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The Benefits of Optimism – Get to Know the Perks of Being an Optimist

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We are currently living in a period of history that is quite frightening. 

News, social media and print media are full of negative stories and dismal thoughts. 

Life isn’t always bleak, and there are always many more benefits than bad. It’s just that we tend to overlook the benefits in favor of focusing on the bad. Individually, however, we can all do our share to make others feel better. 

Staying positive in the face of adversities and hopelessness is optimism. 

Why do you need optimism in your life? Are there any benefits of optimism? What are the perks of being an optimist?

Let’s answer all of these questions. 

What is Optimism: How to Be an Optimist?

Optimism is a mental state marked by optimism and faith in one’s ability to succeed and have a bright future. 

Optimists believe that good things will happen, whilst pessimists believe that bad things will happen. 

Optimistic attitudes are associated with a variety of benefits, including improved coping abilities, lower stress levels, improved physical health, and greater goal consistency. 

How do Optimists Feel about Optimism?

Are optimists continually disappointed because they have such high expectations? 

Do they believe in themselves so much that they just sit back and wait for the universe to deliver? 

Do they take more chances and end up hurting themselves because they assume everything will be fine?

That may be the popular perception of optimism, but research on healthy optimism contradicts this. We can break it down with the benefits of optimism, one by one. 

The Benefits of Optimism: What to Expect? 

Here’s what you can expect as you begin to become more optimistic:

1-You Feel More Happiness

Optimists, as expected, report being happier in life. 

But what exactly is the process at work here?

According to Tali Sharot of University College London, optimistic people are happy because they imagine positive events more vividly and expect them to happen sooner

All of this heightens the delectable sensation of anticipation, which grows stronger. The more delightful the expected event is, the more vividly we can visualize it, the more likely it is to occur, and the sooner it occurs. 

It stands to reason that having a sense of hope and an optimistic outlook on the future would make us happier in the present.

2-You Feel More Positive Emotions & Better Relationships

Optimists have a more upbeat attitude and morale, as well as increased vitality, a sense of mastery, and a strong sense of self-esteem. 

You believe you have influence over your fate. 

Because optimists are more liked by others, all of that positivity must radiate outward.

3-You Find Lesser Negative Emotions Within You

Optimists are less depressed and anxious, and adopting an optimistic explanatory style can help reduce depression and prevent relapses. 

Depressed people have a sense of learned helplessness, or a sense that they don’t have control over their lives (which leads to passivity). 

Optimism, on the other hand, gives a sense of control and assurance, as well as less despair and hopelessness.

4-Your Health Gets Better

Improved heart health is linked to excellent psychological well-being, which includes self-acceptance and pleasant relationships with others. 

People who are optimistic are less likely to suffer from heart diseases such as cardiovascular disease. They have lower cholesterol levels as well. A study of roughly 1,000 middle-aged men and women found that those with higher levels of optimism had lower triglyceride levels, or less fat in their blood.

5-You Get Better at Coping

In the face of hardship, optimists cope better with stress and take more direct action. When something terrible happens, their usually positive thinking patterns kick in, and they begin to look for ways that the situation isn’t as bad as they believed, and that things will improve. 

Optimism and hope have to do with how we feel and think about the future. All setbacks become simpler to deal with if we truly think that things will turn out for the best.

6-You Have a Happier 9 to 5

People who view the glass half full are more satisfied with their jobs than those who don’t. 

According to studies, people who were the most optimistic were also the happiest in their professions and had the fewest work complaints. 

7-Optimists are the Best Dates

Optimists and their partners are happier than pessimistic partners in romantic partnerships. 

This notion was tested at the University of Oregon, where researchers discovered that the improved happiness was the same whether both or only one partner was an optimist.

8-Optimists Make Better Athletes

Optimists and pessimists don’t generally have better muscle mass or athletic ability. 

They do, however, have hope. 

In a research, a set of swimmers was ordered to swim their hardest then given a bogus timing – one that added several seconds. The optimists exploited the negative feedback to propel them to a faster time on their next swim, whereas the pessimists did even worse.

9-You are Less Prone to Freakouts

Optimists aren’t known for sweating the small stuff. 

According to a study, optimists not only produced less cortisol, the stress hormone, during difficult periods, but they also didn’t experience as much perceived stress.

10-Optimists Spread Good Vibes

Optimism spreads like a virus. Having a positive outlook can encourage those around us.

It’s all about how you think. Optimistic leaders can assist their people in becoming more motivated and engaged. 

A positive team will be motivated to achieve their objectives and collaborate to move things ahead.

Bottom Line!

Therefore, being an optimist is better for our health, our well-being, our career, our life choices and our general demeanor as we journey through life.

Obviously, being optimistic does not imply seeing rainbows all the time. Everything isn’t going to be perfect all of the time. Optimism allows us to perceive new possibilities, learn from varied events, and keep moving forward.

Movement and growth are necessary in life, which optimism facilitates.
If you still want to know more about positivity and benefits of optimism, you can talk to a professional psychologist/counselor to help you see the direction. Book an appointment online via or call at (042) 32500989.

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