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All You Need to Know About Skincare Routine for Men

Skincare Routine For Men
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It is never too late to start a skincare routine for men or to upgrade the existing one. By doing that you not only invest in your health but also can increase your self-confidence. But as far as I know, it is believed that finding the perfect skincare routine for men is an endless treasure hunt with a map that is impossible to decode.

But here’s the thing: There is no end goal or a benchmark. It is just like exercising every day, eating good food, and staying hydrated. One thing to remember here is that building a skincare routine, takes consistency and some good products. 

Hopefully, I will be able to figure out the best skincare routine for you men out there.      

Start Simple!

For a lot of guys, this topic of skincare routine for men might get too much on the nerves, so it is best that you start slow. A simple 3-step skincare routine is the best way to go. By starting here, you will be miles ahead of most guys. It’s a great place to begin with. 

The Beginners Regimen – Cleanse, Exfoliate, Moisturize

The three core or major steps of any skincare regime include cleansing, exfoliating, and moisturizing. Obviously, it is never a good idea to do all of these at once. 

Here is how you do it:

It is best if you use an exfoliant that has salicylic acid in it. It helps in dealing with acne, and dead skin and also clears clogged pores. One more tip in the skincare routine for men is to exfoliate at night time after cleansing and before moisturizing. Otherwise, there are chances that you might wake up looking like a red tomato. 

It is best to add SPF to the skin during day time as it can shield you against the UV rays that can cause skin aging. Try and wear a heavier moisturizer at night time and a lighter one in the morning as part of men skincare routine.    

To read more about the best moisturizers, give it a read.   

The Intermediate Regimen – Hydrating Serums, Eye Creams, Masks, and Spot Treatments

The intermediate skincare routine for men is a little advanced that involves the use of serums, eye creams, masks, and spot treatments. These play an important role in evolving skincare

Let’s see how it’s done.  

It is applied mostly at night time as this contains peptides that can make your skin look more awake and less tired. Apply it twice a day if needed. 

The Advanced Regimen – Retinol, Vitamin C, Niacinamide, AHA, and BHA

The advanced regimen includes ingredient-based treatments that work great for the skin. It includes retinol, vitamin C, Niacinamide, and AHA and BHA.

When to See a Doctor

If you think that, this skincare routine for men is not workable for you. Then, you need to get some of the skin tests done by getting them booked through Healthwire. Also, you can visit the best dermatologists near you, if you think your skin condition is worsening day by day.

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