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New Year, New Me and New Skin – 6 Skin Care Resolutions for 2022

New Year, New Me and New Skin
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Beginnings are always special and the new year is not an exception to this. As soon as the new year approaches, new year resolutions become word of mouth. I’ll lose weight, I’ll learn a new skill, I’ll improve my physical strength, I’ll achieve a career milestone, I’ll quit bad habits and the list of our new year resolutions go on.

Our social media feeds are flooding with posts under hashtags saying new year, new me. No matter what you start your new year with, a part of these new year resolutions always covers skincare. New year, new me and new skin, of course! 

Skin Care Resolutions for 2020

If you haven’t decided yet what your beauty resolutions include, I’m here to help you with your beauty resolutions for the year 2022. Let’s hit your skincare goals with these skincare resolutions. 

1- Daily Cleansing

Facial cleansing is important for all reasons. Skin cleansing is the right foot to begin your day with. Not only in the morning but before you head to your bed in the evening, it’s important to cleanse your face. 

Cleansing is pretty easy, all you need is a little amount of a facial cleanser, a few drops of drops followed by gently massaging it onto your face in circular motions. Cleansing is good for skin health in many ways. From removing dirt particles and debris from your skin to ensuring good hydration levels, cleansing does the job right. 

2- Choosing Foods Wisely 

If you have already planned to include more and more healthy foods in your diet, then this covers your skin health resolution as well. 

Food choices are important and can create a whole difference when it comes to your overall health and of course, skin health. When it comes to the role of foods we live by one rule, the more natural it is, the more benefits it will bring. Be it fresh fruits, vegetables or high-protein foods, all these make your foods healthy to a greater extent. Other than this, avoiding foods that are processed and rich in fats etc. can do wonders for your overall health. You can take occasional cheat meals to fulfil your food cravings and to stay on track. 

3- Burn More Calories

I am sure most of you have this already a part of your new year resolutions list. Many people, especially weight watchers, are quite conscious about their overall health. Just as it reduces the burden on your organs, similarly working out keeps your skin healthy. Doesn’t matter with which workout you begin or how frequently you do, develop a habit of engaging in any sort of physical activity at least three times a week.

4- Apply Sunscreen Everyday

Sunny days are not everyone’s favourite and your skin is not so fond of sunlight. Let’s beat the effects of sun damage to your skin this new year! 

Yes, you got me right. The next skincare resolution is the application of sunscreen every single day. Sunscreen normally has variable SPF and provides a variable level of protection against sunlight. Many of us wear or try to wear sunscreen every single day but just like other new year resolutions end up forgetting it one day another that becomes a routine later on. This year, promise to wear sunscreen every single day and protect your skin from sun damage. 

5- Washing Your Brushes

Your makeup brushes can be the favourite place of bacteria and fungi. Not only do makeup brushes house bacteria that can result in acne breakout of other skin infections but they can also clog your skin pores. For this reason, cleaning makeup brushes daily is important to protect your skin health. A perfect new year resolution for healthy skin can be washing your makeup brushes now and then.

\Write it down as you schedule to wash your makeup brushes on a routine basis. 

6- Facial Serum is a Must!

There are hundreds of different kinds of facial serum that are available in the market and can do wonders for your overall skin health. You will find a serum for everything. An anti-ageing serum, skin whitening serum, anti-acne serum, vitamin C serum and many others. When it comes to achieving your skin health goals, these serums can be helpful. You can consult a dermatologist for the selection of a facial serum that can leave your skin with healthy and younger-looking skin. 

This new year, promise that you will apply a serum every morning and evening and protect your skin health. 

Bottom Line!

While you are beginning your new year with many resolutions, skincare resolutions are also important here. These skincare resolutions have got you covered. So, let’s take a step ahead towards healthy and younger-looking skin and stick to these promises for healthy skin.

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