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Coconut Oil: All You Need to Know About this Superfood

Coconut Oil
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Coconut oil is quite popular, and rightfully so.

The coconut tree is a drupe, not a nut, and belongs to the palm tree family (Arecaceae). Coconut oil, an edible oil, is made from the kernels of mature coconuts. It has emerged as extraordinarily famous in current years because of its several health advantages.

Because of its many benefits and applications, the coconut tree is termed the “Lifeline of Health.”

Coconut oil has various uses and healing effects that go far beyond people’s expectations. It is indeed a Superfood.

There are possible chances you may not be aware of its extremely versatile uses and health benefits.

Let’s explore together what coconut oil can do for you!

1. Coconut Oil for Hair and Face

Coconut oil is a great addition to your beauty routine. Uses of coconut oil for hair and skin are many. 

Coconut Oil for Hair Care

Now, you’ll be reading how coconut oil treats various hair problems. 

Reduces Dandruff

Are you tired of stubborn dandruff? The use of coconut oil is a solution.

Yes, coconut oil can help with seborrheic dermatitis, or dandruff, because it’s anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial. It makes clear that the use of coconut oil is an effective treatment for a scaly scalp.

How to use coconut oil for hair? Simply apply a small amount to your roots and massage in circular motions with your hands. It won’t make your dandruff go away, but it will soften the flakes. It will make it easier to shed off flakes in the morning when you wash out the oil.

Adds Shine and Deep Condition Your Hair

Do you have damaged hair? Are you concerned about your hair condition? Again, coconut oil is one of the best remedies. It not only works for the hair on your head, but also proves to improve the growth of the beard as well while increasing its shine.

It’s a wonderful conditioner that helps in the renewal of damaged hair. It also contains vital proteins for reviving and restoring damaged hair. Furthermore, it helps in the prevention of lice infestation in your scalp.

The use of coconut oil for hair is the secret behind women’s long, silky hair in tropical coastal places. It strengthens your hair and gives hair strands a sparkling shine.

Tame Frizz

Are you struggling to tame down frizz in your hair? No worries. Coconut oil has your back. 

In order to tame frizz in your hair, take a little amount of coconut oil between your fingers, rub and run through excessively rough areas. This will leave your hair appearing smooth and shiny. Not only it will add shine but will help you to grow hair fast

Coconut Oil for Face

Coconut oil is a fantastic emollient for all skin types. It is very rich in significant antibacterial, antioxidant, antiaging, and anti-inflammatory qualities. 

The uses of coconut oil for skin are many. Let’s go through them. 

Skin Moisturiser

For your legs, arms, and elbows, coconut oil is a fantastic moisturiser. It’s also safe to use on your face, though it’s not recommended for those with oily skin.

Also, it aids in the healing of cracked heels. Simply apply a little amount to your heels before bedtime, cover with socks, and repeat until your heels are smooth.

Anti-bacterial Action

Coconut oil contains an active ingredient, monolaurin. It has potent anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and antiviral activity. It protects skin from pimples and other skin infections by guarding against dangerous bacteria.

Treats Eczema

Coconut oil can also be used as a natural therapy for eczema. An eczema is a group of skin conditions characterised by red, itchy, and swollen patches of skin.

In a study, eczema patients who applied virgin coconut oil on their skin twice a day saw a decrease in staph bacteria on the skin, as well as a reduction in dryness, skin irritation, redness, and skin thickness due to scratching. To relieve eczema, apply a small layer of virgin coconut oil to the affected region twice a day.

Coconut Oil as Makeup Remover

Coconut oil as a makeup remover. Does this make you wonder?

Coconut oil is an excellent makeup remover. It dissolves lipid-soluble pollutants such as makeup and sebum (the oil that causes oily skin). So, if you wear a lot of makeup or have oily skin, you may use it as a first cleanser. But it should be followed by a gentle water-based cleanser for a more thorough clean.

Just like coconut oil, coconut water is also beneficial for  your skin health. Read more about potential health benefits of coconut water.

2.  Coconut Oil Benefits for Health

The last thing that comes to mind when thinking about the coconut oil benefits is spreading the edible plant fat all over your skin and hair. But it does wonders for many of your health conditions.

Some of the top health benefits of coconut oil are being described below.

Improves Good Cholesterol Levels

Coconut oil aids to improve the level of HDL cholesterol which is good cholesterol. According to a study, of women with abdominal obesity, consumption of coconut oil increased HDL compared to those consuming soybean oil.

Aids in Weight Loss

Coconut oil assists in the burning of stubborn fat in the abdomen thereby helping in weight loss. When compared to other edible oils, it is easy to digest and aid in the healthy functioning of the endocrine systems of the body. In addition, it may be a great one of the weight loss tips to help obese people in losing weight by increasing their metabolic rate and relieving stress by burning energy.

Improves Gut Health

Coconut oil contains essential fatty acids, lauric acid, and monolaurin. These fatty acids possess anti-microbial, anti-viral, and anti-bacterial properties. These help in the management of bacteria, parasites, and fungus that cause a variety of stomach issues.

Enhances Bone Health

Coconut oil improves your body’s ability to absorb essential minerals like calcium and magnesium, which are necessary for bone formation. As a result, it is especially beneficial for women over the age of 40 who are more susceptible to osteoporosis.

Boosts Dental Health

Coconut oil is an effective antibacterial agent, particularly against Streptococcus mutans, the bacteria that causes dental plaque, tooth decay, and bleeding gums. In one study, oil pulling, or swishing with coconut oil for 10 minutes, was shown to be as effective as washing with an antimicrobial mouthwash.

Take Away!

Coconut oil when you add it to your diet or utilise it for cosmetic purposes has a variety of health benefits. However, moderate consumption is a must. To minimise raising your risk of heart disease, health experts recommend keeping your diet moderate.If you want to add coconut oil to your diet, consult a nutritionist in Lahore. You can book an appointment via or make a call at (042) 32500989.

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