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Protein Rich Foods ( پروٹین سے بھرپورغذا) for Weight Loss

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Daily protein intake is essential for your body’s functions. Like water and other essential elements, proteins also play an important role to stay healthy. For example, proteins give structure and support to cells. They help with immune function, chemical reaction, hormone synthesis, movement, etc.

Eating foods that contain protein provides many health benefits, such as weight loss, muscle building, etc. A healthy diet rich in protein builds lean muscles when combined with exercise. These muscles help to burn more calories and lead to weight loss. If you want to lose weight, foods that contain protein can help. 

Proteins are made up of tiny building blocks, amino acids that you can get only through your diet. It depends on your body and how much protein you need, like age, being pregnant, body size, how active you are, etc.

People who are more active and older adults need more proteins. But you should discuss with the best nutritionist how much protein intake you need a day.

Let’s explore what foods are rich in proteins.

Highest Protein Foods

Protein intake is crucial that you can get from both plant and animal based sources. They include:


Eggs are popular for their most nutritious value. You can get enough protein by having eggs in your meal. They are also rich in healthy fats, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. 

Egg whites are almost a pure protein but combining them with yolk can give you other nutrients as well, such as minerals, antioxidants, vitamins, healthy fats, etc.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, women need an important nutrient, choline. This nutrient helps a lot in the growth and development phase.

According to studies, eating foods like eggs helps to prevent chronic diseases.

Black Beans 

If you are looking for an inexpensive source of protein, black beans are a good option. One serving of cooked black beans contains 114 calories and 8 grams of proteins. People who want to lose weight should add black beans to the highest protein foods. It makes you feel full for longer.


Almonds are a great source of essential nutrients that your body needs to stay healthy. They are also rich in proteins and other nutrients, like vitamin E, manganese, fiber, and magnesium. Eating almonds also benefit your overall health, by reducing the risk of heart disease, lower high blood pressure, and controlling LDL (bad) cholesterol.

You can get 6 grams of protein by having one ounce of almonds.

Chicken Breast 

Trying to get more protein to lose weight? Well, chicken breast is rich in protein that also provides minerals, like selenium and zinc. Half of a chicken breast can give you 26.7 grams of protein. Lean protein in the breast provides amino acids that help to build muscle tissue which is essential for older people. Eating foods that contain protein maintains bone density.


Milk is an essential food that is always available in everyone’s home. Dairy milk is rich in almost every nutrient that your body requires. It is a good source of protein, vitamins, and minerals. If you can’t tolerate lactose in milk or its dairy products, you should try lactose-free products to get enough protein. One cup of dairy milk gives 8.32 grams of protein.


Fish is one of the protein-enriched foods that also provides many other nutrients, like vitamins and minerals. Eating fish can prevent the risk of many health conditions, like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, etc. You can eat any type of fish as they all are rich in proteins. Salmon is also a good option for you as half salmon fillet provides protein of around 30.5 grams.


Vegetables high in proteins can help to fulfill the protein intake, like potatoes. They are high in nutrients like proteins. If you want to lose some weight, make sure that you go with the right intake. Potatoes are also rich in fiber.

You can consume one medium potato with skin as it will provide you with 4g of protein.


 Raw oats are healthy when it comes to boosting your immune system. You can prepare oatmeal with raw oats that provides many essential nutrients to your body. They are also high in complex carbohydrates. But if you are losing weight, do not consume prepared oatmeal as they are rich in sugar.

Cottage Cheese

The highest protein foods, including cottage cheese, can help in body functions. It is low in calories and fat, which makes it a good option to lose weight while taking enough protein. Cottage cheese is also rich in selenium, phosphorus, riboflavin (vitamin B2), phosphorus, etc.

Protein Powders 

Looking for a handy solution? Well, you can have a protein powder that you can add to the smoothies and shakes. You can also consume protein powder while having yogurt and energy balls.

A scoop of protein powder contains 16.6 grams of protein. Make sure that you buy a product from a reliable source.


Broccoli is also a healthy vegetable that is rich in protein and other nutrients like potassium and folate. You can call it a powerhouse vegetable that can help your body function. One cup of raw broccoli contains 31 calories per cup.


One serving of beef provides a high amount of protein. You can ask your doctor what type of beef can help you with weight loss. You can consume it in different ways or add spices as you like.


High in protein food but low in calories? Yes, tuna is here with its many essential nutrients. It is a lean fish with minimal fat that is a good choice for you if you want to lose weight. You can add tuna to salad, sandwiches, etc.


Artichokes are high in fiber and rich in protein. A person may use them in many recipes. They aid in digestion by reducing bloating and have anti-inflammatory properties. Artichokes help to prevent chronic diseases and aging that occur due to oxidative stress.

You can read more about healthy lunch ideas for weight loss, as well.

Lose Weight with Protein Rich Foods!

Staying healthy with essential nutrients while losing weight is a challenge. But protein-rich fruits can help to achieve the goal while staying healthy inside and outside. If you are living with any chronic disease or health condition, discuss it with your doctor before switching to foods that contain protein.

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