated your hair most recently, then you should expect some hair loss at the start. However, the first thing you should do is; cut down on heating tools, regulate your hair washes, nourish your hair externally from time to time and take supplements only after you have consulted to make your air internally strong.


In case of some underlying health problem, it is safe and wise to take medicine. (Again, only after you have consulted your doctor first). There are some medicines out there which may benefit you but at times they come with side effects such as nausea, blurry vision or loss of appetite.

Creams or gels are safe to use and most times do not have any side effects.

Hair Transplant Surgery

There are many ways a hair transplant is done and it works best for people who have genetic hair loss problems. The most prominent one is the scalp reduction surgery in which the patchy scalp is removed and the doctor tries to cover it with the scalp skin which has hair on it.

This treatment is not ideal; therefore, it is always better to know your doctor well enough to put yourself under the knife.

Reach Out

Please make sure you reach out to one of our dermatologists. We have some of the best dermatologists on our panel with long years of experience. Do not shy away from getting in contact with Healthwire because definitely would not hesitate from guiding you about the best medical facility and best hair care tips.

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