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How to Improve Eyesight: 7 Easy and Effective Ways to Try!

7 Simple Ways to Improve Eye-Sight
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As we get old, our eyesight is bound to deteriorate due to increasing age and various health issues. 

But, No Need to Worry, there are many natural and simple ways, you can opt to protect and improve eyesight without needing any medication or corrective glasses. One of the many ways how to improve eyesight and prevent eye diseases is by getting regular eye checkups from the “eye specialist” or “ophthalmologist”.

How to increase eyesight? 

Improving your eyesight is easier than you think. It might sound cliche but some improvements require a simple change in lifestyle habits. At times, we also need to consider the bad habits affecting our eyesight

Whether you have a long-sightedness issue, weak eyesight, or any eye condition, no need to worry. The medical field has become quite advanced for eye treatments, especially for weak eyesight treatment.

7 Ways For Improving Eyesight

But, if you are looking for natural ways as to how to improve eyesight then this article is for you. 

1. Feed your Eyes with some Food 

You already know that healthy food leads to a healthy life. But, food for your eyes? Yes, you have read it right!

Carrots are good for your eyes. It might sound cliché, but it is not completely wrong. Essential nutrient Vitamin A, important for your better vision is richly present in carrots. However, vitamin A isn’t sufficient for your eyes. You need to add other essential vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin C, E, copper, and zinc in your diet to get the answer to the question of the hour which is ‘how to improve eyesight. 

The best way to add nutrients and minerals to your diet is by adding fruits and vegetables in your daily diet such as:

As per various studies, Omega-3 fatty acids are important for your eyes and reduce your risk of eye diseases due to aging. Rich sources of omega-3 include beans, nuts, seeds, and fish.

Read more about Aloo Bukhara’s benefits for eye health and much more.

2. Do Some Exercise for Your Eyes

Eyes, too have muscles. You can opt for various eye exercises to relax your eyes to achieve better eyesight.  

Eye exercise is effective if you do it early in the morning, or when your eyes feel tired. If you are regular in eye exercise, you’ll notice good results in a month.

Now, you might be thinking about how to improve eyesight through eye exercises. Right?! 

Prof. Dr. Abdul Hamid Awan who is now of the top eye doctors in Pakistan says that you can start by gently warming up your eyes for 5 seconds using your warm palm. Repeat it 3 times. Rolling your eyes is not merely a form of annoyance expression, in fact, it helps your eyes muscle to relax. So, you need to look up first and then circle your eyes approximately 10 times in both directions.

If you want to get the results faster to your dispute of how to increase eyesight and focus, you need to hold a pen and try to focus on it. Now slowly start moving the pen closer to your face and stop when the pen is 6 inches away from your nose only. Repeat this process 10 times.

3. Clean hands is the answer to how to improve eyesight

Your eyes are one of the sensitive parts of your body and even more, exposed to germs that cause eye infections. Even the dirt and things that irritate your eyes can have a bad effect on your eyesight. 

For this very reason, experts at Lahore Medicare Eye Center say that you need to follow good hand hygiene and avoid touching your eyes when your hands are not clean. It becomes more important not to touch the contact lenses when your hands are dirty, as contact lenses would get dirty and may end up giving you an eye infection.

It becomes very important to wash your hands regularly and clean your lenses as per the instructions given. 

You should also replace and check the expiry date of your contact lenses as unclean contact lenses can lead to eye irritation and even various bacterial infections in your eyes.

4. Avoid Smoking for More Protection

Smoking is injurious to your health and is the cause of many hidden health issues. But, do you know that smoking increases your risk of blindness? No? How to increase eyesight then? Simple! Quit smoking now. 

Even as per various studies and CDC, smoking can cause cataracts and macular degeneration. Smoking is also responsible for decreasing the number of antioxidants in your body which are valuable for your eye’s health.

5. Use Protective Eyewear for Your Eyes 

Eyes problems and injuries can result due to various types of daily activities. Wearing protective eyewear can help in protecting your eyes from any damage or injury including irritation due to chemicals or debris. 

Depending on your type of work you can opt for any of the following eyewear as per your requirement of work:

6. Create Eye-Friendly Environment

There are many things around us that can be bad, actually bad for our eyes. For example, sitting and working for hours on your computer or laptop, reading or writing in dim light and even fluorescent light would harm your eyes. How to increase eyesight in this case then? 

You need to be mindful of these things and try to reduce your exposure to these harmful habits.

7. Don’t Forget the Ultimate 20-20-20 Rule

Last, but not least, since you are doing hard work throughout the whole day not only your body but your eyes need rest too. 

Continuous strenuous activity puts a strain on your eyes, it is more if you are working for long hours on the computer. In order to ease the strain in your eyes, you need to follow a simple 20-20-20 Rule.

Let’s break down what this 20-20-20 Rule is, it means that you should take a break from your computer screen after every 20 minutes and try to look at something that is 20 feet away for only 20 seconds. 

 This 20-second activity will reduce the strain and improve your eyesight.

TakeAway Note 

From a healthy nutritious diet to eye exercises, a regular visit to the doctor and to avoiding eye-harming habits can surely help you solve the mystery as to how to improve eyesight. 

Your eyes are your treasure and the same is the case for your eyecare. Regular checkup is a must for healthy eyes and to improve eyesight. 

In case of any eye issue, you can easily book and connect with the best Eye Specialists/Ophthalmologists anywhere anytime in Pakistan exclusively via

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