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Olive Oil Benefits – Why It’s More than Salad Dressing?

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Which cooking oil is best for cooking? Which oil should I use for scalp massage? Which natural oil can we use for healthy skin?

Well, the answer is OLIVE OIL. All thanks to countless olive oil benefits that give us enough reason to recommend it for all these purposes. 

What is Olive Oil?

Just as the name indicates, olive oil is the oil extracted from the olives. This fatty liquid obtained from olive trees aka Olea europaea is obtained by crushing the olive directly either chemically or mechanically. Depending upon the method used, we can get olive oils of different qualities. Extra virgin oil is the purest form of olive oil

Olive Oil vs. Extra Virgin Olive Oil – What’s the Difference?

Extra virgin olive oil is the purest form of olive oil that is obtained without applying any external heat. In contrast, olive oil contains both chemically modified olive oil alongside the cold-pressed one. 

Olive Oil Benefits to Know About

“Eat olive oil and use it on your hair and skin, for it comes from a blessed tree.” (al-Tirmidhi, 1775).

Olive oil or zaitoon ka tail is a popular natural oil that is known for its versatile uses. No matter if we talk about its topical usage or dietary usage, the health benefits of olive oil are matchless. There are enough scientific studies that can confirm the health benefits of olive oil. Here is all you need to know about the potential olive oil benefits. 

Keeps your Heart Healthy

Fat choices and heart health, the association is truly undeniable. The kinds of fats you choose to eat have a stronger impact on your overall heart health. Olive oil is one of the greatest choices to make when it comes to keeping your heart healthy. The reason is that olive oil contains some of the healthiest fats that are known to reduce the risk of heart diseases. Other than this, you don’t have to worry about oxidative damage to your heart health when you are using olive oil. 

Gut Friendly

Your digestive health plays a key role when it comes to keeping your overall health. 

A healthy gut is required for optimum digestive function. Not only this but olive oil is quite helpful in treating inflammatory problems. Olive oil can help to promote gut health by impacting the gut microbiome population. 

No inflammation and a lot of healthy gut bacteria mean good digestive function and less worry about your digestive health.

A Stronger Immune System

Eat cloves early in the morning, take honey in water on an empty stomach, take a lot of vitamin C or some kalonji seeds early in the morning…. I am sure you have heard many of these pieces of advice when it comes to keeping your immune system strong. 

A stronger immune system is vital for your overall well being. What if I tell you that adding olive oil to your everyday diet can help you build a stronger immune system? Well, that’s true because olive oil consumption is directly associated with improved immune function and can aid to keep infections at bay.

Increase Insulin Sensitivity

Insulin sensitivity is a good sign but do you know that over time you may develop insulin resistance. It can be in your genes or your inactive lifestyle can bring it. Insulin resistance is directly linked to the increased risk of diabetes type 2. 

However, regular use of olive oil can help you to effectively manage insulin resistance which is an important risk factor for diabetes. So, you can add it to your everyday cuisine for cooking or for salad dressing to get the most out of it. 

Healthy Skin

On a dry winter evening, what’s better than olive oil? This natural moisturizer can help you nourish your skin really well. Due to its high nutritional content, it is one of the easiest ways to keep your skin hydrated. 

The good part is anyone can use olive oil, even if you have super sensitive skin. Here is all you need to know about olive oil benefits for your skin, including:

Better Hair Care

Just like olive oil benefits your skin, this natural oil is also good for your hair as well. No matter if you want to grow your hair fast or want to get rid of the split ends, olive oil can help you. Here is why you need to start using olive oil:

It helps to strengthen your hair

You can get a healthy scalp by the regular use of olive oil.

How to Use Olive Oil for Hair Care?

Just massage your scalp using olive oil or simply make it a part of your weekly hair mask.

Olive Oil for Weight Loss

Whenever it comes to losing weight, there are always weight loss diet plans and workouts. No matter what particular plan you follow, the choice of oil for cooking always remains there. Olive oil can be an answer here. 

Containing healthy fats this natural oil is beneficial when it comes to making oil choices. Further, it can help to fight inflammation that is linked with an increased risk of being overweight. However, too much olive oil is not going to benefit you so always be mindful that moderation is the key to achieving maximum olive oil benefits. 

It’s Time to Add Olive Oil to Your Grocery List!

Had enough olive oil benefits? Well, I am sure you are convinced to make olive oil a part of your everyday routine. Add it to your diet or use it on your hair and scalp, make sure you are making a wise choice. However, in case of any confusion, it is better to reach out to your physician for the right use of olive oil.You can now book an appointment with the best certified nutritionists via if you are planning to add it to your diet.

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