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Causes and Treatment of Dry Skin (Xerosis) at Home!

Treatment of Dry Skin
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Tired of dry skin? Well, it is not a serious condition but can cause irritation. You may experience dry skin due to different factors, such as low air moisture, different weather, etc. Dry skin treatment is crucial because it may lead to redness and scratchy skin.

Experts say that it is one of the most uncomfortable conditions that bring on different signs, such as scaling, cracking, and itching. 

Some people have dry skin naturally, but many factors contribute to this condition. Experts say that many people develop xerosis seasonally.

Common areas of dry skin include hands, legs, and arms. You can go for simple lifestyle changes and home remedies for dry skin. But you may need medical help if OTC moisturizers do not make any change.

Let’s start our journey to find out about the details of dry skin.

What Causes Dry Skin 

Environmental factors contribute a lot to causing Xerosis, meaning dry skin. Not only can these factors develop dry skin, but many other diseases can occur due to itchy skin. Here are some causes of dry skin you need to learn about.


Temperature and humidity levels do not remain the same during the winter. Harsh winters trigger dry skin. Low humidity and temperature also cause itchy and patchy skin. You need to increase your skin care in winter.

Hot Showers

People who love to take long hot showers are at risk of losing natural skin oil. Hot water strips away natural oils. When it happens, it increases the chances of skin damage.


Dr. Mahvish Aftab Khan, a renowned Dermatologist with twelve years of expertise, says that water is one of the essential elements that are crucial for your body’s overall functions. People who drink less water are more likely to develop Xerosis. You should learn about the cause as it will help you find the right dry skin treatment.


Diabetes is a chronic condition that does not allow the regulation of sugar in the blood. Such a condition often leads to too many high or low blood sugar levels. People who experience high blood sugar levels can experience itchy and dry skin. Such medical conditions make it important to find what causes dry skin. 


HIV is a condition that causes itchiness. Many reasons contribute to causing this condition, such as the loss of appetite, a side effect of medicine, and how viruses affect your immune system.

Kidney Disease

The kidneys flush out all the toxic elements from your body through urine. They work to remove excess fluids and waste. Improper function of the kidneys leads to the imbalance of nutrients, water, and minerals in your blood.

People who are living with kidney disease urinate more than usual. Such a condition leads to excessive removal of fluids from your body which causes Xerosis. Treating kidney disease will be your dry skin treatment.


According to the top-reviewed cosmetologist in Rawalpindi Dr. Saiqa Kirmani, “The eating disorder leads to many health complications as people cannot get enough nutrients and go for restricted food intake. This develops a condition which is known as malnutrition (cause dry skin).”


Eczema does not include only one skin condition, but it involves a group of skin conditions. It leads to inflamed, dry, and itchy skin.

Different conditions lead to itchy and dry skin, including atopic dermatitis, nummular eczema, contact dermatitis, stasis dermatitis, and seborrheic dermatitis.

Medicine Use

Fluid imbalance can affect the function of your body. Such conditions lead to dry skin. Lack of fluid often occurs by different medicines, such as antacids, laxatives, blood pressure medication, etc.

Dry Skin Tips

Your doctor will prescribe the treatment according to what causes dry skin. But along with some effective home remedies for dry skin, you can get rid of itchy and patchy skin. 

Home Remedies for Dry Skin 

Some products and lifestyle choices can trigger dry skin. To address this skin issue, you should follow some best dry skin tips.

Use Coconut Oil 

Coconut oil contains many beneficial properties for your overall health, including skin. During winter, environmental factors cause damage to your skin. Apply coconut oil as it fills the space between the skin cells. It leads to smooth skin and helps to get rid of patches.

Experts suggest using coconut oil in sensitive parts of your body, such as underneath your eyes, etc. there is no need to mix coconut oil with any other oil, apply directly on your skin.

Wear Gloves 

We use our hands to do most of the daily tasks, and we wash our hands throughout the day to practice good hygiene. 

Dish soaps and detergents can also cause damage to your hands. Make sure that you always wear gloves while doing any work with water. Doing household chores, you should not forget about gloves.

Petroleum Jelly 

To heal your skin, use jelly products as they can fill the space between your skin cells. 

Experts also call it mineral oil as it helps to protect your skin by covering it. Any external factor cannot strip away oil from your skin when you apply petroleum jelly. If I share my daily skincare routine, petroleum jelly is always my choice, and recommend it for dry skin treatment.

Take Oatmeal Baths

Oatmeal bath home remedy is beneficial for irritated skin as it has been used for centuries. 

Colloidal oatmeal contains antioxidants properties that protect your skin against damage. If you feel irritation due to dry skin, take an oatmeal bath to soothe irritation. It also contains anti-inflammatory properties that will relieve itching. After taking oatmeal, use any moisturizer to keep your skin smooth. 

Studies confirm this method as one of the best home remedies for dry skin.

Get Help from Foods

You can also get help from your diet plan. Choose foods that are rich in antioxidants and reduce damage from external toxins. Such a diet also helps to make your skin look healthier.

You should eat a skin-friendly diet, such as carrots, beans, tomatoes, peas, lentils, blueberries, etc.

Fish contains omega-3s fatty acids, which provide healthy and glowing skin.

Dry Skin Prevention

 Your skin also needs some care as your body does. Skin is the largest organ of your body and fights against bacteria and viruses. Your skin is more prone to infections and itchiness. Make sure that you use a quality moisturizer to make your skin look healthier. Once you develop healthy skin, you will be at low risk of developing dry skin issues.

The following tips can also help you prevent dry skin.

Wrapping Up

Simple lifestyle changes can help you prevent dry skin during winter (occasional). A moisturizer is an effective way to soothe your skin. Early Dry skin treatment can help you get rid of developing other health complications. 

Vitamin C intake can also improve skin cell damage and reduce wrinkling and dry skin appearance. Visit skin specialists if you do not see any change in your skin condition after using OTC moisturizer. 

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