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Fiction or Fact: 5 Myths about Food and Nutrition

Fiction or Fact: 5 Myths about Food and Nutrition

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“To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art.”- François de la Rochefoucauld

Everyone loves food. Your diet is not only important for your growth and development but is equally essential in protecting you from various diseases and disorders. You might also find it interesting that when it comes to the food, everyone has something to say. Myths related to healthy nutrition debate is continuously going on without 

You may also find it intriguing that everyone has reasoning behind “eating this or eating that”. In fact, we all gullibly believed in those “facts” about the food which later on turn out to be false. There are many common misconceptions about food and nutrition circulating around us. You must be thinking that there are food myths that are true while some aren’t, so how do debunk the misconceptions about food? Right! So, you need to be aware not to fall victims to the myths related to healthy nutrition. 

If you are interested in knowing whether what you know about food is fact or fiction, then read on as we debunk 5 common misconceptions about food.

Myths and Facts About Food

Here are some important yet common healthy food facts and myths. In order to further clarify your ambiguity regarding food, let’s start with the common healthy food myths.

1. Frozen Vegetables and Fruits are Less Nutritious as Compared to Fresh Ones?

This current fast-paced era has changed our eating habits. Diet myths seem to be the new norm. While consuming fruits and vegetables, people often ask what is a healthier way to eat them? Eating fresh or frozen? First and foremost many people don’t like to eat vegetables, this again, in turn, is harmful to health. Now coming towards the frozen and fresh fruits plus vegetables. Well, they are nutritious and healthy in any way you want to consume them. Here, you need to be mindful of one thing that some of the nutrients in the frozen fruits and veggies are inactivated. In the case of veggies, these ingredients further get destroyed. But, this shouldn’t stop you from skipping fruits and vegetables. The reason being, these foods and other superfoods are beneficial for health.

2. No or Low Carb Meals are Good for Your Health?

This is one of the common food myths while you are opting for weight loss meal plans. It is interesting to know that “No or Low Carb Diet” is one of the popular “weight-loss” diets. The rapid and short-term solution to lose weight is this diet these days. However, the research has reported its negative side effect on the body in the longer run. There are even further studies that show people gaining their weight back along with an increased risk of mortality. This diet may give you short term benefit but in the longer run, your health would be affected. 

3. Consuming Vitamin C Prevents Cold?

We all have heard about how Vitamin C is important in boosting immunity. But, strictly making it a fact that it would help you in preventing cold is not true at all. Research on vitamin C is limited but it may be able to decrease the duration of your cold. Vitamin C is also an essential nutrient that is a “Must-Have” in your diet and it shouldn’t be skipped. You can opt for vitamin C rich foods in your diet such as citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables, broccoli, other fruits and veggies as well.

4. Consuming Small Portions of Several Meals are Better than a Large Meal?

When it comes to your health, anything that you eat is important as compared to how often you are eating it. So, whether it’s a two large meal or 3-4 small portions of the meal, as long as you are eating healthy both are fine.

5. Do You Gain Weight by Eating at Night?

Last but not the least, weight gain by eating at night is among the common myths and facts about eating habits. You must have heard a lot that eating at night makes you obese. Well, interestingly, you need to know that eating at night does not make you gain weight. Instead, what you eat plays a major role in this. Normally, at night people tend to eat high-calorie food such as cookies, snacks, popcorns, ice-creams etc. As you can see that no one is eating veggies at night. Eating junk can actually make you obese and affect your metabolism.  The research on this aspect is still insufficient. But, some studies have suggested that if we keep a check on our diet, skip a meal at night or opt for fasting, it may help us in losing weight, reducing our blood pressure and improving insulin sensitivity. 

In the End

We have discussed only a few myths and facts about food. Food is a luxury and a need at the same time. Your body is what you eat. If you keep filling it with unhealthy food, you’ll end up ruining your health and welcoming numerous diseases. If you suffer from any food allergy or food intolerance, you need to consult your nutritionist. Remember, you don’t have to experiment on your health, nothing is more important than good health just as 

Virginia Woolf says

“One cannot think well, love well, sleep well if not, has not dined well.”

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