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7 Potential Benefits of Milk to Boost your Health

Benefits of Milk to Boost your Health
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During childhood, your mother and grandma used to narrate a list of the benefits of milk. Do you remember? 

Well, you are going to read why those wise women of your life were correct. 

Milk. It does wonders to your body. It is delicious, nutritious, versatile, and easy to obtain. From helping your body grow to beautify you, milk has a wide range of benefits. 

So, keep on reading. Once you learn about the milk benefits, you’ll never skip it from your diet. 

Nutritional Profile of Milk

Before knowing about the goodness milk possesses, let’s first see the nutritional profile of milk. 

Milk has an impressive nutritional profile. It is a good source of many essential nutrients. These include minerals, vitamins, proteins, antioxidants, and healthy fats.

Only one cup (244 grams) of whole milk contains:

Benefits of Milk

Do you want to know if milk is good for you and if drinking it has any advantages? Have you ever sat down and really considered what milk does for your body? Now, it’s time to dig into the benefits of drinking milk. 

Let’s see what milk can do for your body. 

1. Milk Benefits for Your Teeth Health

Are you worried about your teeth health? There is nothing better than milk. 

Milk is an amazing source of calcium. That is exactly what your teeth require. A cup of milk a few times a day may help prevent cavities and tooth decay. However, your body absorbs calcium from milk in the presence of vitamin D. Therefore, make sure to use vitamin D fortified milk. 

In addition to calcium and phosphorus, caseins are proteins found in milk. When these ingredients are mixed, they form a protective coating on the enamel. This layer protects your teeth from typical bacterial acids that cause decay. 

2. Milk can Help With Heartburn

After having junk food or restaurant food, we often become the culprit of heartburn and stomach problems. Right? 

These foods are typically more acidic and spicy than we anticipate or are used to. Drinking a glass of milk after such meals can help you to avoid getting into such kinds of sticky situations. Milk provides a cooling effect that protects oesophagus and stomach lining against heartburn. So, adding milk after your daily meal can be one of the best home remedies to ease symptoms of burning in stomach

3. Benefits of Milk for Skin

Benefits of milk for skin are splendid. It keeps your skin glowing, soft, and supple. Also, it helps to lighten your dull skin. 

You’ll be surprised to know, during colonial times, Indian monarchy was bathed in milk on certain occasions. It was supposed to have purifying qualities and numerous natural moisturisers.

It doesn’t necessarily mean you have to fill a tub of milk and relax to get benefits of milk for skin. Just drink two glasses of milk per day, and you’ll see a difference in your skin health. 

You don’t like drinking milk? No worries. You can add milk as a combining agent while making homemade skin masks to harness the benefits of milk for skin. 

4. Health Benefits of Milk for Bone

Milk is a rich source of various nutrients such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and vitamin D. All these nutrients are essential for bone health. 

Furthermore, addition of milk and milk products reduces the risk of osteoporosis and bone fractures. Milk is also a rich source of protein, which is an important component for bone health. In reality, protein accounts for almost half of bone volume and one-third of bone mass.

5. Benefits of Drinking Milk in Weight Loss

Are you searching for a healthy snack for weight loss? A glass of milk is a fulfilling appetizer. 

You can get a full feeling from a cup of milk. Furthermore, by simply adding anything from chocolate powder to fruits, it meets your diverse cravings. Just don’t add too much sugar and you have got yourself the healthiest drink on the planet. 

Including 2-3 cups of milk in your daily diet plans for weight loss will assist you not only avoid obesity but also maintain weight. Studies have shown that high quantities of dietary calcium stimulates fat breakdown and limits fat absorption in the body.

6. Milk and Cancer

Milk is rich in calcium and vitamin D. These nutrients help your body to fight against cancer. 

Calcium may help to protect the lining of the gut, lowering the risk of rectum or colon cancer.

On the other hand, vitamin D may play a function in regulating cell development. It could be beneficial in preventing colon cancer, as well as breast and prostate cancer. 

7. Milk Reduces Stress

Are you constantly fighting depression? Or your energy is totally drained after a hectic day at the office? Drinking milk will help you keep your stress at bay. 

Soothing your nerves is one of the health benefits of drinking milk. Vitamin D present in the milk stimulates the production of serotonin. It is a hormone linked with sleep, appetite, and mood. 

So, after a long hard day at the office, sit down. Have a glass of milk and relieve your muscle tension. 

Everyone Can’t Have Milk!

While milk may be a healthy option for some, it is indigestible for others or some prefer not to consume it.

Many people can’t take milk because lactose, a sugar present in milk and dairy products, is difficult to digest. This condition is called lactose intolerance. Lactose intolerance affects approximately 65 percent of the world’s population.

Others avoid milk and dairy products because of dietary limitations, health concerns, or ethical considerations.

As a result, a vast range of non dairy milk alternatives has emerged.

Non Dairy Milk Alternatives

Some examples of non dairy milk alternatives include:

The Bottom Line!

Milk is a nutrient-rich drink that can help you stay healthy in a variety of ways.

It’s high in calcium, potassium, vitamin D, vitamin B, and phosphorus. It’s also a great source of protein. All these nutrients make milk an amazing drink to add in your daily diet. 

What are you waiting for then? Get up. Have a glass of milk and take advantage of the amazing health benefits of milk.  

If you want to know more about the benefits of milk, consult a nutritionist in Lahore. You can book an appointment via or make a call at (042) 32500989. 

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