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How to Grow a Beard Fast – Get Your Face a Gift!

How to Grow a Beard Fast
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You must be tired of your friend quoting you “a man without a beard is like a lion without mane.” Well, if you are wondering how to grow a beard fast then you have come to the right place for the solution. 

Growing a thick and full beard can be very tough and challenging at the same time. Now, to expect that the growth of the beard hair will be similar to your head hair is foolish.

But, let me tell you that it is not easy to grow a beard and it never happens overnight. The bad news however is that you have to wait for it to grow properly and give it the needed time. 

It gets a lot challenging for a lot of men in their lives where they struggle with the question of how to grow a beard faster naturally. 

Like all other things, growing a beard asks for a lot of dedication and devotion. But it should be believed that with the practice of the right growth techniques and tips, almost everyone can have a stylish and beautiful manly looking beard. 

How to Grow Beard Faster Naturally – Understanding the Beard Stages

There are certain stages of the beard that must be noticed closely in order to know the growth of the hair at each step of the way. These are mentioned below:

Start With a Clean Shave

The first step is to start with a shaving routine. This obviously starts with clean shaving of the face. This can be done by using a good razor and exfoliation afterward. 

Exfoliation makes the skin clean and that encourages the hair follicles to grow. For this, a good face wash and a moisturizer will do the trick. 


A stubble begins after a week of shaving when the beard starts to grow slowly and gives you a sign of optimism. At this stage, you are needed to exfoliate and keep the skin clean for the hair to grow regularly. 

The Itchy Beard (2 to 8 weeks)

At this point you will still have the same question in your mind as to ‘how to grow a beard fast’ but an inch-long beard on your face might make you a little pessimistic as it starts to itch a lot and get flaky. But let me tell you, you don’t have to shave again. Just let it grow. 

Baby Beard (8 to 16 weeks)

Woah! Congratulations, your beard has finally come to life. Patches of hair will start to fill in your face as the beard keeps growing. At this stage, you must use beard oil that can help you in keeping up with a thick beard. Now you must be thinking that all of your answers to ‘how to grow a beard faster naturally’ are being answered.   


A full beard starts to appear after 30 weeks and people start to notice your beard a lot. At this stage, it is very important that you keep yourself and the beard hydrated as much as possible. Use a beard brush or an untangling comb to help yourself. 

Diet for Growing a Beard Fast

If you are looking for a perfect diet and wondering how to grow a beard fast then keep on reading. It is just like a personal trainer training you to consume the right kind of diet in order to grow muscles. It’s time you become your own beard trainer and consume the foods that can help immensely in the growth of the beard. 

But what foods can be best to take if you want to grow your beard fast? Let’s have a look. 

Fruits and Vegetables

The correct nutrients in the body can help a lot in the growth of beard hair. And the best choice to consume is fruits and vegetables along with a balanced diet. The best fruits and vegetables to consume for the growth of beard include oranges, raisins, brazil nuts, kale, and spinach. 


Ever heard your doctor telling you to consume more complete protein? Well, it is not an alien term. The consumption of protein is important because protein provides the body with the required nutrients that the beard requires. 

Add complete proteins to your diet like chicken, beef, eggs, and fish. These can be your best companions when it comes to food good for growing a beard. 


It is not possible to get all the needed nutrients just by the consumption of food and sit at home expecting that the beard will grow. There is always a need to take extra supplements that can help in the growth of a beard. 

Vitamins like Vitamin C, E, and even B5 can help a lot in hair growth. A lot of people take Surbex Z also but it must be done with the permission of the doctor. Along with that, Niacin and Inositol can be very beneficial for you. 

It must be kept in mind that the conum[tion of these food items only helps in the promotion of hair growth and not in the actual growth of the hair. 

If there is still no change then it is suggested to visit the relevant doctor that can help you in choosing the best set of supplements that can work the best for you and give you the answer to how to grow a beard faster naturally. 

Other Lifestyle Changes

There are some other lifestyle changes that one makes that can help a lot in the growth of beard hair. 


A lot of times it has been observed that hair loss occurs due to stress. So in order to control stress, It is very important to indulge in exercise.  When the body is relaxed, it automatically makes the hair grow faster. 


Sleep patterns and sleep positions help a lot in repairing the damaged cells and increase the growth of beard hair. 


Growing a beard can sometimes become a hell of a tiring job. It sometimes feels equal to waiting for a baby to come out for 9 long months. There can be a lot of trials and bad patches that one needs to go through while waiting for the answer to how to grow a beard fast. But let me tell you one thing, the above-mentioned diet options, and lifestyle changes can help you a lot in your hair growth. 
If you still have issues with your beard growth, you need to visit the best dermatologist by visiting

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