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Skin Pigmentation – How to Lighten the Dark Patches?

Skin Pigmentation
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Pigmentation is the skin color but there is a possibility of changes in human skin color. Dr. Rubbab Zahra, one of the best dermatologists says, it happens due to skin pigmentation disorders that can make changes in skin color. Do you know who is responsible for skin color?

Well, melanin is the pigment that is responsible as it is made up of cells in the skin. But many conditions may cause skin color changes, or turn your skin into dark patches. It is also known as hyperpigmentation. This disorder also refers to age spots, which are also called liver spots.

Hyperpigmentation is not a life-threatening condition but a cosmetic issue.

Let’s get into details about hyperpigmentation.

What is Hyperpigmentation?

Hyperpigmentation is not always a condition as it can turn some specific areas of your body dark. The word itself describes the term, “Hyper” which means more, and “Pigment” which means color. 

The pigmentation meaning in urdu is رنگت. It can appear as pink spots, gray, black, red, and brown patches. Sometimes, it refers to liver spots, sun spots, and age spots.

What are the Types of Hyperpigmentation?

Some of the common hyperpigmentation include:

Sunspots – Excess exposure to the sun may cause sunspots and appear more commonly on your hands and face

Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation – An injury or inflammation on the skin may cause this type of hyperpigmentation

Melasma – Hormonal changes or pregnancy can develop melasma which mostly appear on the face or stomach

What Causes Hyperpigmentation?

Many people, especially women, are very conscious about their looks. Having changes in skin color shows that there is some problem. Sometimes, more production of melanin can lead to hyperpigmentation. Melanocytes are the skin cells that produce melanin. Many factors can contribute to affecting melanin amounts.

During pregnancy, women may experience melanin production which may lead to one of the most common types, melasma. Some diseases may also lead to the changes in skin color, such as Addison’s disease.

Treatments like chemotherapy and medicines can cause hyperpigmentation. Increased level of hormones is associated with melanin increased synthesis that results directly in hyperpigmentation.

A dermatologist helps to diagnose the cause of the hyperpigmentation by asking for medical history or a physical exam. Skin biopsy is also helpful to find out the cause in some hyperpigmentation cases.

What are the Treatments for Hyperpigmentation?

Hyperpigmentation may be mild or severe as it depends on the developing phase and the causing factor. Here we start with the procedures that can help in treating the changes in human skin color fast.


When it comes to learning about some old OTC skin care treatments, retinoids are one of them. They are derived from vitamin A and penetrate deep into the skin. Retinoids treat layers underneath the epidermis and are suitable for all skin tones.

Chemical Peel

It is a process of outer skin layer removal using some highly concentrated acids. Chemical peel deals with specific areas of the skin. Make sure that you discuss with the skin specialist what the possible side effects are. People with melasma and age spots should try a chemical peel.


It is the procedure that helps in improving antioxidant levels in the blood and reducing inflammation. Your doctor can help you learn if this method can help you.

Intense Pulse Light Therapy (IPL)

It is a non-ablative laser treatment that stimulates collagen growth within the dermis. You may need to attend multiple sessions for effective results for hyperpigmentation.

Laser Peel

A laser peel is also a known procedure for treating hyperpigmentation. It is of two types, ablative and non-ablative. The ablative procedure includes intense removal of the skin layer while the non-ablative stimulates the collagen and tightens your skin.

What are the Home Remedies to Reduce Hyperpigmentation?

Some of the natural ingredients are also effective to reduce the spots or patches on your skin or face. Skin pigmentation can be treated in the following ways, such as:

Aloe Vera

The gel in aloe vera contains aloin that works in the best way to reduce the darkness on your skin and also has a low risk of side effects. You can leave it in the gel overnight and rinse it off the next morning with lukewarm water.

Green Tea

The extract of green tea has a skin-lightening effect. When you apply its extract on the skin, it will leave a depigmenting effect on your skin and treat hyperpigmentation.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Experts from Hameed Latif Hospital say that it contains acetic acid that has lightening effects and treats mild hyperpigmentation. You need equal parts of apple cider vinegar and water and make a mixer. Apply it on the face or a specific area. You should follow it for months to get better results.

Licorice Extract

Licorice extract is known for its skin-lightening effects. You can try its extract for treating hyperpigmentation caused by sun exposure and melasma.

The Bottom Line!

Early signs or symptoms of hyperpigmentation can help you get proper treatment because early treatment is way more effective. It will also reduce the risk of skin patch development. You can also book your appointment with the best cosmetologists in Lahore for procedures and early treatment. 

Skin pigmentation disorders may need some procedure treatment for better results. You can also reduce the risk with some prevention tips that will protect your skin, like using sunblock against ultraviolet rays  and best moisturizers for skin hydration


Can Aloe Vera Remove Pigmentation?

Regular use of aloe vera gel can improve the skin’s appearance and lighten the area as it contains aloin.

Does Vitamin C Help with Hyperpigmentation?

Yes, Vitamin C can help in depigmenting the dark patches or spots on the skin.

How Can I Lighten My Pigmentation Fast?       

Sometimes, the fastest way to reduce the hyperpigmentation appearance includes dermatological procedures, like chemical peel, light therapy, Dermabrasion, microdermabrasion, etc.

What Deficiency Causes Skin Pigmentation?

Vitamin B12 deficiency leads to dark patches on your skin or face. The group of b-vitamins support skin health.

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