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How to Get Pregnant With Twins? 

How to Get Pregnant With Twins
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Twin birth, the magical phenomenon when nature decides to nourish two lives in your body, has always fascinated us. Twin birth is special and is exciting. 

We often see couples asking questions like ‘how to get pregnant with twins as soon as they start planning the family. Though twin birth is a natural phenomenon, that’s pretty common as well. 

One in every 250 pregnancies is a twin pregnancy! 

What Determines Your Chances of Twins Pregnancy?

Many things impact your chances of having a twin pregnancy. From maternal age to your ethnicity, there are many determining factors behind twin pregnancies. Before we answer the query of how you can increase your chances of getting pregnant with twins, let us know about the factors that increase your chances of twin conception. Some of these factors include:

The answer lies in your genes! 

Your genetic material derives your chances of becoming pregnant with twins. A woman’s family history is particularly important in this regard. Having twins in your family can increase your likelihood of being pregnant with twins. The impact of family history is more evident if it comes from the female side. 

AGE is just a number…

Well, this isn’t completely true because parental age influences several aspects of the birth-giving process, including your chances of twin pregnancy. Couples who are above 30 years of age are more likely to be pregnant with twins. 

Why? This is because of the increased production of reproductive hormones among older couples. Your body alters the hormone production to maximize the chances of a successful pregnancy. 

Being overweight increases your chances of conceiving twins!  

Excessive body weight is always concerning and we often see people struggling to shed extra body weight. We often see overweight women going through conception challenges but it can be the reason behind the twin pregnancies. 

More body fat alters the production of reproductive hormones, especially estrogen levels. More estrogen can result in the production of more than one egg during a single menstrual cycle increasing your chances of a twin pregnancy. 

Note: You can try these weight loss exercises to lose excessive body weight.

Twin pregnancies are more common among taller women. There is no possible explanation behind this but better nutrition could be one reason that the body nourishes more than one tiny human at once.  

The rate of twin pregnancies is higher among women that are either African and American. In contrast, women from Hispanic backgrounds have a low twin pregnancy rate.  

Mothers who breastfeed their children have a significantly higher chance of twin pregnancy. This is one thing. There is no exact cause known behind the twin pregnancy among breastfeeding mothers and there is more research required in this regard.

How Twin Pregnancy Occurs? 

It is evident that not all twins are the same and there are two ways in which twin pregnancy can occur. There are two ways in which twin pregnancy can occur. Two types of twins include:

Identical Twins: These twins come from single fertilized embryos. In this type of twin pregnancy, a single egg in the female body is fertilized by the sperm and after fertilization, it splits into two. These twins come from a single fertilized egg and that’s why they share identical genetic makeup. When these embryos develop into adults, they appear the same. 

Fraternal Twins – In this type of twin pregnancy, two different eggs are produced during a single ovulation cycle. Then these separate eggs are individually fertilized by different sperms that develop into twins having different genetic makeup and physical appearance.

How to Increase Your Chances of Twin Pregnancy?

If you want to increase your chances of twin pregnancy, here are the tips that can help you in this regard:

1- Fertility Medicine

Twin pregnancy is a natural thing that occurs but you can still impact your chances of having twin pregnancies. Different types of fertility medicines can stimulate egg production in the female body. With increased egg production, the chances of twin pregnancy significantly increase. You can consult your gynecologist in this regard and can get the medication. 

2- Fertility Procedure

Take Away!

Twin pregnancy is something many women dream of. This happens naturally and many factors can increase your chances of twin pregnancy. From your ethnicity to parental age, many things can affect your chances of suffering from a twin pregnancy. You can also increase your chances of twin pregnancy by going for fertility medication and fertility treatments. Make sure you get the preconception checkup appointment with your gynecologist to make an informed decision regarding the twin pregnancy.

You can consult the best gynecologists in Lahore via and make wise decisions regarding your pregnancy planning. 

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is a type of fertility procedure that is another method to increase your chances of twin pregnancy. During IVF treatment, egg and sperm are taken from both partners and combined in an artificial environment. This manual fertilization procedure can also help you to get pregnant with twins. Through IVF, you can develop into 

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