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Natural Ways for Treating Asthma

Natural Ways for Treating Asthma
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Asthma attacks can be life threatening if no immediate medical attention is provided. Asthma is also one of the most expensive diseases, as the preventions required over the counter asthma treatment medicines and lifelong regular checkups. If you are someone suffering through asthma, you would probably know the medication list and types of inhalers it comes with. According to the American lung association, an approximate of $6 billion worth drugs are sold to asthma patients annually. Therefore there are solid chances for asthma treatment to not come off as easy on your pocket.

Asthma is not completely curable by natural remedies, however there are few ways through which you can have an asthma treatment at home. Natural remedies are also mild forms of immediate emergency treatment of asthma if an unexpected asthma attack happens.

Please Know, you should be well-aware of what foods will work for you, if you have asthma.

An asthma attack can be anywhere from minor to seriously life threatening. The main reason for asthma is when lung airways inflame and swelling causes the muscle around the bronchitis to tighten. This results in shallow breathing pattern, blockage of airway, severe coughing and mucus stimulation.

Asthma Symptoms

Constant wheezing when trying to take deep breaths

Even though there is significant lack of evidence which backs up the natural remedies as asthma treatments, many asthma patients have found them working better than their lifelong medications.

Foods as Asthma Treatment

1. Apple

Apple is a miracle fruit, especially for people suffering from acute asthma. According to Nutrition Journal, apples significantly help in lowering the risk of sudden asthma attacks while boosting lung functioning. The oxidative stress is released as many fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants. If you have been lazing around about your diet, it’s time you start with apples. As the saying goes by ‘An Apple a day keeps the Doctor away’.

2. Bananas

A survey on children in European Respiratory Journal found out that children suffering from asthma attacks tend to experience less wheezing when bananas are increased in their diet. This is mainly because bananas are full of potassium which is a vital component of healthy lung activity.

3. Garlic

Garlic may not hush away the vampires, but it can certainly help with shallow breathing. Garlic is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and helps relieve asthma symptoms. Apart from its functions helping relieve lung inflammation it also benefits in cardiovascular diseases.

Home Remedies as Asthma Treatment

1. Eucalyptus Oil

Essential oils are known to have anti-inflammatory properties. Since one of the main causes of asthma attack is inflammation, eucalyptus can be a tension reliever for the air passage. Inhaling eucalyptus oil infuse vapors may help people with asthma. Before purchasing the essential oil make sure to check the brand for its purity, safety and quality.

2. Herbal Tea

Herbal Tea is another anti-inflammatory recipe which helps in soothing the lung air passage. Taking small regular portions of herbal tea can boost the immune system and help in clear mucus stimulation of the trachea.

3. Lavender Essential Oil

Who does not love the soothing lavender? However this essential oil is more than just a therapeutic oil. Inhaling lavender oil infused vapors can help with the anti-inflammation of the lung airways.

Note: Lavender Oil should not be taken if one is faced with an acute asthma attack.

4. Caffeine

Asthma can be your excuse for sipping an extra cup of your favorite coffee. Black coffee is known to work in a similar way as the medication theophylline which helps in smoothing the lung airways. In a 2010 research study, significant evidence suggested how caffeine may help in improved breathing of asthma patients for up to 4 hours.

Alternate Treatment for Asthma

Breathing Exercise

Breathing exercise can help relieve asthma symptoms and help relieve tension that arises from the panic of asthma attack. Regular breathing exercise can also lower the need to rely on heavy medications.

Here are simple exercises you can do;

Other Precautionary Measures

Note: Take extra care of your child with asthma during the season of spring.

Asthma symptoms can flare due to some external factors such as;

Reach Out to Healthwire

Since Asthma Attacks are spontaneous, it’s best to have a specialist’s availability at all times, therefore you can book an appointment online through completely for free. We host some of the best specialists of Pakistan. You can also opt for video consultation through Healthwire’s portal.

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