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Strawberry Benefits: A Tiny Fruit for Your Health

Strawberry Benefits
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It is summertime, and we have plenty of berries and fresh fruits to pick from. Strawberry is one of such berries, which is one of the most beautiful fruits of nature. 

It has a plump red appearance that feels so good to the eyes, a delicate texture and a sweet-sour taste. It’s shape resembles a heart, which is a first sign that strawberries are a great fruit for your health.  

Here’s a fun fact

Strawberry isn’t a fruit in technical terms. It’s a vessel of strawberry plant’s flower. You may confuse those black dots on strawberry as seeds, but these are the actual fruit. What we eat is just the accessory tissue. 

Whether fresh or frozen, strawberries are a healthy pack of nutrients. 

Like all other berries, strawberries are rich in antioxidants called phytochemicals, which provides immense benefits for your health. If we look at the nutrition content, 1 cup of sliced strawberries (166 grams) contain:

If you’re not already a fan of strawberries, you will be now. Not only are they juicy and delicious, but a superfood as well. 

Health Benefits of Strawberry

Nutrient-rich and packed with antioxidants, strawberry benefits are endless. 

Keeps the Heart Healthy

Strawberries have possibly highest levels of antioxidants that are healthy for the heart e.g. ellagic acid and flavonoids. These phenolic compounds help your heart in staying healthy and active by preventing the accumulation of bad cholesterol in the arteries and veins. They relax the blood vessels, helping lower blood pressure, and preventing cardiovascular problems. 

The high fiber content, vitamin C, and folate in strawberries form an ideal cardiac health trio. 

Regulates Blood Sugar

If you are a daibetic, you must eat strawberries on a regular basis. It will help stabilize your blood sugar and insulin levels. 

Consume 10-12 strawberries and some walnuts in the afternoon to keep your blood sugar balanced. 

Boosts Immunity

The rich antioxidant content of any fruit or vegetable works for boosting your immunity. Strawberries are full of these antioxidants. 

If you want to have a healthy immune system, eat more strawberries. 

Fights Cancer

Ellagic acid is known to control the growth of cancer cells. The good news is, strawberries have plenty of this compound. They help prevent the damages to the cells by free radicals, and reduce their ill effect on our cell’s health and functioning.

Keeps the High BP in Control

The potassium in strawberries is high. It can prove very beneficial for you, if you have hypertension. The potassium content helps to offset the negative effects of sodium in your body. If you increase the intake of potassium-rich foods, it can relax your blood pressure and keep it normal. 

Strawberry is one of potassium-rich fruits. 

Aids Weight Loss

If you want to shed some extra pounds, strawberries for weight loss are recommended, because they have a high portion of fiber. 

Eating high fiber foods helps you in maintaining healthy bowel movements, which promotes a healthy digestion and clean gut. 

1 cup of sliced strawberries contain almost 90% water. Eating your water through your fruits is also a healthy way to maintain a healthy weight. That’s how the strawberry benefits you in weight loss. 

A Great Fruit in Pregnancy

Strawberry benefits in pregnancy are many. Folate is a kind of vitamin B, which is recommended for pregnant women. It is necessary in the early stages of pregnancy because it helps in the development of the baby’s brain and spinal cord. 

If you’re expecting, add strawberries in your diet along with other healthy foods. 

Strawberry Benefits for Men

The antioxidants in strawberries benefit the and improve the function of arteries and veins, which promotes a healthy blood circulation, which is crucial for healthy sex life. 

The vitamin C in the berries also results in higher sperm count in men.

Strawberry Benefits for Skin

If you wish to have beautiful skin through natural ways, strawberry is your beauty fruit.  

This super fruit treats your skin conditions, and rejuvenates it. It has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which protect your skin from UV rays, and prevents burns. It also delays early signs of aging. 

Strawberries are packed with alpha-hydroxy acid that can help you get rid of dead skin cells. If you have acne on your face, just rub a sliced strawberry on your face. It will soothe the itching. Strawberry has a lot of salicylic acid in its juice that helps with the acne scars

Strawberry and Cream Mask for Acne

Take a bowl, and add strawberry puree and fresh cream or yogurt. Add a tablespoon of honey and mix well. Apply on your face and wait for 10 minutes. This mask can be effective in treating acne.

Strawberry and Lime Face Pack

Use this mask if you have tanning and pigmentation marks on your skin. Take a bowl and mix strawberry puree and a tablespoon of lime juice in it. Apply all over your face and wait for 15 minutes. Rinse off using warm water. This mask will tone your uneven skin. 

Strawberry Benefits for Hair

Packed with Vitamin C, strawberries are extremely beneficial for your hair. They help nourish your locks, and get rid of excess oil build-up on your scalp. Magnesium, omega-3 fatty acids and copper in strawberries are beneficial for your healthy hair. 

Get Rid of Dandruff

Is dandruff bringing your hair game down? Try strawberries for your hair. 

Take some strawberries. Make a puree, and add it with 2 eggs, 1-2 tbsp olive oil and 1 tbsp of aloe vera. Apply it on your scalp and leave for 30 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water. This hair mask will give your hair and scalp maximum strawberry benefits.

Have Shiny Silky Hair

Mix strawberries with mayonnaise and let this mask on your hair sit for about 20 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water. You will see instant shine in your hair. 

Prevent Hair Loss

Mix strawberry powder with coconut or almond oil and apply the mixture on your hair before washing. This mask will reduce hair fall. It will give your locks a healthy and glossy look. 

How Can You Use Strawberries in Your Daily Diet? 

You can eat strawberries as raw fruit, or you can make a strawberry shake. There are many other ways you can use this fruit to have amazing strawberry benefits. 

You can dice strawberries and add them to chicken salad. You may slice strawberries and sprinkle over plain yogurt. You can add them to a fruit salad. The best way to use strawberries during summers is to blend strawberries with yogurt and banana to make a smoothie. Strawberry shake benefits you immensely. 

A Last Word!

If you are looking for something sweet, yet natural, eat some strawberries. They will provide you with a richness of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, as well as boost your immune system and give a healthy well-being. 
You may consult a well-known nutritionist in Lahore to give you some more advice on different fruits. You can book an appointment via or you can call at (042) 32500989.

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