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Lactic Acid for Skin Care – A Complete Guide for You

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Cleopatra, the lovely Egyptian queen, is reported to have bathed exclusively in milk. She probably did it to keep her beauty, as it turns out. 

She could have figured out the power of lactic acid before the rest of us!

What is this lactic acid? Keep on reading to explore everything about lactic acid for skin.

What is Lactic Acid?

Lactic acid, a type of alpha-hydroxy acid or AHA, is known to work like magic on your skin by removing dead skin cells, reducing fine lines, and preventing acne.

You may come across lactic acid as a significant ingredient in a variety of products and wonder how it can help you with your skin problems. 

It turns out it’s an AHA that can solve all of your aging problems.

What Exactly are AHAs?

AHAs, or alpha-hydroxy acids, are a group of plant or animal-based acids. There’s a lot of studies on how AHAs can help prevent wrinkles, lighten the appearance of fine lines, and keep your skin acne-free.

AHAs come in a variety of forms, but only two prove to be useful in treating skin issues without being too harsh. 

Glycolic acid and lactic acid are the two acids in question. You’re undoubtedly already aware of glycolic acid’s ability to give your skin a smooth, even texture

Lactic acid, on the other hand, is a lesser-known cousin that is only now receiving the attention it deserves.

Lactic acid is the mildest of the AHAs and is quite gentle on the skin. It is also incredibly effective at the same time. 

Lactic Acid for Skin: How to Use it for Your Skincare Regimen?

Here’s how lactic acid works on your skin to help you achieve even skin tone and radiance:


Lactic acid, like other AHAs, is known for its exfoliating properties. 

It removes dead skin cells from your skin’s top layer, allowing new cells to grow.

Exfoliation is one of the most important aspects of skincare because allowing dead skin cells to accumulate can result in skin issues such as a dull complexion, acne, and the appearance of fine lines. 

Lactic acid will eliminate dead cells, ensuring that your skin is bright and healthy from the inside out.


Lactic acid is distinct from the other members of the AHA family in that it moisturizes the skin

Lactic acid can really replicate the skin’s inherent moisturisation system and improve its ability to keep itself hydrated, preventing dry skin.

Maintaining a healthy level of moisture in the skin reduces the incidence of fine wrinkles.

3-Collagen Stimulation

Collagen is necessary since it is a skin building block that keeps your skin looking young. Its output begins to drop beyond the age of 25. 

It turns out that you can use lactic acid to increase collagen formation on your skin! 

This will prevent you from showing signs of aging.

4-Hyperpigmentation Reduction

If you’ve noticed hyperpigmentation on your skin, you should consider lactic acid. 

Lactic acid, due to its exfoliating qualities, is beneficial in eliminating hyperpigmentation and helping you even out your skin tone.

There’s no denying that lactic acid is beneficial to your dermatological health, but bear in mind that it can also induce sun sensitivity.

As a result, use it only at night and don’t leave the house without sunscreen the next morning. 

Lactic acid can help you improve your skin’s health with just a little care!

5-Strengthens Lipid Layer

Lactic acid exfoliation increases skin cell regeneration, and the lipids between your skin cells also regenerate throughout this process. 

Because lipids are the healthy, fatty ceramides that make up the skin’s barrier function, this is significant. 

Consider the barrier function of your skin as a physical, bouncy barrier that separates you and your skin from the outside world: it keeps good stuff in (moisture) and bad stuff out. 

Lactic acid is popular because it increases ceramide formation, which results in a thicker lipid layer. 

This thick layer improves your skin’s natural capacity to retain moisture which is a crucial part of preventing fine lines and wrinkles. 

6-Acne Prevention 

Lactic acid works to clear acne by exfoliating dead skin cells that block pores and cause breakouts. 

Lactic acid is a keratolytic, which means it can break down dead skin cells on the surface of the skin and open any clogged pores. 

Lactic acid reduces the appearance of acne while also providing anti-aging benefits. 

In conclusion, lactic acid will calm your acne today while also ensuring that acne does not appear tomorrow. 

Glycolic acid, by the way, treats acne in the same way.

