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Cancer: Common Types of Cancers, Treatment and Prevention

Cancer Types
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Healthy cells present in our body divide and are replaced in a controlled manner. Cancer, on the other hand, is the uncontrolled multiplication of cells. These abnormal cells together form a mass known as tumours. Most of the cancers can form tumour cells however not all tumours are cancerous in nature. The tumours which are “Non-Cancerous or Benign” are not harmful, do not form other tumours and do not spread to the other parts of the body. “Cancerous or Malignant tumours” however, divide abnormally, even overtake the normal healthy cells, take out the nutrients from the other body tissues, and can even hinder the normal functioning of the body and organs.

Globally, cancer is the second leading cause of death. In 2018, about 9.6 million people died from various cancers. It is estimated that 1 out of 6 deaths around the globe are due to cancer. Out of which 70% of deaths due to cancer are in low or middle-income countries.

Causes of Cancer

Cancer arises when the normal cells become tumour cells via various multistage processes. The causes of cancer include genetic factors along with the following three external factors

Common Types of Cancers

Cancer is such a human ailment that has been with us for centuries but it was until the last century that major breakthroughs and researchers were done in the field of cancer diagnosis, treatment and prevention. Cancer is a painful disease, but the current medical advancement has made it possible for cancer to be diagnosed at the early stages and patients can get treated and live longer.

The Major Types of Cancer are

These types of cancers consist of more than 200 types of various cancers that affect people around the world. 

The most common types of cancer are as follows

Common types of Cancer

The most common types of cancer around the globe are

The common types of cancer that caused the most deaths in 2018 are

Most Common Types of Cancer in Pakistan

Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer is one of the most common type of cancer around the globe and even in Pakistan. It affects females more and is rare in men. Nearly 23% of cancer diagnosed worldwide is breast cancer and as per WHO stats, each year around 1.2 million people are diagnosed of having breast cancer and the prevalence rate of breast cancer is 2.5% high in Pakistan. According to the reports of the Shaukat Khanum Memorial Hospital, the prevalence rate of breast cancer is 21.5% and is 45.5% is among females. Every year 83 000 cases of breast cancer are reported in Pakistan and 40,000 women die due to this deadly disease.

Breast cancer typically affects the breast tissues. Abnormal growth of the cells in breast tissues causes cancer. Cancer can originate in the milk ducts (in the inner lining) or in the lobules (that carry milk towards the nipples). Breast cancer can be either malignant or non-malignant. Malignant tumours spread to the other parts of the body while non-malignant tumours don’t.

Lung Cancer

It is the second most common cancer and is the leading cancer that causes death around the globe. When the cells inside the lungs grow abnormally, it causes lung cancer. This abnormal growth of cells blocks the airways of the lungs and makes breathing difficult. These abnormal cells can divide and form tumours. This abnormal growth of cells can occur in one lung or both. If you want to decrease the risk of cancer then avoid smoking or vaping as it is the leading and common cause of lung cancer.

Colorectal Cancer

Colorectal Cancer is the third most common cancer around the globe and even in Pakistan. This cancer normally originates on the inside of a layer of the colon and rectum as a non-cancerous tumour and later becomes cancerous. It is the 3rd most common cancer diagnosed among males.

Oral Cavity Cancer

Oral Cavity carcinoma or oral cavity cancer is one of the leading cancers in Pakistan. It includes the cancer of the tongue, lips, floor of the mouth, buccal mucosa, hard palate, upper and lower gingiva.

Liver Cancer

It is also known as hepatic cancer and is caused by the growth of abnormal cells in the liver. Causes of liver cancer are consuming alcohol, infections, damaged liver, certain heredity diseases, cirrhosis and chronic hepatitis B and C.

Prostate Cancer

It is slow-growing cancer but common cancer in Pakistan. In Pakistan, it is mostly diagnosed in men over 50 years of age. It is the second most common death-causing cancer among males. The main cause of prostate cancer is not known but the mutations in the abnormal cells of the prostate gland lead to cancer where abnormal cells divide rapidly and normal cells die due to insufficient nutrients.

Skin Cancer

About 4.9% of people in Pakistan suffer from skin cancer. It is a melanoma cancer i.e. it originates in the cells that make the pigment (melanin). Melanoma cancer even though is common cancer on the skin, but can also form in the eye and in the other pigmented tissues.

Other common types of cancer in Pakistan are Colon and rectal cancer, Leukemia, Bladder cancer, Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, kidney cancer, Thyroid cancer and Pancreatic cancer.

Treatment of Cancer

Treatment of cancer depends on the type of cancer, its stage, the extent it is spread, the organs involved in it and the overall health of an individual. However, the common treatments of cancer are

Cancer Prevention

Early diagnosis of cancer can be helpful in treating cancer and living a long healthy life. Even half of the cancers can be prevented. Here are a few tips to reduce your risk of getting cancer.

Adopt a healthy lifestyle. Early diagnosis of the disease can lead to a higher recovery rate, so don’t forget to visit the doctor in case of any ailment.

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