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A Complete Guide for How to Remove Dark Circles Permanently

A Complete Guide for How to Remove Dark Circles Permanently

Photo by Ivan Samkov from Pexels

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We, humans, are such interesting creatures. We want to be the best version of ourselves and get the best in shape. But, we think that staying up late watching favourite shows is more fun than sleeping. We know that we can get up early and get the chores done, but the craving for just one more episode of your favourite show keeps you awake. 

Dark circles are a common issue in women and men. Combined with the bags, these dark circles under the eyelids make you look tired and older than your age. If left untreated, it can be really hard to get rid of. 

Even though anyone can be affected by dark circles it is common in:

What Causes Dark Circles?

If you are looking for the possible reasons for what causes dark circles, the common answer is fatigue. Other reasons for having dark circles are:

Dark circles are a common sign of ageing. As we age, our skin cells become thin and the fat in our body starts to lose its collagen. Due to this, under our eyes, the reddish-blue vessels become more common. No matter how good your lifestyle habits, you have opted for yourself, these veins will start to appear. 

Exposure to the sun would further trigger it. That’s why it becomes very important for you to use sunscreen daily as a ritual. With the ageing process, people either develop hollows under the eyes or puffy eyelids. These two features at times cast a physical shadow that can appear as dark circles and you would be looking for dark circles treatment.

Now, no matter how good habits you have, you cannot change your genes! 

Your genes are one of the biggest factors that can determine your skin and how you will look with age. That’s why people with fair skin are more prone to dark circles as compared to those with darker skin tone ones. 

But, still, for many other people ageing, genetics or the sun isn’t the cause of dark circles. At times, it’s simply due to allergies. Allergies due to moulds, dust or other seasonal allergies trigger an inflammatory response in the body. This inflammatory response will make your eyes inflamed, swell and even dark circles.

How to Reduce Dark Circles

Dark circles are not a real problem but without a doubt, they can make you look unhealthy, older, tired and worn out. There are many medical and natural methods that people use to get rid of dark circles. Home remedies for dark circles are one such method. But, all of these remedies and treatments for dark circles would work differently for an individual as everyone is different from each others. 

Therefore, before opting for any method, it is best to review it. In case you are opting for medical treatment, you should first discuss with your doctor all the pros and cons thoroughly. 

First thing’s first, you can start with treating dark circles at home.

Dr. Mahvish Aftab Khan Shares Other Dark Circle Treatments that can be Done at Home

12 Natural Ways How to Get Rid of Dark Circles

Okay, so since you just get to know about the causes of dark circles. The next thing is you want a solution for your dark circles. You must be 

thinking about how to remove dark circles under the eyes permanently get rid of your dark circles. 

I am sure, you must be already looking for an effective remedy for dark circles or how to get rid of dark circles readily or simply the best dermatologists for your dark circles treatment.

To help you, we have prepared a list of 12 natural home remedies for dark circles.

Remember that you need to be consistent and patient while you are experimenting with the new routine for your dark circles. At least for about 4 to 6 weeks, you need to wait for the results of the new routine. If the results aren’t good, you can simply choose the other remedy for the dark circles.

1. Cold compress to Get Rid of Dark Circles

One of the cheapest and fastest ways how to get rid of dark circles is without a doubt a cold compress. 

How to Use:

2. Cold Tea Bags Remedy for Dark Circles

If you are a tea lover, here is good news for you. If you don’t have masks or cucumbers, tea bags can be your alternative. Green tea in particular has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that help in soothing the strained blood capillaries under your eyes.

How to Use:

3. Cucumbers for Your Dark Circles

I am sure you all might have already seen on television or in movies people use cucumbers as a cold compress, Right?! This might look fancy but, the question here is does it really work in reducing dark circles?

Well, cucumbers have skin-lightening properties. So to get rid of dark circles naturally, you can use slices of the cucumbers. 

How to Use:

To try this remedy, all you need to do is:

4. Lemon Juice + Cucumber Juice

Now, if the cucumber slices don’t work for you, you can try using cucumber juice and lemon juice.

How to Use:

5. Potatoes – Your Instant Remedy for Reducing Dark Circles

One of my go-to remedies to get rid of dark circles instantly is potatoes. Surprisingly, potatoes are a good source of Vitamin C. It is Vitamin C which is great for strengthening the skin collagen and improving the glow on the skin. 

How to Use:

Vitamin C is a miracle remedy for your eyes. To get instant results: 

6. Tomatoes to Get Rid of Dark Circles

Lycopene substance is a miracle ingredient for your skin, vision and cardiovascular health at any age. Not only does this substance helps in creating supple and softer skin, but is also beneficial in decreasing the dark circles under the eyes. Interestingly, this substance is rich in tomatoes. 

While trying remedies for how to remove dark circles naturally, lycopene’s medical benefit of tomato is your answer. 

How to Use:

A tasty blend of tomato juice, mint leaves and lemon juice as a drink daily is good for improving your overall health.

7. Orange Juice to Remove Dark Circles

What if I tell you that delicious fresh orange juice that savours your palate can also help you in getting rid of the dark circles. Oranges are rich in Vitamin A and C making them one of the best remedies for reducing dark circles. 

