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Top 15 Vitamin C Rich Foods in Pakistan

Top 15 Vitamin C Rich Foods in Pakistan
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Vitamin C, also known as L-ascorbic acid, is a highly water-soluble vitamin that is essential for your diet, body, and skin. Some animals are able to produce their own Vitamin C, however, humans have to obtain it from external sources. On average, an adult requires anywhere from 75 to 90 milligrams of Vitamin C every day

Why You Need Vitamin C in Your Diet

We need Vitamin C for various body functions; such as collagen production, neurotransmitters regulation, bone composition, and other muscle building components. Through different sources of vitamin C, we are also able to restore antioxidants in our body.

Antioxidants are important as they prevent cell damage and lower the risk of developing diseases. It is also a healthy catalyst in metabolising protein.  

Oral vitamin C enhances the plasma concentrations and hence results in a healthy blood regulation as well. 

There are a couple of reasons to why you should include Vitamin C daily in your dietary plan;

Requirement of Vitamin C in Pakistan 

Asia is more exposed to tropical sun than other parts of the world. Therefore, we need more antioxidants and the goodness of vitamin C. 

For adults, aged between 19 to 64, daily recommended vitamin C concentration is 40mg a day. Studies show many people opt for collagen supplements or vitamin C supplements  adults aged 19 to 64 need about 40 milligrams (mg) of vitamin C a day. If you eat the Vitamin C rich foods, you can easily cover your daily nutritional value, without going for collagen supplements. 

The chances of developing vitamin C deficiency is comparatively rare. It can lead to disease called scurvy. Some of its symptoms include:  

On the contrary, too much vitamin rich foods can also lead to digestive issues and stomach ache. 

Vitamin C Rich Foods for a Healthy Diets

Before I proceed here is a common myth, that NEEDS to be debunked by all means. 

Myth: Everything sour should be avoided in colds and flu. Lemons and Oranges are a big No No!

Reality: Oranges and lemons are rich sources of Vitamin C, juicing on them will strengthen your immunity against the flu virus.

This has been particularly true through the pandemic. Getting the right nutritional needs from vitamin C is crucial for your immune boosting. In some cases, when primary needs are not met fortified foods, dietary supplements and multivitamins especially for women become quite useful. 

However, since we are an abundantly resourceful country in fruits and vegetables; you do not have to reach for pricey Vitamin C supplements when you can find rich sources of Vitamin C in your favorite seasonal fruits and vegetables.

Vitamin C Rich Foods in Pakistan

One of the finest ways to find vitamin C in Pakistan is through Fruits and vegetables. They are the easy source of vitamin C. Citrus fruits, tomatoes, potatoes, berries are some major contributors to the Pakistani diet. Here is our list of some super-rich vitamin C fruits as well as vitamin C vegetables.  

Vitamin C Fruits

1. Guava

Pakistan produces an average of 560,000 tons of guava annually. Recent research has revealed Guava to be much richer in Vitamin C concentration as compared to oranges with 200mg of Vitamin C in 1 guava fruit.

2. Oranges

The freshest source of Vitamin C you can juice in your diet every single day. Oranges are good sources of potassium, folate and Vitamin A. One 8 ounces of orange juice contains 120 mg.

3. Grapefruit

Grapefruits belong to the family of oranges which explains why they are highly concentrated in Vitamin C. Grapefruits are great for heart patients given it’s also rich in Vitamin A and fiber. Slice up a single grapefruit for your breakfast and enjoy the sourly goodness. In addition, like guava, java plum is also a good source of vitamin C.

4. Melons

A refreshing summery treat, Melons are filled with healthy nutrients. One cup of melon has about 30mg of Vitamin C in them. It is also great for providing many B Complexes Vitamins. 

5. Pineapple

Pineapples are sweet, tangy and delicious and the plus of it is that it comes with healthy doses of Vitamin C. One cup of pineapple chunks contains about 80mg of vitamin c. you can use pineapples as a sweet snack or dessert.

6. Strawberries

1 cup of strawberries contain n up to 98mg of vitamin C. Apart from the good vitamins it is also a good source of folate (an important hormone derivative for female’s reproductive cycle), potassium, magnesium and fiber. Add some strawberries to your cereal, oatmeal or yoghurt bowls every day for a fulfilling breakfast in the morning.

7. Papaya

The seasonal papaya comes with so many health benefits. Scoop small balls out of papayas and sprinkle some salt and lemon for best taste results.

8. Mango

The king of fruits, Pakistani Mango is known for its production of some of the tastiest seasonal mangoes. 1 cup raw mango gives the nutritional value of 60.1mg. we do not have to tell you the ways you can eat mango.

9. Cantaloupe

Cantaloupe is another juicy fruit you can consume for your daily Vitamin C fulfillment. 1 cup of cantaloupe gives you 57.3mg of vitamin C.

