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Everything You Need to Know About Wet Dreams/ Nocturnal Emission (Kasrat-e- Ihtilaam)

Wet Dreams/ Nocturnal Emission (Kasrat-e- Ihtilaam)
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Have you ever heard about wet dreams? 

Well, if not then having one can be pretty embarrassing and confusing. Waking up with wet pyjamas and the very next moment you find yourself rushing towards the bathroom. You might have got your first wet dream as soon as you hit puberty. 

What are wet dreams? Why do you get them? What causes a wet dream? And probably several other questions cross your mind as soon as you start experiencing it. 

Let’s know more about this natural phenomenon in detail! 

What Are Wet Dreams (Kasrat-e-Ihtilaam)?

Wet dreams (kasrat-e-ihtilam) is basically nocturnal emission or you may call it having a sleep orgasm. This is simply having ejaculation while sleeping. While sleeping, a man goes through an orgasm and ejaculates without knowing it. You can see the ejaculated material on your clothes and sheets. The mess can surely give you a panic attack but this is completely normal. 

Is It Normal to Have Wet Dreams?

Having a wet dream can make you feel awkward and you may feel guilty… But what if I say it’s completely normal to have wet dreams. 

As soon as you hit puberty, your body tends to change. These changes go far beyond seeing thicker hair growth, getting your voice heavier and experiencing your testicles growing big… 

Just like all these changes, wet dreams are a part of the normal growing up process. Puberty makes your body produce testosterone hormone, the male sex hormones. With increased hormonal production, your body starts producing sperms that are released through nocturnal emission aka wet dreams.

So, it’s completely normal to have wet dreams in fact having wet dreams is a sign of normal sexual functioning among males.

What Causes Wet Dreams?

This is completely natural to have wet dreams. This involuntary orgasm is just a normal process of growing up. Your body wants to get rid of the sperms that are produced and this makes you experience nightfall. 

There are two things that can cause you to experience wet dreams. These include:

How Frequently Men Have Wet Dreams?  

When it comes to the frequency of wet dreams, there is no normal. 

If you get them several times a week or even several times throughout your whole life, it’s completely normal. The frequency of wet dreams has nothing to do with your sexual health and can vary from person to person. Changes in hormonal production during your life stages can vary the frequency of wet dreams. There is also a regional impact on the frequency of wet dreams people get.

Do Erotic Dreams Result in Nocturnal Emission?

Well, wet dreams are commonly associated with erotic dreams. But dreaming about sex is not the only reason that results in nocturnal emission. You may get a wet dream with or without dreaming about sex. 

Can Wet Dreams Affect Male Fertility?

Many people believe that getting wet dreams can reduce the sperm count in males. If you have believed this, you are probably mistaken. Wet dreams are actually your body’s natural mechanism to get rid of the older sperms that are not released in a while. Once these older sperm cells are released, your body is going to make healthier sperm cells. 

So, having dreams actually ensures good sexual health and have no impact on male infertility.

Can Masturbating Help You to Get Rid of Wet Dreams?

Unfortunately, the answer is no. 

Masturbation is your body’s natural way to get rid of the older sperms but masturbating can’t even help to completely get rid of wet dreams. Although it can reduce the frequency of wet dreams, you can’t completely resolve the problem. Further, masturbation has its side effects so this surely isn’t a good solution. 

Can Wet Dreams Compromise Your Immunity?

Men often perceive that having wet dreams can result in weakness. Having wet dreams doesn’t compromise your immunity and doesn’t make you weak.

Do Only Men Experience Wet Dreams?

No! When it comes to wet dreams, gender is not an exception. Just like men, women also get wet dreams but as they can’t ejaculate so vaginal lubrication is probably the indicator.

Do Wet Dreams Indicate Any Underlying Health Problem?

There is nothing much problematic about wet dreams as having wet dreams is not an indicator of an underlying health problem. This is nature’s mechanism to keep you sexually healthy while you are not indulged in any sexual activity.  

Do Wet Dreams Only Happen in Puberty?

Though, it is common for most men to experience wet dreams as soon as they reach sexual maturity. However, wet dreams are not limited to puberty and you can still have them after crossing puberty. Even married men can also suffer from nocturnal emissions.

What is the Treatment of Wet Dreams?

Are you someone who advocates home remedies or Ayurvedic treatments frequently? I’m pretty sure you must be clueless here. This is because of the fact that there is no possible treatment for wet dreams. Wet dreams are not an illness and you can’t control them.

Let’s Wrap Up!

Wet dreams or nocturnal emission is a common phenomenon that occurs in most men. Males tend to experience nightfall as soon as they hit puberty. The frequency of wet dreams can vary from person to person. Getting wet dreams doesn’t indicate any health problems and is not concerning at all. This is your body’s natural way to get rid of older sperm cells and to make new cells. 

You can consult the best sexologist in Lahore via to consult your sexual health problems.

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