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Potential Side Effects of Skin Whitening Injections in 2024!

Potential Side Effects of Skin Whitening Injections
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Aging signs are different, such as dull skin tone, wrinkles, saggy and pigmented skin. Many people go for different cosmetic procedures to get their youthful look back. 

There are different treatments that can help to reduce the fine lines and lighten your skin tone, like skin whitening injections

Many people in Asian countries (but not around the world) also want to lighten their skin tone. Well, it is a misconception here that white skin is a contributing factor in beauty. 

People, especially women, go crazy to get a lighter skin tone and do not even think about what will happen next. 

Skin whitening injections are common these days as they reduce the melanin concentration and give your skin a light tone, but what about the side effects of skin whitening injections. 

Let’s get into details about the side effects of skin whitening injections. 

Skin Whitening Injections – Glutathione

When I asked a dermatologist about skin whitening drugs, he shared that glutathione is used in skin whitening injections. Excessive melanin production may result in many skin problems. Glutathione works for your skin as it converts eumelanin into pheomelanin. 

Free radicals can affect the appearance of your skin. According to some convincing studies, glutathione fights them off and protects against any damage, such as UV radiation. Experts share that skin whitening injection contains anti-aging properties. 

Additionally, glutathione is a natural substance of your body that your liver produces. Aging results in less amount of glutathione in your body which affects your skin appearance. The main purpose of these injections is to maintain the level of glutathione in your body giving you whitening injections results that are to let your youthful look back. 

Skin Whitening Injections Side Effects

Are skin whitening injections safe for your overall health? Are there any whitening injections side effects? 

Well, skin whitening injections are safe, but there are skin whitening injections side effects too that you may experience. 

Getting a glutathione injection might have a number of negative effects, just like any other cosmetic procedure. The severity of the side effects can range from mild to severe, depending on the dosage used.

This is why you should have a competent and experienced medical practitioner deliver the glutathione injection in order to prevent or lessen the severity of any side effects and get the best whitening injection results. 

If a patient receives a dosage that is significantly more than what is necessary, they risk experiencing catastrophic adverse effects like kidney failure or blood poisoning.

In addition to this, if more than 5 grams of glutathione are administered, the following additional whitening injections side effects may also manifest: 

Do you know that skin lightening tone is a side effect of skin whitening injections? 

Yes, it is. 

1. Whitening Injections may Cause White Hair or Hair Loss

Being a whitening procedure, it directly affects the melanin level in your body. When the level of melanin gets affected, it also impacts the other pigmented-producing substances parts. 

So, having white skin after injections means that you will also experience white hair. Some people also shared that they experienced hair loss after the whitening treatment. 

2. May Cause an Eye Infection

Glutathione enters your body through injections. When it reaches your bloodstream, it can affect your eyes. You may also experience redness and irritation in the eyes. According to the research, if such medicine enters your bloodstream, it may result in weak eyesight – a potential skin whitening injection side effect. 

Also, get to know in detail about pink eye infection

3. Increase Risk of Skin Allergy

One of the other skin whitening injections side effects is that they increase the risk of allergic reactions. It happens because these injections make your skin prone to more environmental microorganisms. Studies reveal that these chemicals enter your system, which results in an imbalance of hormones. 

Such hormonal imbalance leads to many skin allergic reactions, such as scales, small bumps, and redness. Such kinds of skin allergy reactions may appear for a few days as they are not persistent. 

4. Whitening Injections May Cause Breast Pain

Now we know about the injected chemicals and their hormonal imbalance reactions, breast pain is one of the side effects of whitening injections. 

Yes, they may also cause pain in your breast, not that severe, but they can cause mild irritation. It is not a long period sign but can cause discomfort for a while. You may also experience pinching pain in your nipples. 

5. May Lead to Gastro Issues

With a weak immune system, you are at risk of many potential side effects while taking drugs. Some people shared that they experienced stomach pain, but it was mild. Gastro issues like diarrhea and digestion issues are also common after taking skin whitening injections. You should ask your doctor if it is persistent as you may experience dizziness and weakness. 

6. May Cause Nausea

When your body responds to any injected substance, it may cause nausea. It is the way your body responds to something. If you ask me what an instant side effect of skin whitening injection is, I would say that it will be nausea, but this is also temporary. 

7. May Aggravate Asthma Symptoms

When you take drugs or any medication, it may interfere with any body function.  Skin whitening injections injected in the epidermal layer of skin may affect the lungs and their function. 

Therefore, no matter if you are planning to inject these drugs, you need to consult with your doctor and share your medical history. 

If you experience breathing difficulty, get medical help as soon as possible. Asthma patients should also ask the doctor before taking treatment. 

8. May Lead to Slight Weight Gain

Although having puffy skin won’t ever make you look obese, side effects of skin whitening injections may include a small weight gain by interfering with your hormonal balance and your fat-sensitive areas.

Is it really so problematic? There is no reason to fear or worry.

Everybody responds to change in a unique way. Only 2% of persons exhibit this symptom, though some don’t. Furthermore, if you remain satisfied with your therapy and concentrate on your main objective, the puffiness might be eliminated quickly. 

In such sensitive parts, you may also experience a slight numbness or puffiness. But it is a temporary condition that will go away over some time. If it lasts a few days, consult with your doctor. 

9. Whitening Injections can Result in Partial Sensation Loss

Partial sensation loss is something called numbness. You’re totally correct if you assume it’s the same as tooth numbness.

Since you are piercing your skin, your feelings will temporarily stop working. Any transport of sensory data is stopped as a result of this shutdown.

It means that for a while, you won’t be able to feel anything, including touch, discomfort, or cold.

Some other life-threatening (very rare) whitening injection side effects include: 

10. Steven Johnson’s Syndrome

Steven Johnson Syndrome is another negative effect of skin-whitening injections. The mucous membranes, skin, eyes, and genitalia are all affected by this uncommon but deadly condition.

A sore throat and mouth, fever, and burning eyes are some of its symptoms. In addition, the patient experiences: 

  • Excruciating skin agony
  • A rash that is purple or red and spreads
  • Blisters on the skin, and mucous membranes on the genitalia, nose, eyes, and mouth.

It is an urgent medical situation that necessitates hospitalization.  Patients with Steven Johnson Syndrome are cared for by specialized nursing and medical staff. Some are held in burn treatment facilities or intensive care units.

This syndrome is dangerous. Wear a bracelet with the tag for this syndrome if you have a history of the condition. Use caution when choosing which medications to take. 

Though it is very rare to get Steven Johnson Syndrome, still, you should consult with the best dermatologists before getting skin whitening injections. You can make an appointment via Healthwire

11. Sepsis

Sepsis or septicemia may result from the adverse consequences of skin-whitening injections. Another name for it is blood poisoning. 

One of the causes of this illness, in which germs that cause infection in your body enter the bloodstream, is skin lightening injections. You experience chills, a high or moderate temperature, pale complexion, especially on the face, an accelerated heartbeat, and labored breathing as a result. 

Since the infection has the potential to spread to your heart tissues and valves and endanger your life, this problem needs to be treated right away.


It is your body that reacts to drugs in a different way. Skin whitening injections’ side effects may appear instantly, but they also go away on their own. If you notice any symptom that lasts up to a few days, you should consult with your doctor. 

So, you get to decide if you want to endanger your life for aesthetic reasons. Do not concern yourself with what people may think of you. Prioritize your health. Try to be at ease with who you are, despite what people may think.

After all, it is advisable to turn to home remedies rather than medical care if you are still worried about your appearance.  You can also try some skin whitening tips to get a natural skin tone at home. But if your skin is sensitive, consult with the best dermatologists. 

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