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Things to know about Menopause

Things to know about Menopause
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Menopause is an important part of a woman’s life. People go as far as categorizing it as the start of the next half part of your life. There are plenty of questions women have when they are going through this immense hormonal change. It is important to educate yourself about the hormonal imbalance and various menopause symptoms to look out for.

Here are 7 things you should know about menopause if you are just getting started on your premenopausal journey.

Menopause Symptoms

1- You can get rid of Birth Control Medication

You no longer require birth control once you are completely through your menopause period. How do you know your menopause control is complete? When you do not experience any menstrual cycle for 12 consecutive months you would know you are securely through menopause. It is not unusual for women to miss the first few cycles and then to have a period flow again. Once you start having your cycle again, you have to start counting for the missed cycle again. Please know you are likely to become pregnant during the pause and start cycles, therefore only give up on your birth control after you have been advised by your doctor.

2- You may experience Hot flashes

Not all the women get hot flashes, however one of the main symptoms of menopause is getting hot flashes during the menopausal stage. You will experience sweat and hot flashes during the night. Due to the hormonal imbalance experiencing hot flashes can build up to five consecutive years of post-menopause. If it becomes unbearable, make sure to reach out to your doctor for your condition.

3. Typical Weight Gain

Weight gain especially around your midsection waist area is typical and due to the fact that menopause causes a slower metabolic rate with a slight loss of muscle mass. You will also experience vulvar and vaginal atrophy. This is the condition in which skin and tissues around your vagina become thinner, drier and weigh less elastic. You can feel this while you are going through menopause and can result in painful intercourse. You can talk to your gynecologist about your condition and treatment options.

4. Anxiety and Mood disorders

Facing difficulty to fall asleep, facing depression, anxiety, memory loss and mood swings are common menopause symptoms. There is definitely therapy for extreme mood swings and hot flashes. There are alternative drugs present as well, which allows the therapy to work better for some women.

5. Start with Bone Screening

DEXA Screening for bone density is highly recommended during the postmenstrual phase. This is especially important if you are less than 126 pounds and have a very fragile bone structure. Start with getting bone screens and consulting a dietician to help you maintain a healthy diet for your body. It is important that you start taking particular care of your diet from a young age. As soon as you cross 25 you should get started in determining the right food options for your health.

6. Heart Disease Risks

Heart disease risks increase after menopause. Women are already likely to face heart issues as their estrogen levels drop down. Therefore, start with light exercises and movements in your daily routine. You may also experience your voice changing. Since there is a complex hormonal change going on, you need to be vary of thyroid development. There is rare for most women, but if you do experience any highs and lows in your voice this is due to menopause.

7. Hormonal Changes

You may suddenly experience facial hair growth or stunt hair growth. Some women also experience a severe hair fall all of a sudden. Mood swings, irritable behaviors is another sign of the menopause side effect.

The Final Takeaway

Menopause is the natural phenomenon for every woman’s life cycle. To make the best out of your experience make sure you are keeping up with a healthy diet and good physical activities. If you experience any adverse symptoms you should immediately seek the appropriate treatment options especially if hot flashes are becoming more frequent. 

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