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How to Remove Unwanted Hair Permanently at Home Naturally – Best Hair Removing Tips

How to Remove Unwanted Hair Permanently
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Dear body hair!

If I have been plucking, waxing, and shaving you for years every time you show up. Why don’t you just get the hint? I AM SERIOUSLY FRUSTRATED!!!

As women, we all have a love-hate relationship with our body hair. Since our late teens, it is said that a hairless and clean body is the only way to go. 

Now, all of us carry this advice into adulthood and start to use all the means that can remove the unwanted hair from the body. From waxing to shaving and to laser hair removal, we do it all. 

But do you know all of these methods can cost you a whole lot of money and yeah it hurts a lot! Well, for a person like me I no longer want to be a part of the ritual where a lady comes to my home and starts using hot wax to remove my body hair.

I know I know! you feel the same and are looking for answers to ‘how to remove unwanted hair permanently at home naturally.’ The good news is that I’ve got you covered. 

Hair Removing Tips – ‘that barely hurt’

Everybody likes to feel their skin be as smooth as a dolphin. But not everyone is a fan of spending hundreds of rupees on painful procedures. I am a super lazy person and don’t like the hassle of going to the salon every time I need to remove my unwanted hair. 

Well, let me take you with me on the journey of hair removing tips using natural and safe ways. 

Sugar Wax

Using sugar to remove unwanted hair from the body is a very old tradition from the past. Waxing the hair with sugar is a great remedy to remove unwanted hair permanently at home, as it costs a lot less than the waxing done at the salon. 

Also, the main reason I would suggest you go for sugar waxing is that the wax in the salons adheres directly to the skin. Whereas, the sugar wax adheres directly to the hair which causes less pain, less irritation, and lesser hair growth. 

It is important to know that you should have at least your hair grown to ¼ in order for the wax to stick to it. 

Sugar Wax Method – A Hidden Hair Removing Tip

To make sugar wax, you need to:

Cornflour and Egg

In order to get the answer to how to remove unwanted hair permanently at home from the face there are several ways that can be used. But, the best natural way to do so is by using cornflour and eggs.

Unwanted facial hair can be a nightmare for girls especially. Before I tell you the exact hair removing tip, it is important to note that this cannot be used on eyelashes and eyebrows. 

Cornflour and Egg Hair Removal Mixture

To use cornflour and egg for facial hair removal, you need to:

Turmeric Paste

Turmeric is one of the best ingredients in the kitchen and is also used to remove unwanted hair permanently from the body. It is not just a spice to add to your foods, but it is best to use for great hair, skin, and other beauty DIYs. 

Turmeric when applied to the skin sticks to the hair and forms a glue-like look. This when scrubbed off removes the hair from the skin and usually removes it from the root. This process when repeatedly done once a week can make a huge difference and lessen hair growth. 

Turmeric Paste Mix

There are a number of turmeric pastes that can help in hair removal, but the easiest one can be made by:

Potato and Lentils 

It is known to everyone that potatoes are rich in acidic properties that can help a lot in lighting the color and texture of the hair. 

Potatoes help a lot to remove unwanted hair permanently at home from the body by reducing its growth. It is when mixed with lentils can show magical results by removing the unwanted hair. 

Potato and Lentils Paste for Quick Removal

For making potato and lentil paste, 

Wrapping it Up!

How to remove unwanted hair permanently at home? 

Well, I hope this blog has helped you figure out all the ways that can help you in hair removal. It is a very good practice to avoid the use of chemicals and painful wax and use easy hair removing tips to get rid of the unwanted hair on the body. 

It is however impossible to get clean and smooth skin that is hundred percent perfect. But I can guarantee if you use these home remedies and DIYs to remove unwanted hair, you are good to go. 
In case of any emergency or if these remedies don’t work on your skin, then visit a dermatologist through or dial 04232500989.

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