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Stomach Ulcer (معدے کے زخم): What Foods to Eat and Avoid

Stomach Ulcer
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Experiencing pain in your stomach can affect your diet plan and cause discomfort. Painful sores also disturb the digestive system. There are many stomach ulcer symptoms that can help you to learn about stomach ulcers.  You need to learn about the stomach ulcer diet that can help to heal the condition.

Let’s get into details about stomach ulcers.

What is a Stomach Ulcer?

A stomach ulcer that is also called a gastric ulcer is a condition in which the tissue lining of the stomach breaks.

The common cause involves infections and the intake of anti-inflammatory medications. It is a type of peptic ulcer disease. These ulcers affect both the stomach and small intestine.

Basically, the thick layer of mucus becomes thin, which protects the stomach from digestive juices. As a result, the digestive acids eat away the tissue lining of the stomach and cause stomach ulcers. 

Experts believe that ispaghol improves the function of the digestive system and prevents many stomach issues. 

If you do not get proper treatment, it may get severe over time.

Stomach Ulcer Diet – What to Eat

It is very common to have a stomach ulcer, but you may feel severe pain or other symptoms associated with this condition.

But you can manage it with some natural ways that can reduce stomach acid blockage.


Honey is not a replacement for sugar only, but it can give you many benefits. Research reveals that honey contains up to 200 elements, such as antioxidants and polyphenols. If you are not a diabetes patient, honey is a good option to meet your sugar cravings. It also soothes the stomach ulcer and reduces its associated symptoms.

Add honey into the water and drink to reduce the stomach ulcer symptoms. 

You can call it a powerful antibacterial that reduces the progress of H.pylori growth.

Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice

You may not pronounce this word but it is a beneficial thing to eat. To reduce the growth of H.pylori, you can consume it and reduce the progress. Researchers explain that it is plain old licorice and has a sweet flavor.

2 ounces of its use daily for two weeks can trigger your cardiovascular issues and worsen high blood pressure. You need to consult with your doctor about how much you can take.


For stomach ulcers, you can consider flavonoids as they are effective to reduce the acid. They are naturally found in foods, including fruits and vegetables. When you experience discomfort or a burning sensation in the stomach, you need to consume a healthy diet.

Some drinks and foods are healthy to consider, such as:

Consuming these foods can help to increase the fight response to the growth of H.pylori bacteria. It boosts the healing process and defends the stomach lining.

Gastroprotective includes flavonoids that do not have side effects until you increase the intake of flavonoids. Excess consumption of flavonoids can result in blood clotting.

You can consume a diet that is rich in flavonoids or consult your doctor to take its supplements.


Some researchers say that garlic has many positive effects to stop the growth of H.plyori.

This study involves trials of animals and humans. 

Garlic is also available in supplements. Some people do not like the taste of garlic, but you can replace it with supplements. Before you take it, you should consult with your doctor. It works as a blood thinner that can replace other prescriptions.


It is the sap of the tree. You can find it in the Mediterranean. There is no such direct evidence that supports the effects of mastic on H.pylori infection.


Experts at Doctors Hospital say that a recent study reveals that mastic gum protects against the growth of H.pylori. This study involved ten people in which three of them completely got rid of the stomach ulcer.

Fruits and Vegetables 

Dr. Bilal Bin Mukhtar who is one of the top gastroenterologists in Pakistan says that your overall health needs a healthy diet to lower the risk of any potential condition. This food involves whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.

Mayo Clinic says that a diet that is rich in vitamins can help to cure your stomach ulcer.

An antioxidant and polyphenol-rich diet protects against ulcers and improves their healing process. This food includes dark chocolates, flaxseed, black olives, dried rosemary, Mexican oregano, berries, etc.


Studies explain that cranberry does not allow bacteria to set on the walls of the bladder. It minimizes the risk of urinary tract infection. Some experts also believe that its extract plays an important role in fighting H.pylori.


They are the living good bacteria and yeast that support your digestive tract. You can find it in many common foods, specifically fermented foods. It involves yogurt, miso, buttermilk, kefir, kimchi, etc.

Its supplements are also available in the market.

What Diet Can Make Ulcer Worse

Some Foods Can Result In Worse Conditions, Such As:

How to Know If Any Food Worsen Stomach Ulcer

Some foods can cause severe symptoms. You may experience many symptoms of stomach ulcers. If you have a severe ulcer condition, it will bring on severe symptoms. 

One of the common symptoms you may feel is the burning sensation in the middle of your abdomen that occurs between the chest and belly button. 

When you have an empty stomach, it may cause intense pain. You may feel this pain for a few minutes to several hours.

There are some other signs that can help you learn if you have a stomach ulcer, such as:

It does not matter if your symptoms are even mild, you need to get the proper treatment. Ulcer gets worse over time which can also turn into a life-threatening condition.

Wrapping Up 

Experiencing stomach ulcer symptoms means that you need to visit your gastroenterologist to confirm the cause. You can try home remedies for mild symptoms of stomach ulcers. 

Gastroenterologists in Lahore say that untreated infection can get worse over time or result in creating a hole in the stomach. 

Make sure that you eat a stomach ulcer diet to reduce the growth of H.pylori.

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