If acne is your main issue, benzoyl peroxide (excellent for mild to severe acne) and azelaic acid (good for cystic acne) are two alternative keratolytics to consider. 

For oil control or sensitive skin, see salicylic acid.

7-More Penetration of Ingredients 

Lactic acid exfoliation eliminates dead skin cells from the skin’s surface, which not only speeds up cell renewal but also allows other skin care products to penetrate deeper. 

After all of the dead skin gets removed, various skin care products will be able to better enter the skin’s surface, do their job, and give you greater results faster. 

Lactic acid, in a nutshell, boosts the efficacy of your other skin care products.

When to Use Lactic Acid?

Buy an exfoliant with lactic acid for skin. There are some things you should look for in the product:

  • Make sure the lactic acid concentration is below 10%.
  • Look for products with a pH of over 3.5.
  • Look for products that warn about the potential effects of sun exposure after lactic acid use. 

Use it in the evening as depicts in the picture below:

How to Apply Lactic Acid for Skin?

So, the big question arises; how to apply lactic acid for skin?

No worries, I have got you covered. Here are a few steps to help you use lactic acid for your skin:

1-Nighttime Only

You should only use lactic acid products at night. 

Because lactic acid (and all other AHAs) makes your skin more vulnerable to UV radiation, this is crucial.

To protect your newly exfoliated infant skin, apply throughout your evening ritual and wear sunscreen in the morning.

2-Gradually Work Up to It

When using lactic acid for the first time, e[pect some stinging and redness. 

Don’t worry, your skin will become accustomed to it in time. 

Before applying to your entire face, always do a patch test! A patch test will determine whether or not lactic acid is suitable for your skin. 

In the evening, apply a small amount of the lactic acid product to a small region on your forehead, where your facial skin is thickest. 

Apply a thin layer of the lactic acid product to your entire face (avoid your eyes!) in the evening once or twice a week if there is minor discomfort or no irritation within 24 hours.

3-Apply to Entire Face

Lactic acid is most effective when used all over the face (avoid eyes, lips, and mouth). 

Because lactic acid destroys dead skin cells, it’s best to use it all over your face to get an even exfoliation. 

We’d like to see even skin cell renewal across your lovely face.

4-Less is More

For your entire face, use a pea-sized amount or less.

Excessive skin irritation can occur by using too much lactic acid product.

5-Don’t Over-exfoliate


Exfoliating too much can cause significant irritation, redness, breakouts, and dryness, which can speed up the aging process. 

Excite yourself, but don’t go overboard.

6-Don’t Scrub Face

A chemical exfoliator, lactic acid is used to remove dead skin cells.

 It has the capacity to loosen dead skin cells on the surface of your skin without requiring you to scrub it (vs. a physical exfoliant that requires a little scrub-a-dub-dub). 

As a result, don’t scrub! Allow the product to absorb and work its magic.

What to Follow Up with Lactic Acid for Skin?

Don’t forget to:

1-Layer Up the Moisturizer

After using your lactic acid product, apply a moisturizer. 

To protect and moisturize your newly exfoliated skin, apply moisturizer twice a day (morning and evening). 

Keeping your skin moisturized will also aid in the prevention and relief of any potential redness or irritation caused by your lactic acid product. 

Again, little redness and irritation are to be expected and should subside with continued application.

2-Say Yes to SPF

This is quite important. To protect lactic acid-treated skin from UV damage, the FDA recommends wearing sunscreen.

Lactic acid, like all alpha hydroxy acids, exfoliates dead skin and reveals new skin, however this young newborn skin is especially vulnerable to UV radiation and solar damage. 

As a result, use sunscreen every day. ALWAYS. Period.

Putting it all Together!

Lactic acid is an alpha hydroxy acid that is used on the skin to help reduce dark spots and soften fine wrinkles by removing dead skin cells.

It can be found as cleansers, lotions, and at-home masks in various strengths. Professional lactic acid peels are also available in a spa or a dermatologist’s office. 
You can contact a well-known dermatologist to get yourself a lactic acid peel for your skin. Book an appointment via or call at (0420 32500989.

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