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Some Common Breastfeeding Questions and their Answers

Common Breastfeeding Questions and their Answers
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No one can deny the importance of breastfeeding for an infant’s health and nutrition. Breastfeeding not only promises good health but also leads to improved functioning of the immune system for both mother and the baby. 

In case you are considering that it is better for you to skip breastfeeding your child, this is mainly because you are not aligned with the many benefits of this practice. 

Therefore, if you have baby breastfeeding questions, this guide will surely help you in such a regard. 

Benefits of Breastfeeding

Before kicking off educate you all about your main concerns about breastfeeding and subsequent queries. Let us advertise to you why breastfeeding your baby is a healthy activity. 

Frequently Asked Questions about Breastfeeding

It is normal for new mothers to be curious about breastfeeding and how it works. If you are part of the same population then happy reading!

1-When does Breast Milk come in?

This is a common question about breastfeeding. Mostly the new mothers are curious about this baby’s breastfeeding query. So let us just set the record straight once and for all. 

Milk production is a process that begins in the second trimester of pregnancy. This is the time when the mother’s body starts producing colostrum. 

Colostrum is a special type of milk that is loaded with nutrients and thus is easy for newborns to digest. 

After the delivery of the baby, the milk supply will switch to overdrive in about 3 to 40 hours. This is the right time when the hormones will lead to the production of more breast milk. 

The mother’s milk output also increases tenfolds around that time and if you are not a new mother it elates at a faster pace. 

2-Does Breast Milk Supply Increase as Baby Gets Older?

You might have heard that a mother produces milk in accordance with her child’s needs. This is not just hearsay and is something that has been proven by science.

After the first 30 days of childbirth, the prolactin production sees a dip but the body is already accustomed to the efficient production of breast milk. 

So yes it is true a mother starts producing more milk when the baby gets older. It is possible that you might start noticing a change in the baby’s appetite but that is normal. An infant’s appetite also fluctuates just like adults and you do not have to worry about it. 

3-Is it Normal to have Breast Milk after 5 Years?

It is totally normal for a mother to experience unusual milky discharge from two months and three years. Even if you are quitting feeding your baby breastfeeding then it can impact breasts.

This can lead to saggy breasts. You can give this article on boob tightening a read to contemplate this side effect. 

In case you are still producing milk after 5 years then you need to look at the given below symptoms:

All the above symptoms with delayed milk production can suggest that you are at a serious health risk that you need to cater to immediately. 

4-How Long can a Mother Produce Breast Milk?

This is also the most sought-after question about breast milk. Mothers often seem to be wondering about the fact that how long are they able to feed their child with breast milk.

The breastfeeding relationship between mother and child is based on the need and demand principle. 

The need and demand principle suggests that as long the demand is there, the mother will keep on producing breast milk. In some peculiar case scenarios, mothers can also breastfeed their first child after the birth of the second child.

Hence proved that as long as the demand is strong the mother can continue to produce a dependable quantity of breast milk. 

5-Do I need to wake my baby for feedings?

Well yes, you have to wake your baby up from sleep to feed him or her, especially in the case of a newborn. The normal feeding time of a newborn is between 10 to 12 times per day. This means that you have to breastfeed your baby after every two or three hours. 

You can gently rub your baby to wake them up but it can still be a daunting task as newborns are often very fond of sleeping. If you are still having trouble waking up and then feeding your baby it is best for you to contact pediatricians. 

6-How to tell Whether the baby is eating enough or not?

The average time a newborn nurse is almost 12 times a day. When their tummy is full they would often reject your attempts of feeding them. But if your baby is still aggressive or clenches fists after the feeding session maybe you should start feeding them again. 

You might also suffer from bloating during pregnancy and during breastfeeding if your child is not getting the right amount of nutrition from your milk. 

If you are still curious about the fact that your baby is getting enough nutrition or not then you can track it through their bowel movements. A wet diaper and a subsequent weight gain are often the best indicators that clearly determine your baby’s good health. 

7-If the Baby is Nurses Constantly does it Mean I am not Producing Enough Milk?

No, it does not mean that. Even if your baby clings to you for breastfeeding it does not mean that you are not producing enough milk. It just is a sign of your newborn’s appetite. The typical growth spurt of a newborn is around two to three weeks. 

It is true that frequent nursing often indicates feeding issues in your newborn but your baby might be clinging to you for other reasons. Nursing can sometimes mean that your child is seeking warmth and comfort from his or her mother. 

Questions about Breastfeeding – Try to Consult a Specialist

It is totally normal for a mother to have countless questions about breastfeeding. You should not shy away from asking them as every mother has the right to knowledge in the context of good health and well-being of her child.

If you need further consultation you can book a child specialist via They will guide you regarding breastfeeding questions so that you can optimize the health of your baby.

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