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4 Questions Answered on ‘Green Tea for Weight Loss’ in 2024

Green Tea for Weight Loss
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If you live in the subcontinent you would definitely find “tea-lovers” or commonly known as “chai-lovers” around you. If I can use the “chai-holic” term for them, I won’t be exaggerating (I am really not). 

One of the healthiest beverages after water is green tea. With the presence of various plant extracts and abundant antioxidants, the benefits of green tea are enormous. Studies have shown that green tea is a fat burner. Rich in minerals, and vitamins, and low in calories content, green tea stimulates your body’s metabolism and its ability to burn unnecessary fat. So, get a cup of green tea paired with a balanced nutritious diet and exercise for healthy weight loss. 

If you have questions like how to make green tea for weight loss? How much green tea should you drink for weight loss? And the benefits of green tea for weight loss, then you have just landed on the right blog.

In this blog, we’ll guide you completely on the reason why you should add green tea to your life. 

So, let’s get started.

Have more questions on Weight Loss? Here are some recommended reads for Weight Loss. 

What is Green Tea?

Before we jump towards the conclusion that green tea is good for weight loss let’s have a look at what green tea actually is. Tea or herbal tea or even organic tea such as white, black, green, and oolong, all originates from the same plant i.e. Camellia sinensis plant.

The leaves of this plant are used and steamed. Unlike black and oolong tea, it does not undergo a fermentation process. For this very reason, nutrients and antioxidants are present in an abundant form in the leaves of Camellia sinensis.

Green Tea for Weight Loss

We become what we eat. What we eat and drink, our body utilizes by breaking it down into usable energy known as metabolism. Green tea is good for weight loss as it improves the metabolism of your body. 

Green tea contains catechin. It is a flavonoid antioxidant. While excess fat in the body is broken down by catechin. Various studies have shown that both of these compounds are good for weight management and weight loss. It should be highlighted that green tea alone isn’t significant for weight loss. 

Exercise and a balanced diet are the healthy weight loss methods that need to be opted for along with green tea. Green tea along with these methods is extremely effective for natural weight loss strategies

How Green Tea Can Help in Weight Loss

As aforementioned, green tea is herbal tea for weight loss. Now, you must be thinking that what actually is in green tea helps in weight loss. Right?!

Often Many expert nutritionists encourage daily intake of green tea to reap the most health benefits. You can contact one of our top nutritionists Dr. Ayesha Abbas to consult further on your dietary intake.  

Here is a look at how it helps in weight loss:

How Much Green Tea You Should Drink For Weight Loss

According to various studies, the recommended intake of green tea for weight loss is 2-3 cups a day. However, depending upon the metabolism of a person, the amount of green tea intake varies from person to person. 

How to Make Green Tea for Weight Loss

The way you brew green tea can literally make a difference. You need to be careful while steaming the leaves of green tea. Avoid excess boiling and overheating of the water as catechins would be damaged due to it. For best tea results, taste, and aroma, after boiling you need to wait for 10-15 minutes before you pour the water on the tea leaves. After this, you need to brew it for a minute and then take out the leaves. You are ready to enjoy your green tea.

What is the Best Time To Drink Green Tea for Weight Loss?

It is recommended to drink green tea after your meals, in order to get the best results of the green tea for weight loss. But, since green tea is alkaline in nature, so if you have a sensitive stomach, you need to avoid drinking it after your meal. Because if you do so then it’ll only cause the extra-stomach juice secretion. Nutritionists and dietitians recommend that you drink green tea in the morning and then in the evening. If you have a sleep disorder, sleeping difficulty, or insomnia then you shouldn’t drink green tea before sleeping. 

TakeAway Note,

From the above discussion, we can clearly see that the benefits of green tea weight loss cannot be denied. However, the results of weight loss can be moderate instead of rapidly increased weight loss. But, still, something is better than nothing. In fact, green tea combined with other weight-loss strategies such as cutting carbs, eating more protein, and exercising is effective for weight loss. 

Of course, you shouldn’t forget about the other health benefits of green tea beyond weight loss. It helps in lowering the risk of heart disease, diabetes and even various cancers such as oral, stomach, prostate, breast, and pancreatic cancer, etc. Green tea can also help in weight loss in PCOS. Green tea without a doubt is one of the healthiest beverages. If you want to see better and long-term benefits, you need to drink it regularly. If you still have queries and concerns regarding green tea, you can reach out to the best nutritionists and dietitians anywhere in Pakistan via Healthwire.

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