Vitamin C Vegetables

1. Green Peppers

Green Pepper is a surprising source of rich vitamin C sources in vegetables. They are also fully enriched with Vitamin A, K and B6 nutrition. Simply chop a medium sized pepper and add it in your salads, omelets, sandwiches or stir fry rice.

2. Cooked Cabbage

Raw Cabbage has a small dose of Vitamin C. Cooked Cabbage however helps you with refined doses of Vitamin C by shrinking the overall volume of the vegetable. Cabbage is full of antioxidants, minerals and provides you about 30 to 60 mg of Vitamin C.

3. Tomato

Tomato is another excellent source of Vitamin C. You can have concentrated sources of vitamin C by juicing fresh tomatoes. It is also rich in Vitamin A and lycopene, two important derivatives in skin rejuvenation.

4. Cauliflower

The crunchy delicious vegetable is loaded with Vitamin C. One cup of raw cauliflower contains up to 51mg of Vitamin C. It is a great source of antioxidants and Vitamin K as well. 

5. Potatoes

Potatoes are great sources of potassium and also have high Vitamin C content in them. you also get good amounts of magnesium and niacin. For extra added fiber nutrition, make sure to eat the potato skins as well.

6. Lemon

Lemons are known as small doses of Vitamin C supplement. Lemons’ importance cannot be stressed upon enough. Squeezing some fresh lemons in your daily morning drink will not only boost your immune system but also give you a radiant glow.

Vitamin C Benefits

Vitamin C should be a must-have vitamin in your staple food for overall good health. Since it is abundantly available in all plant-based foods, you can never get short on the good vitamin. Not being able to have a complete dose of Vitamin C in your daily health can lead to health problems like;

If you are confused about which vitamin C source to consume for maximum benefits, well here is our finding. According to a study, almost all sources of vitamin C with simple ascorbic acid cultivate sufficient amounts of vitamin C for normal body functions.

 Make sure you are taking enough vitamin C in your daily foods. In case you are experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned above, you can book one of our top nutritionists at


Why is vitamin C important for our health?

Vitamin C is essential for various bodily functions. It supports the immune system, helps in collagen production for healthy skin, improves iron absorption, and acts as a powerful antioxidant, protecting cells from damage.

Which foods are rich in vitamin C in Pakistan?

Pakistan offers a variety of foods that are rich in vitamin C. Some examples include citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruits, guavas, strawberries, kiwis, mangoes, papayas, pineapples, and green leafy vegetables like spinach and mustard greens.

How can I incorporate more vitamin C-rich foods into my diet?

You can include vitamin C-rich foods in your diet in several ways. Enjoy fresh fruits as snacks or in fruit salads, make smoothies or juices with vitamin C-rich fruits, incorporate leafy greens in your salads or cooked dishes, and try adding citrus fruits to your meals as a refreshing flavor.

What are some traditional Pakistani dishes that are high in vitamin C?

Traditional Pakistani cuisine offers various dishes that include vitamin C-rich ingredients. For example, you can enjoy aloo chaat (potato snack) with added lemon juice, or prepare a delicious salad with cucumber, tomatoes, and lemon dressing.

Are there any seasonal fruits in Pakistan that are particularly rich in vitamin C?

Yes, Pakistan has seasonal fruits that are abundant in vitamin C during specific times of the year. For instance, during winter, you can enjoy fresh oranges and kinnows, while summer brings a variety of vitamin C-rich fruits like mangoes, guavas, and melons.

Can I meet my daily vitamin C requirements solely through fruits and vegetables?

Yes, consuming a balanced diet that includes a variety of fruits and vegetables can provide you with the necessary amount of vitamin C. However, if you have specific dietary needs or concerns, it’s advisable to consult a healthcare professional.

Are there any vitamin C supplements available in Pakistan?

Yes, there are several vitamin C supplements available in pharmacies and health stores in Pakistan. It’s always recommended to consult a healthcare professional before starting any new supplements to determine the appropriate dosage.

How can I store vitamin C-rich foods to preserve their nutritional value?

To retain the vitamin C content in foods, it’s best to store them properly. Keep fruits and vegetables in a cool, dark place or refrigerate them when needed. However, note that vitamin C may degrade over time, so consuming fresh produce is generally the best way to obtain maximum benefits.

Are there any specific cooking methods that help preserve vitamin C?

Cooking methods like steaming, stir-frying, or microwaving can help retain more vitamin C compared to boiling, which may cause some loss. However, consuming a variety of raw and cooked fruits and vegetables will ensure a balanced intake of nutrients.

A Word from Healthwire!

Vitamin C deficiency can lead to various symptoms such as fatigue, frequent infections, slow wound healing, bleeding gums, joint and muscle pain, and dry, rough skin. If you suspect a deficiency, it’s recommended to consult a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and advice.

If you have any questions you can consult with one of our top dietitians Ms. Sana Safdar, for your health queries.

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