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Know your Skin Better by Reading on Different Types of Skin! 

Different Types of Skin
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Do you know just like you dress according to the body type you have, you can tailor your skincare according to your skin type? Now, you can go with the ‘one-size fits all’ theory for clothing but when it comes to skin type, it doesn’t work that way.  

This is mainly because different types of skin react differently to different products, environments, and diets that you take. The key to healthy skin is always knowing your type and using the right products. 

Now, choosing the right products to take care of your skin comes after you educate yourself about what type of skin you have.

Different Types of Skin – Know your Skin Type 

There are basic 5 types and these can be recognized with small indicators. Let’s have a look.

1. Normal Skin 

The normal skin type is the best one that you can have. It is neither too oily nor too dry. It is less reactive if compared with other types and is pretty easy to maintain.

2. Oily Skin

Oily Skin is often characterized by greasiness throughout the face. This occurs usually due to overactive sebaceous glands (sometimes a lot in number). These can lead to excessive sebum production in the skin. 

3. Dry Skin

Dry Skin type is seen to be flaky compared to the different types of skin. There is some sort of bleeding observed sometimes and can even give your face a powdery appearance. Management of the itch in dry skin can be tricky as it lacks the needed hydration and can feel very tight on the face. 

It can also lead to sensitivity towards some products. For example, foaming face washes or serums used to exfoliate the skin can cause irritability on dry skin. 

4. Combination Skin

What is combination skin? The top dermatologists at Southeast Hospital say that combination skin is one where the T-zone is oily and the cheeks are dry. The oiliness and the dryness can be a response to weather conditions like summer causing extreme oiliness and winters causing extreme dryness.  

5. Sensitive Skin

Sensitive Skin compared to other types of skin,  is identified by its reactions to food, environmental factors, and the product used on the skin. All of this happens in a manner that is more persistent with constant triggers.  

How to Find Your Skin Type? 

To determine what type of skin you have, follow these steps: 

Normal skin will feel clean and fresh. It will not feel tight or irritated after washing. It will remain the same throughout the day and will not change as compared to other types of skin 

Oily skin on the other hand might look matt after washing but will become shiny or greasy over the next hours. The oil can be seen if a person blows their nose with a tissue.  

Dry skin will start to feel tight and extra dry after washing. It might also start to look dull, flaky, and rough. 

Combination skin will start to show oil on the T-zone, which includes the nose, chin, and forehead. 

How to Take Care of Different Skin Types – Tips and Tricks to Try! 

Now that you know the answer to how to know your skin type, it is important for you to know how to take care of different types of skin

Normal Skin  

When you are blessed with normal skin, it is very important that you maintain it. Normal skin is very balanced when it comes to pH and oil production. By looking at that, one thinks that there is no need to invest in taking care of the skin. But here are some tips. 

Oily Skin

As much as oily skin can be due to hormonal changes, genetics, or climate, don’t forget that it is also the most prone to acne and breakouts. Some tips that you can use to take care of your oily skin include: 

To read more about skincare routine for men, click here

Dry Skin

Dr skin can be due to genetics, seasonal changes, and due to aging. Here are the tips to help you take care of your dry skin. 

Read more about the best moisturizers in Pakistan.

Combination Skin

Sensitive Skin

Sensitive skin out of all types of skin is a result of sensitive nerve endings on the face. This gives the skin a pinkish and reddish appearance. This leads to irritation on the skin. So, some tips that can help you out include. 

When to Contact Healthwire!

After knowing different types of skin, it must have gotten clear in your head what skin type you have and what products are good for you. If you are still concerned or want some in-depth answers, it is best to contact the top dermatologist associated with Healthwire Dr. Mahvish Aftab Khan by visiting the Healthwire app.      

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