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Things You Need to know for Healthy Glowing Skin

Things You Need to know for Healthy Glowing Skin
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Healthy glowing natural skin is a forever beauty trend that everyone wishes to have. There will always be someone whose healthy glowing skin would make them stand out leaving you wondering about how they have achieved this flawless skin? Healthy skin not only adds a glow to your face but also highlights your overall health.

Beautiful clean skin is on the rise everywhere. You can easily see the influencers on social media hailing for naturally healthy skin. From organic to chemical products, you can see hundreds of beauty products for healthy skin wherever you go. More than 50% of women prefer natural beauty products rather than chemical products. 

But, in the case of your skin, what you put in your body is equally important to what you put on your face.

Your lifestyle and diet play a vital role in deciding the wrinkle-free and healthy glowing face that you long for. So, before you pay a fortune for beauty products and go for skin treatments like hydrafacial, here is the list of things you need to know for natural healthy glowing skin.

Natural Tips for Beautiful Glowing Skin

If you are looking for glowing skin tips, then you have just landed in the right place. Following are some of the simple yet effective skin care tips for you.

1. Avoid Excessive Exposure to Sun

Just as much as sunlight is a good source of vitamin D source, continuous exposure to the sun can harm your skin and may lead to several skin-related diseases. Wrinkles and loose skin is a natural phenomenon of the ageing process. However, when you expose yourself to sunlight for a longer period of time, you allow the UV rays to damage your skin. The UV rays can break down the elastic and collagen in your skin resulting in wrinkles and may even cause skin cancer. 

Therefore, the first and the most important thing for a good skincare routine is to avoid excess sun exposure and use a good sunscreen that has titanium dioxide or zinc.

2. Stay Hydrated for Healthy Skin

Water, the ultimate source of life is the second most necessary thing for your skin to look healthy. Your skin will wear out, look dull, dry and saggy and lose its charm if your body is dehydrated. As per research, an average adult should intake 6-8 glasses of water in a day so that the body remains hydrated. You should drink water according to your own body requirement. Drinking water before going to bed will help you in coping with the wrinkles, puffiness and dryness when you wake up the next day.

Drinking water is helpful in avoiding various skin issues such as eczema and psoriasis. Water also helps in flushing out the toxins from the body thus improving your gut health. This, in turn, will enhance the healthy complexion of your skin making it look more fresh and glowing.

3. Add Antioxidant Foods and Drinks to your Diet

When we add such food and drinks in our diet that particularly contain healthy fats, essential nutrients, water and especially anti-oxidants in them, the largest organ of the body i.e. skin shows its effect on the body. Before we hope for serums, masks, creams and lotions to give us results, our body needs to have a proper diet before other products show their results. 

Natural antioxidants present in fruits and vegetables are beneficial for our body, especially the skin. Antioxidants are those substances that help in delaying and preventing cell damage, hence slowing down the ageing process. It is therefore very important to have such food in your diet that has high antioxidants.

The best sources of antioxidants are 

Various studies have mentioned that the healthiest and safest sources of antioxidants are fruits and vegetables which help in combating the fine line on your face and dull complexion as well.

4. Sufficient Intake of Vitamin C

Vitamins are required in small amounts by our body but their deficiency can lead to serious health issues. For your skin issues, Vitamin C is an important nutrient. A diet rich in vitamin C content helps in delaying wrinkles. The production of collagen in your skin is increased if it is exposed to vitamin C for a longer period of time. Vitamin C serum is popular for skin health. Foods rich in vitamin C are

5. Eat healthy fats for Glowing Skin

You need to eat great for your healthy skin and for this you need to add healthy fats to your diet. Yes, Fats! In order to strengthen the cell walls, saturated fatty acids are necessary. Essential fatty acids such as omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids are important for healthy beautiful skin. Fish is the ultimate source of such fatty acids. 

Other foods which have these healthy fats include

6. Reduce the Use of Sugar from your Life

If you are a person who loves to eat sweet or sugary stuff 24/7, you need to consider the intake of sugar. Artificial sweeteners and too much sugar is not only bad for your waistline or cause diabetes but, it is also bad for your skin. Sugar can cause inflammation. This inflammation will produce enzymes that will break down the elastin and collagen in your skin and make wrinkles more severe.

7. Reduce Your Stress

Positive stress is good for health but uncontrolled and chronic stress can trigger skin problems such as eczema and psoriasis. To achieve healthy skin, you need to manage your stress. A simple stress-free routine can do wonders and the results would be way more positive on your skin than your expectations.

8. Stay Active and Keep Moving

Exercise increases the blood flow in your body, bringing sufficient minerals, nutrients and especially oxygen to your skin. Simple walking, jogging or any other active daily activity that keeps you moving, boost the circulation of blood and slow down the ageing process. Staying active leads to better-looking and brighter skin.

9. Get your Beauty Sleep

At least, once in your life, you all have heard about the “Beauty Sleep”. Yes, beauty sleep isn’t a myth but is a real deal. When you sleep, your immune system helps your body to repair the damaged cells. Insufficient sleep can affect your appearance and increases the ageing process by breaking down the collagen in your skin. If you want your skin to glow and look healthy, get your sleep on time.

10. Don’t Smoke

Smoking is among such habits that come with health detrimental warnings. Obviously, for many reasons, smoking affects your whole body including the skin. Smoking restricts the supply of oxygen to your skin, leading to a build-up of free radicals that damage the skin. With time, smoking eventually takes away the healthy glow from your face.

11. Treat your Skin Gently and Modify Skincare Routine for each Season

Daily cleansing and excessive use of skin products take a severe toll on your skin. You need to be very careful about your skin. Your skin barrier needs to strengthen and a skincare routine for one may not be suitable for other people. But here are a few things you’ll need to consider

Last, but not least, your overall lifestyle is extremely important in deciding the fate of your healthy skin. Remember, the skin is yours and if you take care of it, it’ll take care of you in the longer run.

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