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Likoria (لیکوریا) – What You Need to Know

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Likoria in English is known as Leukorrhea or leucorrhoea, a common condition in women. Well, it is not easy for females to experience different kinds of discharge from the vagina. 

Some discharge from a woman’s vagina indicates a healthy body function, and some are signs of infections. You may need likoria treatment in some cases. 

Let’s learn more about it.

What is Likoria?

Likoria meaning in Urdu is لیکوریا, is a transparent, odorless, and milky discharge. It indicates a normal and healthy body function. Your vagina releases cells and fluids and helps to get rid of germs and bacteria, which is a normal process. In this way, your vagina stays clean and healthy. Such discharge reduces the risk of infections.

When Likoria (Vaginal Discharge) Is Not A Healthy Sign?

Vaginal discharge like Likoria may change its consistency and color with time. You should not ignore such changes in the discharge as they may be the sign of an infection or an abnormal body function.

Make sure that you visit the best gynecologist when you see different discharge colors and consistency.

What Are Likoria Causes In Unmarried Girls?

Likoria causes in an unmarried girl are different. At age of 10 or 11, a girl experiences whitish discharge from the vagina which is a natural process. But too much itching, changes in color, and odor of such discharge indicate an infection.

How to Learn If You Have Likoria?

The following changes in vagina discharge can help to learn:

Likoria may be of different types, and every type has a different meaning. 

It’s time to learn what every color indicates.

What is The Meaning of Different Vaginal Discharges?

There are different types of leucorrhoea. Every color indicates different meanings and health conditions. The following section will help to learn about what discharge means.

1. Milky White

Females with discharge ranging from creamy white to milky white indicate that everything is normal. Your body functions properly. But if you ever experience any white shade discharge along with a foul smell with unusual consistency, it may be a sign of an infection. In such a condition, you should seek medical help.

2. Clear

Your vagina expels the dead cells and bacteria, which is a normal body function and prevents infections. 

Clear discharge indicates a healthy vagina as it has an egg-light consistency. Females experience while ovulating. Some hormonal changes can lead to a clear Leukorrhea discharge. 

There are two reasons why such hormonal changes occur.

3. Pink Discharge

You may have pink discharge due to different reasons. The first reason includes the early signs of the menstrual cycle when it is about to begin. 

The other reasons include:

4. Red to Brown

Having discharge of red or brown color indicates a normal condition that you may experience after or during periods. But in some cases, females may experience irregular discharge of red or brown color. It may indicate some kind of an underlying health issue.

5. Grey

Have grey discharge? Well, you should not avoid it at all. It is a sign of the bacteria vaginosis, which may require oral antibiotics or other medicines.

6. Yellow to Green

If the discharge is milky white to light yellow, it indicates a healthy vagina. 

But the dark yellow or green shade is not okay!

It is a symptom of infections. You should visit the specialist as soon as possible.

Note: Do not wait to get the infection worse but visit a gynecologist for Likoria treatment!

What is The Likoria Treatment or Likoria ka Ilaaj?

You should not avoid the changes in discharge color or odor. Seek medical help for the treatment of Likoria. 

The treatment depends on the type of vaginal discharge and the underlying infection. Your doctor may prescribe you some antibiotics or antifungal creams.

You can also make the Likoria treatment effective with some natural tips.

Home Remedies to Treat Likoria

You can treat leucorrhea with the following tips:

How to Prevent Likoria Naturally?

You can also prevent the risk with the following tips:

It’s Time to Keep Check!

Changes in color or odor in vaginal discharge are alarming conditions but not life-threatening. You should not avoid such symptoms that indicate infections.

If you have a clean or white vaginal discharge or Likoria (لیکوریا), there is nothing to worry about as it is a natural process of your vagina to keep itself clean and lubricated.

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