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Why Doctors Need to Talk more about Women’s Health

Why Doctors Need to Talk more about Women's Health
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Men and women both face various health conditions. Some of the health conditions for women are more different and require tangible measures. Usually, through diagnostic periods, many women are not the test subjects, due to which their health concerns remain exclusive. There are a number of women’s health problems that are more prevalent than the male population such as

Depression and urinary tracts are also more prevalent in women than men. While all of these women health issues are more frequent in women, the following illnesses are more considerable health risks.

Most Common Women’s Health Topics

Heart Disease

45% of women are exposed to heart conditions. Commonly heart health is thought to be more common in men, however studies show how women are the one who suffers from this more. High cholesterol issues and high blood pressure are not the only concerns for men, it’s also equally there for women.

Breast Cancer

Thankfully we are gaining awareness on breast cancer, however there is still significant work to be done on Breast Cancer awareness. Breast Cancer usually originates in the lining of the milk ducts and can spread out to the other parts of the body. The condition is observed in females from developed nations because of their extended lifespans. The most common symptoms of breast cancer is small lumps protruding at the side of their breast. Usually the lump is painless to touch and feel. Most times breast lumps are non threatening and therefore it is important for women to get them checked immediately.

Cervical Cancer and Ovarian Cancer

Many people are unable to differentiate between cervical cancer and ovarian cancer. Ovarian cancer starts in the fallopian tubes, cervical cancer develops in the lower part of the uterus. It can be hard to differentiate between the two based on vague symptoms, the condition can become very complex. To understand which one of the cancer is developing, a pap smear is required to detect the difference between the two.

Gynecological Health

Having a healthy reproductive cycle is very important. While bleeding and discharge are a normal part of the menstrual cycle, there can still be complications in the gynecological health. If your menstrual cycle isn’t regular or there isn’t regular bleeding and more urinating, you might want to check other health conditions.

If you are facing vaginal issues, this could also indicate serious problems, one of which may be the sexually transmitted diseases. Any abnormal change in your reproductive system might not always be about your reproductive system. It can also be about other issues such as kidney issues.

Auto-Immune Diseases

Autoimmune diseases are commonly ignored in women, which is why it happens to be one of the biggest untouched topics for women’s health. While there are many autoimmune diseases with each of their distinct symptoms, the most common symptoms are:


Osteoporosis is a condition often found in women because of lack of calcium. The bones weaken and are more prone to break easily. This can be due to number of reasons for example;

Diet plays a really important role if taken care of from the early stages. If you are feeling any of the symptoms especially if you are feeling pain in movement, you should immediately get your X-ray done. Till date there has been no cure for the illness however you may get dietary supplements, make some conscious healthy lifestyle choices and receive medications.

There some natural healing processes for those who suffer from this condition, such as;


Women go through a lot of natural hormonal fluctuations and that can lead to serious depression and anxiety swings. PMS (premenstrual syndrome) occurs commonly in women, because of which they often feel a sudden shift in their moods and overall productivity. Most women also experience the baby blues soon after giving birth. There is a stronger emotional shift, feeling of sadness and constant tiredness for the women. Care providers can prescribe medications to help relieve the intensity of the symptoms with therapeutic treatments.

It is important to beware of women’s prevailing health concerns especially in third tier countries. As these issues continue to prevail, many care provider organizations will be needing much more healthier outcomes for women who are a part of difficult communities.

Make sure you are reaching out to, if you suspect any of the above mentioned illnesses in you. You can opt for online video consultation with one of our top specialists or book an appointment online completely for free.

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