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Chemical Peels – A Miracle Solution for Your Acne Scars

Chemical Peels
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Are you attempting to get rid of acne scars? 

Chemical peels seem like a fantastic solution to get rid of those bothersome reminders of prior zits. 

Read further to have a complete guide on chemical peels!!!

What are Chemical Peels? 

Chemical peels involve removing the top layers of skin from the face with an acid or a combination of acids. This reveals new skin beneath and stimulates collagen growth to improve the skin’s appearance. 

These peels can be used to treat a variety of skin problems, including acne scarring in some cases. 

What is the Chemical Peel Price in Pakistan?

The cost of chemical peel is different as it depends on the type of technique. The average price of chemical peel ranges from PKR 12,000 to 15,000.

What Are Types of Chemical Peels? 

Chemical peels are divided into three categories. These include: 

Light Chemical Peel

It is a superficial chemical peel. The outer layer of skin is removed with it.  Fine wrinkles, acne, uneven skin tone, and dryness are all treated with it. You can get it every two to five weeks. 

Medium Chemical Peel

It eliminates skin cells from the epidermis as well as sections of the top middle layer of your skin. It helps with wrinkles, acne scars, and uneven skin tone. 

To attain or maintain the intended effect, you may need to repeat the operation.

Deep Chemical Peel 

A deep chemical peel eliminates considerably more skin cells. For deeper wrinkles, scars, or precancerous growths, your doctor may prescribe one. 

You won’t need to repeat the procedures.

Also learn more about acne scars – its types and treatments

Do Chemical Peels for Acne Scars Work? 

The key to preventing serious acne scars is to keep your acne under control. Chemical peels can be utilized as part of your daily skincare routine to help prevent outbreaks and scars.

However, chemical peels aren’t able to treat the hormonal reasons of acne. But they can help reduce the damage it can do to the skin. 

So, the answer to, ‘is chemical peel really a solution for acne scars?’, is YES!!!!

Dr. Shaiqa Ali Shares Effective Tips for Strong Acne Scars

How Do Chemical Peels Get Rid of Acne Scars? 

Chemical peels contain chemicals that aid in the removal of the top layer of skin. This turnover of skin cells can aid in the appearance of new skin that is cleaner and more even in tone and texture.

How do they benefit acne-prone skin to get rid of acne scars? 

Which Chemical Peel is Best for Acne Scars? 

Light chemical peels for acne scars, especially when combined with other treatments, may be enough to reverse hyperpigmentation and smooth modest scarring. 

A medium peel can produce faster effects than a light peel and just requires one treatment. 

How Can You Do Chemical Peel at Home? 

Are you thinking about doing a chemical peel at home? Make sure you choose the proper acids for your skin type and acne issue. 

The majority of chemical peels for acne scars available for home usage will be milder and have a lower impact. They’re meant to aid with more superficial skin problems like acne scars on the surface. 

As a result, keep your expectations in check.

Some of the acids you can look for while buying at-home chemical peels include: 

Type of AcidSkin TypesBenefit
Salicylic acidOily and acne-prone skinLoosen dirt from pores
Glycolic acidNormal to oily skinExfoliates the surface layer of skin
Lactic acidAll skin typesLightens dark spots
Mandelic acidAll skin types and darker skin tonesShrinks big pores
Phytic acidSensitive skinTreats post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation

Note: Make sure you’re getting your peels from a reliable source. Not from an online site you’ve never heard of or from someone you don’t know.

A How-to Guide for At-Home Chemical Peels

How to do a chemical peel for acne at home? You can follow below-mentioned instructions below. 

1- Use a neutral cleanser to cleanse your skin (avoid active ingredients and acids).

2- To ensure that your skin is clean and balanced as an optimal surface, use a pH solution to prepare it.

3- Working from the brow to the chin, apply the peeling solution.

4- Depending on the product, you may need to wait 3–10 minutes. 

Start on the shorter end of the time scale if this is your first peel.

5- Use warm water and a neutral cleanser to remove the chemical peel. 

6- After drying, apply a light moisturizer (no retinoids or acids).

7- Do not repeat until the following week. 

What cautions you need to consider while doing chemical peels at home? 

Also, know how to get rid of cystic acne

When to Get A Professional Peel?

If you have extensive acne scars, seeing a professional for a more intense, medical-grade chemical peel is usually a better option.

To get a professional peel, you can consult a dermatologist near you via

Usually, the chemical peels you can get from a dermatologist involve: 

Type of PeelPotential IngredientsHealing Time
Superficial peelsAlpha-hydroxy acids (AHA), Lactic acid, Glycolic acid, Mandelic acid, Salicylic acid, and Pyruvic acid1–7 days of red and flakey skin
Medium peelsLow-to-moderate-concentration TCA solutions, Glycolic acid, Jessner’s peel, Salicylic acid, Pyruvic acid7–14 days Your face and eyelids may swell during the first 2 days. You may also get blisters that burst and crust over for 2 weeks.
Deep peelsHigh-concentration TCA solutions and Phenol 14–21 days You’ll need to keep the region wrapped, take antiviral medication, bath every day, and see a doctor for multiple follow-up appointments.

What to do If Chemical Peels Don’t Work? Are There Any Alternatives? 

Although chemical peels sound like a promising solution for your acne scars. But what if they don’t work for you or you don’t want to opt for acne scarring treatment? 

So, the good news is!!!! You don’t have to stick to only chemical peeling. There are many other alternatives you can choose from. 

These include: 

Who is a Good Candidate for a Chemical Peel?

Chemical peels can give effective results to the fair-skinned and light-haired patients. Dermatologists do not recommend chemical peels for patients with darker skin as they may cause uneven skin tone.

How to Do Aftercare Following a Chemical Peel?

Chemical peels give smoother and healthier skin. But you also need to take care of the treated area after having the treatment. You should the following tips:

Why Chemical Peel is Combined with Other Skin Resurfacing?

A chemical peel is a skin resurfacing technique that can be combined with other treatments to deal with uneven skin tone, acne, sun damage, wrinkles, etc. Skin experts often combine the chemical peel with other cosmetic procedures to get more effective results. 

For example, both Microneedling and chemical peels are performed to improve the skin both outside and inside. It will give more effective results and reduce premature aging signs.

How Chemical Peel Can Help Other Skin Conditions?

A chemical peel is not for only acne as it is also effective for many other skin conditions, including:

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