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Uneven Skin Tone – Stunning Home Remedies To Save the Day

Uneven Skin Tone
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Who doesn’t dream of a clear, even, and glowing skin? In fact, people are willing to do whatever they can so that their skin is as perfect as it can get. Certain issues such as hard weather and skin disorders can make you have an uneven skin tone. But do not worry as it is a treatable thing. 

There are certain uneven skin tone home remedies that might seal the deal for you. Sit back and gear up as things are about to become luminous and clear for your skin. 

What is Uneven Skin Tone?

Uneven skin tone is a condition that is rather harmless. A person experiences dark skin on different areas of the skin. This is often because of the accumulation of melanin in the different areas of the skin. This accumulated melanin then gives the skin an inconsistent color and this is what we call uneven skin tone. 

A Brief Look at the Causes of Uneven Skin Tone

Uneven skin tone can be because of the following causes:

Too Much Sun Exposure

Yes, a bit of tan is wonderful for the skin and it does look lovely. But too much sun on your skin leads to an overproduction of melanin. This melanin then absorbs the sunrays, causing you to have an inconsistent skin color on the areas that are too exposed. 

Hormonal Imbalances

Women tend to undergo hormonal changes which can then lead to uneven skin tone. Several conditions such as pregnancy and the misuse of contraceptives also cause double tone skin. Your skin might also get dark if certain makeup products do not agree with you. 

Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation

Scarring is a common condition in which the wounded area becomes darker as they heal over time. In addition to all this, acne and pimples when left untreated can also lead to double skin tone. 

Uneven Skin Tone – Home Remedies

Well, do not lose hope as there is a right answer to how to get even skin tone. The solution is simple yet demands dedication and if you are willing to commit, we have compiled some of the best home remedies for you down below. 

Yogurt, Lemon and Turmeric Mask 

It is not a hidden fact that there are numerous benefits of yogurt and lemon not only for your health but also for your skin. Add a dash of turmeric in it and you are golden!

The exfoliating properties of the lactic acid in milk and the therapeutic properties of turmeric is your road to a clear and even skin. 

How to Use it?

Mix these ingredients in a bowl and apply them on your face. Leave it for two minutes

Rinse with water.

Baking Soda, Gram Flour and Goat Milk

Do we even have to sell you on the many benefits of goat milk? It is the most important ingredient that is used in skincare products for a long time. Goat milk is gentle to the skin and its pH agrees with the skin’s ecosystem. 

Furthermore, the gram flour is an exceptional exfoliator. Why it is a good uneven skin home remedy because it reduces the tan and evens the color of the skin. 

How to Use it?

Mix all the above-mentioned ingredients in a bowl. Then you can apply it to your face. Give it time and then wash your face with cold water. 

Multani Mitti and Rose Water

Are you even a brown child, if your mother has not encouraged you to apply multani mitti on your face for uneven skin tone. It is an excellent skincare product which removes all the excessive oil from the skin and makes it gentle. 

The rose water skin benefits also require no fame. The use of rose water for a clear and gentle skin by women is as old as time. 

How to Use it?

Take these compounds in a bowl. Try to avoid the lumps. Follow the recipe but you can adjust it accordingly as well. Allow your face to get dry. Then rinse it with water. 

Honey, Tomato and Lemon Juice

Tomato is not just a good salad essential, it is also helpful for your skin. It is rich in lycopene and thus is a great component to get rid of all the pollutants from your skin. Top it off with some honey and lemon and the road to a clear skin is near. 

How to Use it?

Cut tomato in slices. Add honey and lemon juice on it. Then rub them over on your face in an anticlockwise manner. Let this mixture stay on your face for at least 15 minutes. Wash it off with water. 

Coconut,  Lemon and Sugar Scrub

Lemon juice is quite a fan-favorite one in the departments of skincare. Its citric acid content evens the darker skin tone. Lemon juice benefits skin because it helps to get rid of spots and gives you an even skin at the end of the day!

Then you also have the likes of sugar and coconut. Coconut benefits for skin is that it keeps the skin moisturized. While the sugar is an excellent scrubber which keeps the dead cells at bay. Talk about a win-win situation.

How to Use it?

Take all the ingredients in a bowl. Apply the mask on your face and scrub it gently. Rinse it off. 

Uneven Skin Tone – Not the End of the World!

It is common for women and men alike to suffer from inconsistent skin color in different body parts because of sun exposure or any medical condition. But it is as much preventable as it is treatable. You can make the best out of the above-mentioned uneven skin tone home remedies to ensure that the skin tone is consistent. Moreover, you can also consults the best dermatologist via


How do you fix uneven skin tone?

Well, for starters you need to have a skincare routine. And in addition to this also make sure to eat a balanced diet. 

Can uneven skin tone be permanent?

Uneven skin tone can be both temporary and permanent. It varies depending upon the cause. But there are some advanced treatments available that can cure permanent cases of uneven skin tone. 

How long does it take to even skin tone?

In order to fix an uneven skin tone, you have to be very patient. It demands both dedication and patience.

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