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9 Foods to Cure Premature Ejaculation – Your Sure Shot to A Satisfied Sex Life 

Foods to Cure Premature Ejaculation
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What if I tell you that eating certain foods can help you last longer in bed?

Well, this is certainly true. There are foods that not only boost sexual stamina in men but can also help them with a variety of sexual health problems. Premature ejaculation is one such health trouble! 

Premature ejaculation is simply the early release of sperms during sexual activity. This can lead to poor sexual satisfaction and can be a cause of anxiety. This reduced duration is in fact very problematic. Though sexual satisfaction is not only about how long you last in bed still it has a significant impact. 

I’m sure many of you have lived in this condition! 

The condition can be quite concerning. But the good news is that there are natural ways to get rid of the problem. Nature holds this cure for us and the secret lies in making good food choices. Yes, there are foods to cure premature ejaculation just like the foods for infertility

What are the Best Foods to Cure Premature Ejaculation 

Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be the food!

This perfectly fits here when we talk about problems like premature ejacualation. Adding these foods can help you retain erections for longer periods. Let’s know what these foods are and how they can help you.

1- Watermelon – Natural Viagra 

Yes, watermelon is named natural viagra. The reason is pretty clear because eating watermelon is known to help you to have stronger erections. 

The secret lies in its nutritional profile. Watermelon is loaded with the compound known as citrulline that increases the blood flow to the genital area thus, helping with the erections. This popular summer fruit is the powerhouse of nutrition and can be easily added to your diet. 

2- Carrots – The Perfect Winter Delight

Winters are absolutely incomplete without carrot and carrot delight! But do you know that having carrots can help you to get rid of premature ejaculations? There are a variety of ways in which you can include this in your diet. 

Carrots work in a similar way and can help you to sustain an erection for a longer period. Carrot is also loaded with antioxidants, vitamins and carotenoids. All these nutrients can give you thicker and more quality sperm.

Read more about: How to increase sex time without medicine?

3- Eggs – A Nature’s Superfood

Eggs are considered to be a superfood, for all reasons. 

No matter if you want to build a stronger body or a healthy brain, eggs are there for you. However, there are several other potential health benefits of eggs. Eggs are even a good solution to your problem of premature ejaculation. Containing some of the healthiest vitamins, eggs can give you the boost. 

4- Go Banana!

Next in your list of foods to cure premature ejaculation comes bananas. Regular consumption of bananas is associated with better libido. Adding bananas to your diet not only helps to improve your mood but can also make your erections stronger and more sustainable. Banana simply works by increasing blood flow to your penis as well as making your testosterone levels go up.

Read more about other banana benefits.

5- Dark Chocolate for Harder Erections

Hey chocolate lovers, you must be very excited to see chocolate here. 

Chocolate is certainly one of the best foods that can make you perform better in bed. Eating chocolate not only satisfies your sweet tooth but will improve your sexual performance. 

What makes chocolate do the job? It’s flavanols. Flavanols are the compound behind the improved blood flow that comes from eating dark chocolate. The mechanism is quite similar to other foods in that by improving the blood flow to your genitals, chocolate can help you have stronger and more sustainable erections. 

6- Asparagus – An Aphrodisiac

Natural is always better and asparagus is one such example. Nutritionally. Speaking asparagus is one of the healthiest foods that can put you in the right mood. It is a good source of potassium that can improve your sex hormone levels. Other than this, good amounts of vitamins also make the blood rush to the genitals really fast. Regular consumption of asparagus in your diet can help you get rid of premature ejaculation. 

7- Sesame Seeds 

Wants to give a boost to your sexual life? 

These tiny seeds might be of great help. According to research, sesame seeds can help to improve the quality of sperms. Sesame seed works in different ways. Sesame seeds are loaded with healthy fats. Not only will you have thicker and healthier sperms after consuming sesame seeds, but it will make your erections stronger and long-lasting. 

8- Honey and Ginger – The Power Alliance

We have already heard about countless health benefits of honey

What if I tell you that this natural sweetener can give a boost to your sex life. Honey can help you to improve your sexual strength alone and works pretty well when used in combination with ginger.

Ginger is loaded with antioxidants and known for its ability to improve blood flow to your genitals. When ginger and honey are combined, honey tends to enhance the activity of ginger. So, next time whenever you are looking for how to get rid of premature ejaculation, remember that ginger and honey tea can be a perfect solution for you. 

9- Walnuts

Next in the list of foods  for premature ejaculation comes the role of walnut or اخروٹ. This hot natured dry fruit will help you to perform better in bed and enable you to get rid of the problem of premature ejaculation.

You can take it after overnight soaking it in water or you can also take it along with honey! 

It’s Time to Get Your Hands On Food to Cure Premature Ejaculation?

Good sexual health is what everyone deserves. When it comes to the problems like premature ejaculation, they can surely take a toll on your sexual as well as your mental health. However, natural remedies can be fairly helpful here even better than any medicinal treatment. 

Foods for sexual health have always been in discussion. If you are suffering from premature ejaculation and living an unsatisfied sexual life, these foods are your sure shot here. However, these natural remedies are not always fruitful.

Premature ejaculation can involve several root causes that need to get treated accordingly. Sometimes, it can come from any underlying health condition that needs to be diagnosed. To sum it up, you can surely try these remedies but if you don’t see any improvement over time,make sure you consult your sexologist.You can consult the best sexologist in Lahore via and find a solution for sexual health problems.

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