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11 Best Weight Loss Exercises to Torch Extra Body Fat

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Early morning workouts may not be your favorite part of the day. No wonder because most of us sail the same boat and look for a workout escape. However, workouts can help you in many ways. 

From your neurons to regulated hormones, working out actually does wonders!

People work out for many different reasons. Some people head to gyms to achieve their fitness goals while other times to stay in shape or to make a health problem manageable. No matter what drives you, be mindful that a workout is beneficial for both your physical and mental health. 

Let’s lift your fitness game with these weight-loss exercises at home!

You are not going to lose weight with coffee despite all the black coffee benefits for weight loss.

Workout is an important part of one’s weight loss journey. Weight loss exercises are many and can help you to burn more calories daily torching excessive body fat. There is enough evidence supporting the role of physical activity in weight loss and maintenance. 

I’m sure many of the weight watchers can relate to this. If you have just begun your weight loss journey and are struggling with workout choices, I’m here to wipe out this confusion. 

Best Weight Loss Exercises!

Here are some of the best weight loss workouts to begin your journey with. We have collaborated with Gym Find to present you with complete video workout demonstrations. So let’s get your hands on workout essentials and start with some of our best picks. 

1- Planks

According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the longest abdominal plank was held for 9 hours 3 minutes, and 1 second!

Sounds extraordinary? Well, it is. 

Plank, also known as an abdominal bridge, is an intense core exercise. When it comes to the choice of the best weight loss exercise, plank surely makes it to the list. A traditional plank is a forearm push-up position that you hold while keeping your back straight. This challenging workout requires a lot of arms, back, and core strength alongside good body balance. From extended planks to side planks, all variations of this workout are effective and can surely be a good addition to your weight loss workout.

How to do Planks?

2- Lunges

Want to take off thigh and butt fat? No worries, we are here to bring you another effective weight loss exercise called lunges.

Lunges are a type of lower body workout that works on different types of muscles simultaneously. To do lunges, step forward, position your body lower on the ground, return, and ta-da! 

You don’t do this all the time as there are many available variations. One easy and popular variation of lunges is reverse lunges which are fairly helpful. So, stop worrying much about your lower body fat and add this functional workout to your everyday workout routine.

How to do Reverse Lunges?

3- Squats

Squats, a popular weight loss exercise that is strength training. Squats are known as the king of exercises and target lower body muscles. If you are doing squats right, you will see an impact on your thigh, calf, and glutes. 

Squats offer many health benefits. Not only do you burn excessive calories but it also accounts for muscle building, and strength improvement, adding to your joints’ flexibility. While doing squats you use your core muscles. Basic squats and squats variation can be a part of a good leg day workout. 

How to do Goblet Squats?

4- Crunches

Tired of stubborn abdominal fat? Don’t worry crunches can help you with this. Crunches belong to the classic core class of exercise that involves abdominal muscles. You not only get flexibility and endurance but can get your desired abs. To get the maximum benefit from crunches make sure you are doing it right and avoid common crunches mistakes. Some of the common crunches mistakes include:

How to do Crunches?

5- Mountain Climbing

No, no you don’t want to climb a mountain. All you need is to imitate a climber!

This killer workout is good for your heart health and involves multiple muscle groups. Mountain climber exercise targets your multiple muscle groups, especially making your core stronger. In other words, mountain climbing is running on a single spot while holding the plank position. Starting with a few repetitions and gradually increasing the sets and reps, mountain climber exercise can be a good way to lose those extra pounds.

How to do Mountain Climbing?

6- Push-Ups

Weight loss is far beyond the best weight loss diets and you really need to shed sweat.

Push-ups can be an ideal workout if you want to activate all your muscles at once. From core muscles to your biceps, push-ups work on all your major muscles at once. Push-ups are a type of resistance training that uses your own body as resistance instead of external weight. For doing push-ups, you don’t need any external equipment and you can go from basic push-ups to advanced variations and achieve your required fitness goals. 

How to do Push-Ups?

7- Burpees

Burpees were named after an American Physiologist Royal Huddleston Burpee!

Just like push-ups, burpees are the type of workout that uses your body weight as resistance. It is both cardiac and strength training. Burpees is the type of workout that targets both your upper and lower body simultaneously making it a full-body workout. This is one challenging workout that involves pushing down into a push-up position, standing back again, and jumping into the air. 

Burpees is a comprehensive workout that is one popular at-home exercise to lose weight. Originally started as a fitness test, burpees are a weight loss exercise that is performed without any equipment. From box burpee to Superman burpee, there are many different variations available and can be the right fit into your existing workout routine.

How to do Burpees?

8- High Knees

High knees are an important pre-workout warm-up, and most of us find it quite easy. This is a fast-paced intensive exercise that is considered essentially good for your heart health. Within a few seconds, you start experiencing a fastened heart rate, increased blood flow, and quick sweating. 

This full-body workout gives you the right boost of energy and involves your both upper and lower body muscles. This is a weight-bearing exercise alone or when added with other cardio moves, makes you burn more calories helping you achieve your weight loss goals.

How to do High Knees?

9- Glute Bridge

Looking for a butt-worthy exercise? 

No wonder because next in our list of popular weight loss exercises you can do at home comes the glute bridge or pelvic lifts. 

Requiring no special equipment, the glute bridge targets your largest muscle group known as the glute muscles. This is one of the easiest home workouts for beginners and the basics are not bad. You may think to lay on the ground, lift your butt and get the results, but there is a lot more to this.

There are many available variations of glute bridges. Keeping ease in mind, many people believe that this is not an effective workout however, if you engage the right muscles it can surely be a good addition to your dynamic warm-up. 

You will get rid of lower back pain, strengthen your core muscles, have postural improvements, and get a toned butt. 

How to do Glute Bridge?

10- Sprawls

When I started doing the workout, sprawls were no less than a nightmare for me.

I always tried to cheat on Sprawls. Sprawls are similar to burpees with no little jump that ends burpees. Squats are inspired by martial arts and are generally stamina-enhancing exercises. 

All you do during a sprawl is you go from into a plank position and then return to the standing position. This targets your abdominal muscles and strengthens your obliques and lower back.

How to do Sprawls?

11- Jumping Jack

The jumping jack got its name from the traditional jumping jack toy and the reason was a similar posture with wide arms and legs. This cardiac exercise comes with many variations. This is a cardiac exercise that significantly increases your heart rate and can make you lose weight. 

How to do Jumping Jacks?

To Soothe Your Aching Muscles – Try Yoga

On days when you don’t feel like doing a workout, yoga might help you.

Many people believe that yoga isn’t effective when it comes to losing weight. However, this is one popular MYTH and yoga can be fairly helpful in losing weight alongside other yoga health benefits. Despite being a low-impact workout it remains effective and there are many yoga asanas you can begin with. Not only yoga supports your physical health, but it is good for your mental and spiritual health.

According to Dr. Ayesha Abbas, a renowned Dietician with 10 years of experience, yoga helps you with a boost in metabolism, improves mindfulness and sleep quality, and even helps you burn more calories.

In all these ways, yoga asanas when coupled with the right diet can help you to lose weight. 

You can also go for therapies like hijama as there there are many hijama benefits for weight loss.

Bottom Line!

You must be tired of trying green tea and other quick weight-loss fixes in order to shed those extra pounds. We are here with some best weight loss exercises. 

All these weight loss workouts alongside other weight loss tips, can pave your path to a successful weight loss journey. These workouts can work well when combined with the right diet plan. So, it’s high time to take the workout mat, play your favorite workout music and enjoy the sets and reps. 

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