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How to Lose Face Fat by Dermatologists’ Proven Tips

How to Lose Face Fat by Dermatologists
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Weight gain is one of the common problems these days. One of your friends or family members may be suffering from obesity issues. But some people are very concerned about the look, especially facial appearance. If you have face fat, you can take different slimming steps to lose it and change the appearance.

Some devices are also available to reduce facial fat. Healthy lifestyle changes and diet can also help to keep your face slim.

Targeting one specific area of your body to lose fat is a spot reduction, which is a myth. You need to work for your overall body weight to lose fat.

If you have facial fat, you can follow some strategies. 

How to Reduce Face Fat 

Here are some dermatologists’ proven ways to reduce face fat.

Drink Water

Keeping yourself hydrated is important for your overall body functions and also for your skin health. If you want to lose face fat, make sure that you drink an 8-ounce glass of water every day. When you drink water, it makes you feel full for a long time. It will not let you eat more food.

As a result, you will consume fewer calories a day and will increase your metabolism with more water intake.

Try Slim Face Exercises

You can consider some slim face exercises that help to give your face a new structure and enhance your features. Some exercises combat the facial aging process and boost muscle strength.

To make your face look slimmer, you need to add facial exercises into your daily routine.

Puffing out your cheeks, pushing air from side to side and holding a smile while clenching your teeth can help to make your face slim and fat-free.

A report reveals that slim face exercises lead to building muscle tone in your face. There is more research required to confirm the effective results of face exercises.

Do Not Eat Refined Carbs

You may love the foods that contain refined carbs, but it boosts weight gain. Cookies, pasta, and crackers intake lead to more fat storage in your body and face.

The reason behind the weight gain due to refined carbs is that they are highly processed foods that do not consist of beneficial nutrients and fiber. 

There is only sugar and calories left in these foods.

When you eat refined carbs, your body digests rapidly, which spikes into blood sugar levels. It does not make you feel full.

If you replace such processed foods with whole grains, it will help to lose weight.

Manage Stress Level 

Some people experience increased appetite due to stress. You may find it difficult to deal with physical activities due to excess food intake. You should discuss with your doctor how you can deal with stress levels. 

Managing your stress level can help you to reduce the risk of face fat. Yoga and meditation are beneficial practices to manage your stress and control your cravings.

Limit Alcohol Intake 

People who go for excessive alcohol intake should quit this habit as it can affect facial fat. Studies reveal that alcohol contributes to fat accumulation. It does not provide important nutrients to your body but only calories.

It affects the hormones that control and manage hunger. It makes you feel hungry all the time. Such a condition leads to more fat in your overall body, especially your face.

Get Quality Sleep 

Dermatologists suggest getting quality sleep if you want to lose facial fat. Increased levels of stress hormone cortisol may result in weight gain and also affect your overall body functions.

A study supports the evidence of quality sleep effects on weight loss. People with poor sleep patterns lead to increased food intake and decreased metabolism rate.

Make sure that you get enough sleep to get rid of facial fat.

Eat Fiber

For slimming your face, you need to add more fiber to your meal. Your body does not consume fiber that you consume by plant foods.

It goes slowly through your digestive tract and makes you feel full for a long time. When you do not eat extra food, you will be at low risk of weight gain.

A large study claims that people with obesity issues experienced promising results of facial fat loss after intake of fiber.

Beta-glucan is a common type of soluble fiber that you mix with water. You can consume it in barley, oatmeal, and cereals. You can also consume ispaghol to lose weight. 

Veggies and fruits also contain beneficial nutrients and low calories that make you feel full for a long time.

Cut Off Excess Sodium Intake 

Table salt is the source of sodium that you can add to your food. Processed foods also contain sodium that can develop bloating. Its intake leads to facial puffiness and swelling.

It causes fluid retention that leads to extra weight gain, specifically in those who are sensitive.

Medical Procedures for Facial Fat Loss


Aging changes the appearance of your face as you may experience a double chin. Well, face fat is also common in young people. The aging process can also result in saggy skin. Dermatologists perform this treatment in-office or clinic. It is a non-surgical technique that you can consider.

Kybella Treatment 

Double chin and extra fat gain can affect your overall personality. It is an injection-based solution that helps to reduce face fat. These injections help to destroy the fat cells in the treatment area. The noticeable effects can come after twelve weeks. You can see more effective results after at least 6 months.

This treatment does not tighten the skin but restores the youthful look of the jawline and melts the face fat. It is a mild burning sensation that you may experience.

Takeaway Note!

Many strategies on how to lose face fat can help to make your face slim, but you should follow only reliable tips. 
According to dermatologists in Lahore, if you want to target only facial fat, it is not possible, but you can practice some facial exercises associated with some other strategies. You should also focus on your diet and regular activities. It does affect your overall body fat.

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