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Anemia In Pregnancy: What It Looks Like and Who is At The Risk?

Anemia In Pregnancy
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Growing a baby inside you can be tiring… Sometimes, more tiring than you think!  

Pregnancy changes your body in so many ways to cater for the physical growth requirements of this tiny human. From hormonal changes to an increase in size, your body goes through significant changes. A part of this pregnancy preparation comes from an increase in blood volume. 

This increased blood volume can sometimes leave you deprived of energy. You may feel sluggish all the time and may not have enough energy to do your routine activities. You might be suffering from anemia during pregnancy. 

According to research, 40% of all pregnant women suffer from anemia during pregnancy.  

Anemic Pregnancy – Are These All Same?

Anemia simply refers to the lack of enough red blood cells in your body that leads to poor oxygen supply to your body tissues. Pregnancy anemia is a quiet condition that results in low hemoglobin levels in blood.  Let us see what different types of anemias during pregnancy look like. 

Iron can be the reason behind your constant energy levels throughout your pregnancy journey… This lack of energy simply comes from a lack of iron in the body. Iron is an important mineral in the body that supplies blood to your body cells.. Yes, to every single cell in your body. 

It’s not always about the iron… Other nutrients such as vitamins are important as well. 

This takes in folic acid and vitamin B-12. Folic acid and vitamin B12 deficiency in your body affect the production of red blood cells in your body. With a lesser number of red blood cells, you can develop anemia. 

Hey Ladies, Here Is What Anemia During Pregnancy Feels Like? 

Pregnancy anemia is part of many women’s mommy battles. However, before it appears on any blood test, your baby body tries to give you the signals. Here is all you need to know about these clues:

1- A Racing Heart

Strong and rapid heart palpitations are probably one of the earliest signs of an anemic pregnancy. You could feel your heart pounding like a drum and could even hear this. This is simply because of the reason that when there are not enough red blood cells, your heart has to do the hard work. This results in rapid heart beating and can be the earliest sign of pregnancy.

2- Feeling Drained

Lack of energy and fatigue is one of the very common consequences of anemia. You may not be having enough energy because of interrupted oxygen supply to your body tissues. This constant feeling of tiredness and lethargicness might be associated with an anemic pregnancy. 

3- Pale Skin

Skin changes are evident during pregnancy. While many women get a pregnancy glow on their faces due to increased blood volume, many others develop pale skin. This altered skin colouration is one of the ideal ways to detect pregnancy anemia. Your doctor examines your eyes and sees if your eyes’ mucous membrane is showing the signs of anemia.

4- Cramps

Just like period crampons, pregnancy cramp is a thing but do you know that this could be the iron deficiency? When your body prepares itself to nourish the tiny human grown inside, not having enough red blood cells can cause pregnancy cramps. 

5- Weird Food Cravings

Have you ever heard pregnant women complaining about weird food cravings? This includes a strong urge to chew on ice or even paper. All other food preference changes, pregnancy can make you develop these unusual food cravings. The possible explanation behind this is that chewing ice or even clay can bring women mental pleasure. So, ladies iron deficiency anemia can bring you these unusual cravings. 

Other than this, many women experience a lack of sensation in their bodies. The numbness or tingling sensation commonly affects the body in extreme areas such as fingers. Further, shortness of breath can also indicate an anemic pregnancy. 

Anemia During Pregnancy – What Causes It?

Hey mommies, you must be thinking about what can make you anemic during pregnancy. Many different things can cause anemia in pregnancy. 

Is Anemia During Pregnancy Harmful?

Anemia during pregnancy is a common condition but requires attention. Women who are anemia have a greater chance of premature and stillbirth. Further, your child might be underweight and suffer from congenital anemia. So, proper pregnancy nutrition is a must alongside routine checkups. 

Bottom Line!

Journey to motherhood comes with its fair share of physical and psychological challenges. Anemia during pregnancy is one such part of your pregnancy battle. Now when you have understood anemic pregnancy and the health risks associated with it, here is my piece of advice for you. 

You can consult the best gynecologists in Lahore via and make wise decisions regarding your pregnancy planning. 

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