How to Use:

8. Rose Water

Rosewater isn’t just all about a beautiful fragrance. It also helps in rejuvenating and soothing your skin and you get glowing skin. It is mild astringent like that of cucumber which makes rosewater a good skin toner. It doesn’t make your dark circles disappear overnight but is still a good remedy to get rid of dark circles. 

How to Use:

9. Cold Milk

Vitamin A is rich in dairy products. This Vitamin contains retinoids which are great for your skin, making your skin look young and bright. 

How to Use:

To benefit from the Vitamin A from the milk, simply:

10. Turmeric

I am sure, it is one of the home remedies for skin issues that have been passed on to you from your grandmothers and mothers. Turmeric is a powerful naturally occurring antioxidant and has anti-inflammatory properties. It is one of the cheapest and easiest ways to get rid of dark circles.

How to Use:

11. Vitamin E Oil 

Vitamin E oil is rich in antioxidants. Thus, it helps in fighting off the free radicals and delaying wrinkles and skin ageing. Vitamin E oil is easy to use to help you when you are looking for Vitamin E potential benefits in removing dark circles. 

How to Use:

12. Coconut Oil

Just like Vitamin E, coconut oil is also a gentle and natural anti-inflammatory substance, good for lightening the dark circles under your eyes. 

The use of coconut oil moisturizer helps to reduce the fine lines under your eyes and wrinkles simultaneously. The procedure of applying coconut oil to your dark circles is the same as that of Vitamin E oil. 

Other Life Style Hacks and Treatments to Get Rid of Dark Circles

If you are someone who is living in South Asia, and particularly in Pakistan, you would already have an idea of how natural home remedies are always the first choice of treatment for any issue. 

Obviously, one cannot deny the effectiveness of home remedies that have been passed on to us for generations. I am sure, you might have already heard about the health benefits of aloe vera for your skin in this regard.

But, sometimes, you need to modify lifestyle habits and other medical treatments. The same is the case if you want to remove dark circles permanently. 

Here is the list of lifestyle changes that you need to do to get rid of your dark circles.

1. Get Enough Sleep for Reducing Dark Circles

In this era of digital distractions, our generation has compromised a lot on their health and sleeping habits. Nothing helps your immune system, skin, and overall health like enough sleep. If you want the dark circles and eye bags away from you, get a nice 8 hours of sleep.

2. Good Sleeping Posture

You might have heard about the importance of sleeping postures for good sleep. If you are sleeping on your stomach or on a side, gravity would allow the fluid to be collected under your eyes. So, try to sleep on your back as it helps reduce dark circles.

3. Regular Exercise of Medication

Regular exercise enhances the circulation of blood in your skin. This blood flow helps in reducing skin ageing and dark circles, transforming the dull complexion of skin to achieving younger and brighter skin. 

Moreover, daily exercise allows the release of endorphins into the bloodstream. This endorphin is a happy hormone, as it makes you feel balanced and happy by keeping away depression and anxiety.

Meditation- whether you are opting for a mindful exercise, yoga or prayer or simply walking, swimming or any other thing that you like to get peace of mind- helps in keeping stress away and helps reduce dark circles.

4. Apply Moderate Moisturizer

Applying moderate moisturizer twice a day is a good habit for your glowing skin. During the daytime, a light moisturizer with an SPF would work. While at night, use a heavy moisturizer and a good eye cream daily before going to sleep.

5. Allergy Medication

If you are prone to seasonal allergies or any other allergies, you are going to get dark circles. Allergy can make your eyes itchy and when you rub your eyes, you end up worsening your dark circles. Therefore, make sure to take anti-allergic medicines regularly as prescribed by your doctor to avoid dark circles, puffy eyes and eye bags. 

6. Use Eye Creams

Eye creams are a trend these days. Many people love to use retinoid eye creams, however, it is not recommended for all skin types. Therefore use it as per your dermatologist’s recommendation. Use in a small amount and not more than twice a week or else you will get dry, flaky and red skin.

7. Properly Remove Makeup

One of the worst skin-damaging habits is going to sleep with your makeup on. Removing the eyeliner or mascara by rubbing would further damage your eyes. Make sure to properly and correctly remove your makeup by using a good quality makeup removal solution. 

8. Wash Your Face Thoroughly and Regularly

Wash your face properly at least twice a day with lukewarm water. Do Not use hot water to wash your face as it will act as an anti-inflammatory agent thus making your eyes look puffier and redder. 

9. Visit Your Dermatologist

Last but not the least, if none of the remedies is working, consult your dermatologist. Your dermatologist would either recommend fillers, skin brightening creams, chemical peels or use laser treatment to get rid of the dark circles permanently. 

Wrapping it Up!!!!!

Dark circles are not a serious health concern. But, having dark circles under your eye would make you look worn out, thus affecting your overall facial features. 

There are enormous natural remedies and medical treatments that help in reducing and getting rid of dark circles. So, before opting for any remedy it’s good to consult with your doctor to choose the best option for yourself.

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