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8 Toothache Home Remedies for Immediate Pain Relief

Home Remedies for Immediate Pain Relief
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What does it feel like to wake up from a toothache?

Honestly speaking, this is one of the horrible experiences anyone could have. Toothache can be difficult to bear with. I used to suffer from the problem of toothache since my childhood. Throbbing tooth pain that came along with fever was only the reason behind my sleepless nights but also affected my productivity at school. 

Not all toothaches are the same. From decaying teeth to the tiny bacteria residing in your gums, many things can give this troubling toothache. There are different medicinal and dental treatments available for toothache. Sometimes toothache home remedies can be quite more effective than other treatment options. 

Every year, 9 February is celebrated as World Toothache Day! 

How to Get Rid of Toothache with Home Remedies?

Whenever it comes to dental health problems, following good dental hygiene serves as our first line of defence. Unfortunately, you still may not avoid toothache trouble. Here are some of the home remedies that can make these episodes of toothache bearable for you and find immediate relief:

1- Clove 

Clove is a popular spice that you normally see on your kitchen shelves. Clove is one of the easiest toothache remedies. 

If you want to use clove for toothache relief, you can either keep it directly or can use extracted clove oil. According to research, clove has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties as well as contains compounds that are natural anesthetic. In all these ways, clove oil is fairly helpful in treating toothache. 

2- Rinsing… Rinse… Rinse

A good rinse is always worth trying!

Yes, you heard me right. Sometimes, simply rinsing can help you to get rid of tooth pain. Even if you got braces on your teeth, things get stuck in your braces and cause pain. You can rinse immediately to get braces pain relief. To rinse, using saltwater and sometimes hydrogen peroxide can help you. Rinsing not only removes the stuck food particles or debris stuck in between your teeth causing a toothache. Other than salt water, hydrogen peroxide can also help that’s because of its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

3- A Little Bit of Cold 

You have probably heard about the use of cold and heat for the treatment of pain. Toothache is not an exception to this. Using cold therapy can relieve your toothache to a greater extent.

Cold compress simply works by simply relieving inflammation. Other than this, the application of cold is fairly helpful as it can lead to the shrinkage of blood vessels thus relieving the tooth pain.All you need is a few ice cubes wrapped in a towel and keep them on the painful area. Do this for a few minutes and repeat this for a few times during the day. Application of cold can make toothache bearable.

4- Frozen Tea Bags

Next in the list of powerful toothache remedies comes the use of teabags. Peppermint tea is particularly important here. Peppermint is a powerful antibacterial agent thus it can help to fight the germs that are one potential cause behind a toothache. To use peppermint tea bags for pain relief, you need to keep the used tea bags in the refrigerator for a few minutes and then place them over the painful area. 

5- Garlic

Just like cloves, garlic is another powerful home remedy for toothache. The secret lies in the anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties of garlic. You can use it in any form you want. Crush a garlic clove or dip a cotton ball into garlic oil, apply it to the affected area and get rid of the deadly toothache. 

6- Vanilla 

Just like garlic oil, vanilla extract is there for you if you want to get rid of toothache. Vanilla extract, that you use in your favorite cakes is one amazing home remedy for toothache relief. You can apply vanilla extract directly to the affected area and see how fast it helps you get rid of the painful sensation.

7- Chew Guava Leaves

Yes, you heard it right. Guava is good at relieving tooth pain. This is because of its anti-inflammatory and germs fighting ability. When you chew guava leaves, this slowly releases the compounds in your oral cavity that ultimately ends the painful toothache episodes. Another way to use guava for toothache relief is by preparing a guava mouthwash.

How to Prepare Mouthwash from Guava Leaves?

This is easier than you think. Take a few guava leaves and wash them thoroughly to remove any debris. After that, put the crushed leaves into hot boiling water. Strain it and cool down this water as a mouthwash. Use it twice a day regularly to get rid of toothache. 

8- Some More Juice and Oil

After all these ingredients and home remedies, now it’s time to talk about some more oils and natural juices. 

Wheatgrass juice and thyme oil are next on our list of powerful home remedies for toothache. Get some wheatgrass juice to rinse your mouth. Other than this, thyme oil can also help you with toothache relief. Take a few drops of thyme oil and apply them to the affected area directly. You can also use diluted thyme oil as a mouthwash. Containing natural pain relievers, both of these plants can provide relief from toothache.

After all these remedies, you can also take over-the-counter medications to get rid of this throbbing pain. Alone these medications might not be that helpful in the long run but can make you feel better for some time. 

Let’s Wrap Up!

Good dental health goes far beyond having a bright smile. Suffering from a toothache can be worse than you think. You may feel irritated and it can take your will to do anything. 

Toothache comes from several causes. Home remedies are certainly a great help when you are looking to find temporary relief. Without requiring much effort and pricking a hole in your pocket, these home remedies are there to get you pain-free. You can use these readily available ingredients and use them. Unfortunately, these remedies are for instant and temporary relief. 

For a permanent solution, a dental checkup is a must. Only your dentist can reveal the root cause behind the problem. It is recommended to get yourself checked by your dentist to find the exact cause behind the problem. A dental checkup can help your physician to make an informed decision regarding your dental health and treat you accordingly.You can consult the best dentist in Lahore via and find a permanent solution for the troubling toothache.

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