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All About Vaginal Yeast Infection – Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Vaginal Yeast Infection
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Okay, ladies, let’s open up and talk about something that nobody really likes to discuss – Vaginal Yeast Infection.

Yeah, we’re going there.

 If you are someone that has ever experienced itching, burning, or general discomfort that comes with yeast infections, you know it’s no joke. 

But, there is no need to worry, as these yeast infections in women are quite common and usually can be managed well. In fact, it is very common for a woman to experience at least one yeast infection in her life. But in all honesty, it is not that one topic that we girls talk about over the dining table. So, grab yourself a cup of tea, and let’s get real about vaginal health.

What is a Vaginal Yeast Infection? 

A vaginal yeast infection, also known as candidiasis, is a very common condition. A vagina that is healthy contains yeast cells and bacteria. But when the balance of the yeast and the bacteria changes, the yeast cells start to multiply. This then causes irritation, swelling, and itching. 

Treating a vaginal yeast infection can help in relieving the symptoms within a few days, however, this can also take longer in some cases. 

Vaginal yeast infections are considered to be STDs when they are actually not. 

These can be further spread by getting in contact with someone already having it. Also, it can also occur in women that are not actually sexually active. 

Symptoms of Yeast Infection

Vaginal yeast infections have a common set of symptoms, like:

  • Soreness
  • Redness
  • Vaginal itching
  • Swelling around the vagina
  • Pain During Sex
  • Rash

One of the other major symptoms of yeast infection is the white-yellow discharge. Some people call this discharge looking like cottage cheese. Sometimes it can also be watery. 

Read symptoms of yeast Infection in men to explore more.

What Causes Vaginal Yeast Infections?

The yeast Candida is a naturally occurring microorganism that is present in the vaginal area. Lactobacillus bacteria is what keeps its growth in check. 

But when there is an imbalance in the system, the bacteria doesn’t work effectively. This then leads to the overgrowth of yeast, which causes the symptoms of vagina yeast infections. 

There are a number of factors that can contribute to causing yeast infections: 

  • Pregnancy
  • Hormonal Imbalance
  • Uncontrolled diabetes
  • Antibiotics that decrease the number of good bacteria (Lactobacillus) in the vagina
  • Weak immunity
  • Hormonal imbalance near the menstrual cycle

A specific kind of yeast known as Candida causes a number of yeast infections. These infections are very easily treatable. 

If you are suffering from yeast infections or have problems getting rid of yeast infections with conventional treatments, then a different version of Candida can be the culprit. 

How to Diagnose Vaginal Yeast Infections? 

Yeast infections can be very easy to diagnose. Your medical expert will ask you about your medical history. This can include your past experiences with yeast infections before. They can also ask if you have ever had an STI. 

The next step is the pelvic exam. In this exam, the best doctors at any big hospital like Doctors Hospital examine your vagina and the walls of the cervix. They also look at the surrounding area for any external signs of infection. 

Some doctors might also recommend getting an STDs Test done. 

Vaginal Infection Treatment

Each Yeast Infection is different, so your doctor can suggest treatment that is best for you. These treatments are usually determined based on the severity of your symptoms. 

Simple Infections

For simple vaginal yeast infection, your doctor might prescribe you a 1 to 6 days regimen of antifungal tablets, ointment, cream, or suppository. 

These medicines can be over-the-counter or prescription medicines. Common medicines include: 

  • Miconazole
  • Fluconazole
  • Butoconazole
  • Terconazole
  • Clotrimazole

Do not take these medicines on your own, visit the best gynecologist near you to get yourself checked first. 

Complicated Infections

Your doctor will treat your yeast infection as if it were a complicated case if you: 

  • Are pregnant
  • Have HIV
  • Have severe redness, itching, swelling, or soreness that leads to tears in your vaginal issue
  • Have uncontrolled diabetes 
  • Have a weak immune system

Treatments for severe or complicated yeast infections include: 

  • 14-day tablet, cream, ointment, or suppository vaginal treatment.
  • Long-time prescription of fluconazole taken once a week for 6 weeks
  • Two or three doses of fluconazole

Home Remedies for Vaginal Yeast Infections

If you do not like taking prescription medication then the best way to treat yeast infections is by using home remedies. But, it must be noted that these are not as effective as indicated medicines. 

Some of the best and most popular remedies include the use of,

  • Tea Tree Oil
  • Plain Yogurt
  • Coconut Oil

Tea tree oil

Tea Tree Oil is an essential oil that is used to kill bacteria and viruses. Research supports the anti-fungal properties of tea tree oil. 

Dr. Rabbia Ashraf, who is one of the best gynecologists in Pakistan says that while using tea tree oil on the vagina make sure to dilute it first. It is a very powerful essential oil. Mix it with some carrier oil like coconut oil if you are applying it for vaginal yeast infection.

The use of essential oils should never be used internally, so it’s best to use tea tree vaginal suppositories. 


Probiotics can be a great remedy for fighting yeast infections. Yogurt is one of the best probiotics as it contains live bacteria like Lactobacillus acidophilus.

These bacteria can help in creating a  healthy environment in your vagina and can help address an overgrowth caused by imbalance. 

While consuming yogurt, make sure that it isn’t flavored, doesn’t contain sugar, or has no fruit in it. As added sugar can fuel the growth of Candida fungus. 

To get the benefits, 

  • Try eating the yogurt
  • Apply it to the vulva around the vagina

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is an oil derived from the flesh of the coconut. It has many benefits including antifungal properties.  To treat vaginal yeast infections use coconut oil as pure as you can get. It is best to use the most organic form. 

You can use it by applying it on the affected area with clean hands. Do not try to insert it inside. Ask your doctor before doing that. 

When to Visit a Doctor

Vaginal Yeast Infections can occur in any woman at any time of their life. These can be treated easily with some medications and home remedies. But if you think that nothing is working for you, book an appointment with the best female doctors near you by visiting Healthwire. 

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