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Zits, Pimples, and Cysts: A Guide to Different Acne Types

A Guide to Different Acne Types
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Are you tired of dealing with pesky pimples that just won’t go away? Well, you are not alone. Acne can be a real pain both physically and emotionally and millions of people are suffering from it. 

But did you know that not all acne is the same? That’s right, there are actually different acne types that appear on the skin and each one requires a different approach when it comes to the treatment. So, acne is not a one-size-fits-all diagnosis. It is that’s why called a multifactorial disease which means that it is caused by a number of factors.

Let’s dive in deep and find why your breakouts are looking different from your bestie’s. You can conquer everything from small whiteheads to big cysts, hang it tight. 

What is Acne?

Acne is a very common condition that causes pimples and several types of blemishes on the skin. Each one of these comes with a distinct appearance and symptoms. 

Causes of Acne

There are three to four basic reasons behind the formation of acne on the skin. Depending on different acne types, these can be:

Besides that, certain triggers can worsen different types of acne. These can be:

Diet: Research suggests that the relationship between diet and acne is very close. Consumption of certain foods including carbohydrate-rich foods, like chips, bagels, and bread can worsen your acne. 

Hormonal changes: Androgens are the hormones that increase in girls and boys during the time of puberty. This increase can cause the sebaceous glands to get enlarged and make more sebum. Hormone changes during midlife, in women in particular can be a huge trigger behind breakouts too. 

Stress: Stress doesn’t necessarily cause different acne types, but if you already have it, it can make it worse. 

Medicines: Certain medicines containing testosterone, lithium, or corticosteroids can trigger your acne. 

Read Best Acne Creams in Pakistan to explore more. 

Types of Acne – Mild and Severe

Acne can be of different types. It can be present in a number of forms. From small blemishes to serious noticeable cysts these can be seen affecting the skin. Here are the common types of acne that are commonly seen in people. 

The best dermatologists at Shifa International Hospital say that in each one of the acne types, the lesion needs a different treatment. Receiving prompt and correct treatment can save you from long-term skin complications like scarring and pitting.

Acne falls into two categories depending on whether it causes inflammation on the skin or not. 

Non-inflammatory Acne Types

When we talk about non-inflammatory acne, blackheads, and whiteheads come under non-inflammatory acne lesions. These are the least severe forms of acne and do not cause discomfort or swelling. 


Blackheads are open comedones, dark-colored small spots that appear slightly looking like raised bumps. The skin around the blackhead appears to be normal, while the center of the blackhead is darker than the skin surrounding it. 

Dr. Annum Shahzadi who is one of the top dermatologists in Pakistan while explaining different acne types says that, the color of the blackhead is not a result of trapped dirt. Blackheads are actually whiteheads that have widened and opened. When the contents of the whiteheads are exposed to air, they get darkened. 


The medical term for whiteheads is closed comedones. These appear as small, spots or bumps that are the color of flesh. On lighter skin, they appear as a red halo with a white circular center. 

On dark skin, the surrounding area may appear dark or purple-hued. Whiteheads don’t usually cause scarring of any sort. 

Suggested Read: Phitkari benefits for skin and hair.

Inflammatory Acne Types

A person with a more severe case of acne can experience inflamed blemishes across the face, back, and chest.  Inflammatory acne is a lot more severe than noninflammatory acne and can cause scarring and even pitting. 

Read acne on the back to explore more.

Inflammatory acne can vary from small bumps to severe cysts. Some of these get so bad to the extent of needing surgery. 

Mild forms

The mild forms of acne are mentioned below. 


Papules are bumps under the skin surface that are less than 1 centimeter in diameter. These appear as solid, raised, and tender. Typically the skin around the papule is also inflamed. 

Unlike blackheads and other acne types, the pores of the papule are not widened, and there is no visible center as it was in the case of whiteheads. 

Pustules a.k.a Pimples

Pustules appear to be large bumps, that are tender and can be seen with a circular center that is filled with white or yellowish pus. The area around the pustule also appears o be pink or red on the light skin and it is black or brown on dark skin. 

The pus present in the pustule is typically a mix of bacterial and immune cells that get collected in the blocked pore. 

Pustules can be explained as much larger and more inflamed whiteheads. 

Read types of skin to explore more on acne types.

Severe Forms

The severe form of acne is observed in two types. Let’s have a look.


Nodules are hard, inflamed bumps that are located deep into the skin. Just like papules, the nodules have no visible head. Nodules are severe forms of acne and if not treated well can leave the skin with scarring and spots. 

Now, how is this formed? A nodule is formed the lesion develops when clogged pores become infected. These then swell beneath the skin’s surface. As a result of that, nodular acne can be much more painful and severe than its physical presentation.


Cysts are very painful, large, and red or white lumps present deep in the skin. These cysts are full of pus and can typically be very soft to the touch. 

Cysts are the most severe out of all acne types. In bad cases, a person may require surgical intervention to treat them. If not treated properly, cysts can result in permanent scarring. 

Read How to Get Rid of Cystic Acne to explore more. 

When to Visit Healthwire!

Now that you are familiar with acne types and how different they are from each other, it is on you to find the best treatment for yourself. This cannot be done alone, so you need to visit the best dermatologist near you. You can can do that by contacting Healthwire. 

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