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Viral vs Bacterial Meningitis – Know the Difference!

Viral vs Bacterial Meningitis
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Meningitis is a terrifying term that can be difficult to absorb when heard. But with that, it must be known that there are also some types of meningitis. Now with different types come different implications. There is a vast difference in the sort of treatment and the risk associated with each type of meningitis i.e. viral vs bacterial meningitis.

First of all, for the ones who don’t know let me explain what meningitis is. It is the inflammation of the meninges, which is a medical term used for the lining of the brain. 

The inflammation can occur as a result of an infection and could also be due to other causes such as some serious medical conditions or medications. 

As Prof. Dr. Shahid H Sheikh, one of the top nano- neurologist in Lahore, Meningitis mostly occurs as a result of an infection. This can be either viral or bacterial. But these two are entirely different from each other. People also do ask this question which is worse viral vs bacterial meningitis? Well, let’s find that out together.

What is Viral Meningitis?

The most common type of meningitis that occurs in older children and adults is viral meningitis. It can occur due to different viruses but the most common ones can be those that also cause chickenpox, herpes, measles, and mumps. 

Common Symptoms to Look For

Viral and bacterial meningitis when observed closely shows the same symptoms. Some of the most common symptoms include:

The best doctors in Pakistan prescribe anti-inflammatories like Danzen tablets to treat infections caused in the body. 

What is Bacterial Meningitis?

Bacterial meningitis is not as common as viral meningitis but this can also happen to anyone at any point in their life. Between viral vs bacterial meningitis, there are different bacterias that can cause bacterial meningitis. But there are some that are the most common ones, these are pneumococcal, haemopilus influenza, and meningococcal.

The worst part about bacterial meningitis is that it can happen alongside sepsis. Now, what is sepsis you might ask? Hold up! let me explain. Sepsis is your body’s extreme response to an infection. It is life-threatening and is considered a medical emergency. Sepsis happens when an infection triggers a chain reaction in the body. 

Sepsis not only occurs alongside bacterial meningitis but can occur on its own also.

Observing viral vs bacterial meningitis, bacterial meningitis and sepsis are serious illnesses. The early symptoms however are very common. Some of the non-specific ones are fever, an unwell feeling, and vomiting. Some other ones are stiffness in the neck, rash, bright light sensitivity, and cold hands and feet.

Some doctors do prescribe medicines like velosef that are specifically made to treat Bacterial infections. 

Which is Worse Bacterial or Viral Meningitis?

To determine the answer to this question, it is firstly very important to find out whether a person is suffering from bacterial or viral meningitis. In order to know if a person is suffering from viral or bacterial meningitis, it is essential to get a lumbar puncture done. 

Now this involves collecting a sample of your cerebral fluid (CSF) that surrounds the spinal cord and brain. This is done in order to find what is the main culprit behind meningitis. Most of the time, it is easy to find the main culprit of viral vs bacterial meningitis, and the other times some other tests i.e. CBC Test are also performed in order to be sure of the issue. If the white blood cell count is more then it is a sign that you might be suffering from bacterial meningitis.

It is very important to know the cause as the treatment depends entirely on this diagnosis. Another important thing to notice here is that,

Bacterial Meningitis treatment requires antibiotics whereas there is no effect of antibiotics on viral meningitis.  

As far as the question of, which is worse bacterial or viral meningitis is concerned, the answer is bacterial. Yes! Bacterial meningitis is more complicated and life-threatening as compared to viral. 

Difference Between Viral and Bacterial Meningitis After Effects

Viral vs bacterial meningitis comparison tells us that patients that suffer from viral meningitis might feel unwell and ill after a while and may show symptoms of headaches, anxiety, and fatigue. However, it must be known that viral meningitis never kills people. 

Bacterial meningitis however can be fatal and cause devastating after-effects that must be treated as soon as possible. 

Viral meningitis cannot be passed to other people while being in close contact, whereas the meningococcal form of bacterial meningitis can be passed easily. So, there are no preventive measures to be taken for the people in close contact. 

For bacterial infections, medicines like Azomax are supposed to work fin. Make sure to give this a read

Transmission of Meningitis

Some of the bacteria causing bacterial meningitis can spread through the throat and respiratory secretions. Saliva can play a huge role here when exchanged and can spread bacterial meningitis.

However, the bacteria that cause flu and cold is much more contagious than the one that causes bacterial meningitis. Another thing to keep in mind is that bacterial meningitis cannot be spread through mere breathing in the same air same as a patient with bacterial meningitis. 

Bacterial meningitis typically spreads after prolonged contact with an infected patient. This can be transmitted through extended contact with a patient’s oral secretions and this pretty much defines which is worse bacterial or viral meningitis. 

When it comes to viral meningitis, close contact with a patient can transmit the virus. But, there is very less possibility that you will develop a serious condition after getting contacted with the virus. 

To be safe, make sure you stay away from a person suffering from viral meningitis as it is very much likely to get infected by their secretions from the eyes, nose, and mouth. The feces and blister fluid are also something to avoid contact with as well. 

Wrapping it Up!

Viral vs bacterial meningitis comparison reveals that both of them are quite different from each other. Make sure to take all the preventive measures to stay away from these infections. The best way of protection is through vaccination. However, some other practices like lifestyle changes and frequent handwashing can help a lot as well. 
In case of any emergency, make sure you visit the best general physician near you, by visiting Social Security Hospital Lahore through Healthwire.

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