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No More Miserable Mornings: How to Fight Morning Sickness In Pregnancy?

No More Miserable Mornings
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If you are experiencing morning sickness throughout the day, you must be pregnant with a baby girl! 

This is one way people misunderstand morning sickness, alongside many others. Morning sickness is a part of one’s pregnancy journey that can definitely be hard to deal with. Morning sickness is one of the earliest signs of pregnancy. Morning sickness is simply nausea and vomiting that strikes pregnant women. 

Morning Sickness – Making Your Mornings Miserable

Most women experience this. The condition is often referred to as a sign of a healthy pregnancy and is generally harmless. Despite the fact that it brings no potential side effects to both mother and child, having morning sickness can be concerning. 

What Causes Morning Sickness? 

Well, the answer is pretty clear. For morning sickness, you can blame your hormones. Hormonal changes are huge during pregnancy and this is one big reason behind the early morning nausea and vomiting. Morning sickness is usually common during the first trimester but for some women, it can also occur during the second trimester. 

Despite its popular name, only 2% experience morning sickness actually during the morning!

How to Deal with Morning Sickness? 

No matter what you hear about morning sickness, there is a lot you still don’t understand about it. If you are just beginning your mommy battle, then here are some of the effective remedies that can help you to get through these episodes of nausea and vomiting. These include:

1- Ginger Powder Or Water

Ginger is one powerful herbal remedy that is quite helpful in the treatment of morning sickness. Ginger soothes your digestive system thus helping to counter nausea and vomiting. You can take it in many ways. From ginger water to capsules, this powerful plant-based remedy can do wonders. One inch piece of ginger is enough 

2- Pop a Pill

Here pill refers to the prenatal vitamin. When it comes to early morning sickness, prenatal vitamins such as vitamin B6 and doxylamine are known to be a great help. The use of vitamin B6 is quite helpful when it comes to the prevention of nausea and vomiting. Regular intake of this vitamin is pretty helpful in reducing the severity of morning sickness you experience every single day. 

Other than this, doxylamine is an over-the-counter sleep aid that is readily available to be used either separately or along with vitamin B6. However, it is always recommended to consult your physician if you want to get rid of severe morning sickness.

3- Keep an Eye on What You Eat

You are experiencing nausea and you are unable to keep up with normal food intake. It’s pretty normal. Morning sickness tends to change your eating patterns. But not eating right during pregnancy can be even harmful to you and your little one. 

Unintended weight loss, poor nutrition and many other problems bring along. So, even if you are not feeling like having anything, make sure that you are taking smaller yet frequent meals.

By increasing the meal frequency you will be able to incorporate more healthy nutrients into your diet and fulfill your pregnancy nutritional requirement.

4- Limit Your Triggers

Strong smells can be a good stimulant when it comes to morning sickness. 

This is an important environmental trigger that might be responsible for the severe morning sickness you are experiencing. You can avoid stronger smells to control your nausea. Stay away from stronger odors whether it comes from perfumes, cooking or any other source. Simply observe what causes you nausea and even what makes it severe. 

5- Get Yourself A Sea-Band

Do you remember the wristbands that people wear before they are all set to sail the boats?

Yes, I’m actually talking about the sea bands that are used to treat motion sickness. Morning sickness is unavoidable in most women. Here comes one of the most economical options when it comes to treating morning sickness. These sea-bands are relatively available and can be fairly helpful in this regard.

Sea bands work by exerting pressure on an acupressure point that helps to relieve the symptoms of morning sickness. You can easily get one from the nearby drugstore and get rid of the morning sickness that you are experiencing every single day. 

6- Acupuncture 

Acupuncture is nothing but inserting smaller needs in your skin to target specific points. This is a years-old treatment method where needle insertion was thought to be quite helpful in treating several medical conditions.

When it comes to morning sickness, there is enough research evidence that says that women who get acupuncture therapy are less likely to experience morning sickness. Further, getting acupuncture therapy for several weeks can help to reduce the severity of symptoms

7- Aromatherapy

Essential oils are amazing and currently ruling our lives!

From treating skin health troubles to improving sleep quality, there are several benefits of essential oils. Aromatherapy is one popular application of these essential oils where adding a few drops of these oils can have a positive impact on your overall health.

One proposed solution to morning sickness is the use of aromatherapy. However, there is more research required to reveal the mechanism behind it, but this can help to make your miserable mornings a little more tolerable. 

Let’s Wrap Up!

Miserable mornings are one of the most commonly faced pregnancy challenges. Morning sickness is the reason behind this. This is considered an essential part of one’s motherhood journey. Characterized by nausea and vomiting, morning sickness is not harmful in itself. However, you might find yourself struggling with lower energy levels and it may hinder your nutritional intake. 

Morning sickness can occur anytime during the day and affects most women. However, you are your biggest help here. From knowing about your triggers to changing your meal frequency, these little things can do a big job.

However, if your nausea isn’t cured over time and your symptoms become severe, it is recommended to see your gynecologist for the right medical advice.

You can consult the best gynecologists in Lahore via and make wise decisions regarding your pregnancy planning.

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