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Acne Scars – Learn About Types and Treatments

Acne Scars
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Living with acne breakouts is one of the most challenging conditions. You cannot go outside as it impacts your confidence or may result in low self-esteem. Fortunately, there are many treatment options that you can go with to treat acne scars.

One of the things you need to do is to get rid of acne before going to acne scar treatment.

Sometimes, only topical creams or other acne medications are not enough. Scarring is a natural healing process after the acne breakout. Acne scars on the face remind you about the pimples breakout which is frustrating.

People often search for how to get rid of acne scars, but you must know about the types of acne scars or consult with a skin specialist.

People often ask:

Can you get rid of facial scars?

Yes, you can reduce the appearance of acne scars by choosing any effective treatment for facial scars, including Microneedling, Dermabrasion, etc.

Let’s explore what type of acne scars you have before seeking treatment.

Acne Scar Types

Dark spots or Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation 

When acne scars aren’t cleared, discoloration is left behind. You may notice brown, red, and purple marks that take to go away on their own.

Depressed scars 

One of the most common scars on the face is atrophic (depressed). These scars do sit below the surrounding skin. An insufficient amount of collagen can result in these scars during the healing process.

It has more three forms, including:

Ice pick: They are the deep scars into the skin which are V-shaped and look like oval holes. Doctors say that these are hard-to-treat scars. These also look like large pores.

Rolling: These scars are round edges and appear rolling. It makes your skin look uneven and craggy.

Boxcar: U-shaped scares with sharp edges are boxcar types that are deep into the skin. These are wider than ice-pick scars.

Keloid and Hypertrophic Scars

These scars on the face look like raised scars that grow above the skin’s surface. It is common in men and can appear on any part of the body. It 

happens due to the excessive production of collagen.

How to Permanently Remove Acne Scars

With the right treatment options and keeping up with the right skincare regimen, acne scars can be removed permanently. Dr. Shaiqa Ali shares important information on how to lighten and remove acne scars.

Acne breakouts are scary, but it is a nightmare to have the acne scars on the face that are left behind due to different reasons, such as damaged tissues. Our face is constantly exposed to the environment that can slow down the healing process and result in deep scars after an acne breakout.

There are different ways to treat acne marks on the face, including natural remedies and in-office treatment. It depends on the severity and budget of the scar that reveals what types of acne scar solution you need.

How to Get Rid of Acne Scars Naturally 

What do your dermatologists say about your skin condition? Well, it is important to know what is the type of your acne scars and if there is any medical help you need for the acne scars treatment.

You can try some home ingredients to reduce the appearance of acne scars.

Lactic acid 

Lactic acid is a good option for all types of acne scars. The use of this acid leads to improved pigmentation, texture, and appearance of the skin. You can also use products that contain lactic acid. The other way to use this acid is apple cider vinegar but in dilute form.

It is like a skin toner that you use as a spot treatment. You can consider it as one of the best treatments for acne scars. In addition to all these products you can also make good use of yogurt because of its numerous benefits on skin.

Salicylic acid 

It might be possible that you used salicylic acid in some creams to treat your acne. But this acid is also beneficial to treating acne scars and gives positive results for all skin types. You can read the ingredients of any acne-treated creams, lotions, and face cleansers. Its use helps to cleanse your skin and reduce redness or inflammation. It treats scars by exfoliating the facial skin.


You can consider retinoids as an acne treatment that also brings positive results. The use of retinoids improves discoloration and reduces the appearance of scars.

But you should ask your dermatologist or skin specialist before using it as you may experience more sensitive skin to the sun as a result.

It is a good option for depressed scars.

Alpha hydroxy acids

For some acne treatments, alpha hydroxy acids contain products that are available in the market. Its use helps to get rid of dead skin cells and protect skin against clogged pores.

It exfoliates the outer skin layer and helps in scars removal.

How Can I Remove Scars Naturally From My Face?

Home remedies for acne scars include lemon juice, aloe vera gel, raw honey, coconut oil, shea butter, etc. Consult with your doctor before using any ingredient at home.

Other Treatments for Acne Scars

Sometimes, the severity of the acne marks needs other treatment that provides permanent results. A skin specialist can guide you about the treatment after checking on the type of your acne scars.

Chemical peels

This treatment helps to remove the uppermost layer of your skin to minimize the deeper scars. An acid is used for deeper acne scars that are a good option for all types of skin. You can use the mild acids at home, but still, you need to ask your skin specialist. There are different types of chemical peel, including medium peel, deep peel, and superficial peel. This solution is also good for wrinkles and age spots.


Uneven skin impacts your overall appearance. A professional can use the fillers to fill in the acne scars. The fillers are of different types, including your own fat, collagen, and commercial filler. To smooth your deep scars, dermatologists inject the filler into your skin, and most of these are permanent.


Raised scars are also scary, but injections can help to make them soften. Professionals use some drugs to inject into the skin, such as chemotherapy drugs fluorouracil (5-FU), corticosteroids, etc.

It may take a few weeks to complete the process.


Microneedling is a treatment that involves a handheld pen or a small needle-studded roller on the surface of the scars. It punctures the skin that requires a healing process. During the healing process, it produces collagen. Experts suggest this treatment for deep acne scars as it reduces the depth of scars. Microneedling does not matter what your skin type is as this treatment is good for all types of skin.

Laser resurfacing 

Laser resurfacing is a process that exfoliates the upper layer of the skin. Fortunately, it does not take too long for healing, but you need to cover your face until complete healing of your skin. If the acne breakout is no more, you can go for laser resurfacing otherwise, you cannot take this treatment.


You might hear of this treatment as it is one of the most common treatments for acne scars. It is very difficult to live with facial scars, but you can get this treatment. Dermabrasion is quite similar to microdermabrasion. This treatment involves deep exfoliation of the top skin layer using a wire brush or a wheel.

Wrapping up

You can reduce the appearance of acne scars on the face with these effective treatments. Minor in-office surgery is also one of the best acne scar treatments, which are beneficial to remove the depressed and raised scars. Dermatologists suggest avoiding touching or popping your pimples as it can damage the underlying tissues that result in scars.

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