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What are Sexual Hormones in Females and Their Functions? 

Sexual Hormones in Females
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Sexual hormones in females are necessary for the regulation of the female reproductive system and some other body functions as well. The female sex hormones are responsible for a variety of processes such as the menstrual cycle, menarche, pregnancy, and lactation. 

Although on the surface it might appear as an embarrassing sexual health question ( cue the taboos surrounding sex education). We have compiled some of the basic things about sexual hormones in females that you need to know about for better health and wellness. 

What are Sex Hormones? 

Our body works on two types of communication signals. The first one is the nervous system in which neurons are carrying the message from the brain to the body and vice versa. The second one is the hormonal system. Hormones are chemical messengers that are released by the endocrine system to initiate, regulate, maintain and conclude a wide variety of functions in the human body. 

Sex hormones are those hormones that are responsible for the sexual growth and development of the body. They are essential for the purpose of reproduction. Sex hormones are produced by adrenal glands or the gonads (ovaries in the case of females, and testes in the case of men). 

Sexual hormones also play a keen role in puberty and play the given below roles in the body functions:

List of Female Hormones

Ovaries and adrenal glands are responsible for the production of sexual hormones in females. Given below is the list of female hormones that play an important role in puberty, menstruation, and pregnancy. 


Progesterone is commonly known as the “Pregnancy Hormone”. The name is given to this sex hormone in females because of its due role in sustaining and maintaining pregnancy in females. Progesterone is responsible for making the uterus of the females suitable for the egg and for the egg’s fertilization. 


This hormone is also known as the main sex hormone in females. It is produced in the ovaries and adrenal glands. Estrogen is the leading hormone when it comes to sexual drive and fertility in females. 


Commonly hailed as the ‘Male Hormone’, females also contain small amounts of testosterone. Testosterone in females affects tissue and bone mass, red blood cell production, and maintaining a steady sexual drive. In addition to all this, testosterone is also needed for fertility and menstruation

Factors that Affect Sex Hormones Production 

The production of sex hormones mainly depends on age. These hormones are produced in abundance when one is going through early teens or puberty. These high levels of sex hormones tend to stay till the early 20s and then gradually decrease when one enters the 30s. At the age of 70, the rate of these hormone production starts to decline. 

Stress also declines the production of sex hormones in the body as well as environmental pollutants and some medications. As well as some conditions such as menstruation and pregnancy also affect the levels of sex hormones in the body. 

Sexual Hormones in Females and Puberty

According to the health experts of the Islamabad International Hospital, The average age of puberty for females is between 8 to 13 years. Puberty usually concludes around the age of 14 or 15. During this time there is a production of LH and FSH, both these hormones play an essential part in the production of estrogen and progesterone. 

Dr. Maliha Amjad, one of the top gynecologists in Lahore, says ‘The high levels of these hormones in the body are responsible for the growth of the female body such as an increase in height, breast development, and enhancement, increased oil production in the skin, broadening of the shoulders, widening of the pelvic area, hair growth on pubic region, armpits and legs‘. 

Sexual Hormones in Females and Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a condition when a female body starts fertilizing the egg with the help of a male sperm leading to the production of an embryo. Sex hormones such as progesterone are responsible for not only making fertilization happen but also for the sustainable development of the embryo inside the mother’s womb. 

The high levels of progesterone in the early weeks of pregnancy lead to the thickening of the cervix and forms the mucus plug. This rapid production of sexual hormones in females at that time is responsible for the early signs and symptoms of pregnancy such as nausea, acne, and frequent urination. 

Sexual Hormones in Females and Periods

From the first time, a girl gets her period to the onset of menopause and even after that, an optimized level of sexual hormones is produced in females. The first time and onset of periods are also known as menarche. Menstruation is important for females as it helps the elimination of debris such as blood and tissue which are not needed in the body. 

During the first days of their periods, women suffer from a decline in the production of estrogen and progesterone which causes cramps and thinning of the uterus wall. In addition to all this, as periods progress, the unfertilized egg and the uterine lining leave the body. 

Read more: 5 things that you should avoid during periods

Sexual Hormones in Females and Menopause

Menopause is a condition in which the female body stops having periods and thus is not able to conceive. During and after menopause only a small amount of estrogen and progesterone are produced by the female’s ovaries. Hence women who are going through this also suffer from low sex drive. However low levels of estrogen also decrease bone density and can lead to an increased risk of stroke and heart disease and osteoporosis. Therefore make sure to keep an eye on these foods to make your bones stronger

Sexual Hormones in Females and Sex Drive

Sexual hormones are responsible for libido and sex drive in women. Optimum levels of estrogen ensure vaginal lubrication and hence increases the sex drive or libido. While on the other hand, too much progesterone can reduce sexual desires in females. 

It is important to learn about sexual drives and the impact of hormones on libido and sexual growth. But in case you are feeling sexually dissatisfied, you should talk to your partner about it. Furthermore, it is better to control your sexual desires rather than engage in unethically wrong practices such as masturbation. This is mainly because masturbation has adverse effects on the kidney and is a questionable practice. 

Healthwire is Here to Educate You All!

Sexual hormones in females are not only pertinent for maintaining sex drive but are also necessary for various other bodily functions. From maintaining body weight to hair and muscle growth these hormones are needed for numerous functions. In case you have more questions about sexual hormones in females then you can consult with the best sexologists via healthwire.

They will guide you properly about these hormones and will educate you in these matters promptly. 

Till then stay safe, and stay healthy!

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