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Things You Need to Know About Paleo Diet | Advantages and Disadvantages

Things You Need to Know About Paleo Diet | Advantages and Disadvantages
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“Paleo Diet” or also known as the “Caveman Diet”, “Stone Age Diet”, “Hunter-gatherer Diet” or “Palaeolithic Diet”, is basically a diet plan which is thought to be similar diet plan which our ancestors about 10,000 to 2.5 million years ago, in the Palaeolithic Era had opted. 

But, What is the Paleo Diet Consist of?

Now, definitely, there would be a question in your mind that what this paleo diet plan is? And which food items are included in it? 

So, the paleo diet contains fruits, vegetables, fish, lean meat, seeds and nuts. In short, it includes food that was easily obtained by hunting in the past era. But, the paleo diet does not contain the food that emerged in the farming era such as grains, legumes and dairy products.

Why Opting for a Paleo Diet?

The purpose of the paleo diet is to follow the same eating pattern as that of our ancestors during the “Palaeolithic Era”, on the hypothesis that the modern diet is genetically mismatched. This mismatch is thought to be increasing the risk of diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular disease. As far as how much this hypothesis is true, still more work is needed to make a conclusion from this. 

People follow the paleo diet plan for mainly two reasons

Which Foods to Eat in the Paleo Diet?

Now, which food items to Avoid in the Paleo Diet?

Paleo Diet plan varies as per individual needs, as few people opt for a strict diet plan.

A number of various random clinical trials have been conducted to compare the “Paleo Diet” with other diets such as “Diabetes Diet Plan” or Mediterranean Diet Plan. The results of these studies have provided a beneficial insight into the paleo diet when it is combined with fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy products, legumes, whole grains and lean meat. But, still, there is a need to study the long-term effect and possible disadvantages of the paleo diet on human health.

But, before we discuss the disadvantages of the paleo diet, let’s have a look at the advantages.


Disadvantages of the Paleo Diet:

In the End,

Before, opting for a certain diet plan, you should consult your doctor in case you have any certain medical condition. For more queries and Diet Plans you can always reach out to our Expert Nutritionist and Dietitian at Healthwire.

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