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Fatty Liver Disease: Fatty Liver Symptoms, Reasons, Diagnosis And Treatment Options!

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Fatty liver disease is referred to as the buildup of fatty content in the liver. There is a small amount of fatty acids and lipid content present in the liver and this amount is not even dangerous.

However, if the fatty content is increased beyond a certain limit then this may present certain diseases. 

So in this blog we will be discussing fatty liver disease and fatty liver symptoms. We will also be discussing possible treatment options available. So without any further ado let us jump straight into the discussion of the main topic.


Fatty liver disease is the buildup of fat in the liver cells. In medical terms it is called hepatic steatosis

The other cardinal thing that should be considered is the liver is the largest gland and organ of the body. With that being said it has many important functions to perform in our bodies. Also it would be pretty obvious to assume the whole bunch of things that are performed by the liver.

From the breakdown of fatty acids of food materials to simpler components to the destruction of red blood cells, there are multiple things that are performed by the liver. 

But with the passing age, all organs suffer from gradual weathering. This normal ageing process didn’t present any life threatening condition. But there are cases when these organs of the body have to face premature ageing due to many reasons. One such case in which the body’s function is compromised is called fatty liver disease. 

Types of Fatty Liver Disease

There are two main types of fatty liver disease. The description of both of the types is given below:

Reasons Of Fatty Liver

As the name indicates the main reasons for the occurrence of these diseases. The non alcoholic fatty liver disease NAFLD is caused due to excessive fat intake in the diet. If you are obese and over weight then the chances to contract a fatty liver is increased mutliple folds. 

The other main type i.e. the alcoholic fatty liver disease AFLD is due to excessive use of alcohol and beverages.

According to a research conducted on people residing in the United States and Europe, found that around 25 to 30 percent people have non alcoholic fatty liver disease.

Being prevalent in the society, our discussion will be based largely on the non alcoholic fatty liver disease. So let us discuss the major symptoms of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.

Fatty Liver Symptoms

According to the top reviewed gastroenterologist in Lahore, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ayub NaichThe fatty liver disease is often pronounced as silent liver disease. This is due to the fact that this fatty liver usually doesn’t show any specific signs and symptoms. Fatty liver symptoms are often hard to recognize.”

The fat will continue to deposit in the liver and there are chances that you will never get to know the fatty deposition in your liver until it has progressed to an alarming level.

The extreme deposition of fat in the liver can lead to a fatal condition called cirrhosis. The major fatty liver symptoms are as follows:

Cirrhosis which is also called the end stage of fatty liver disease. In this case the symptoms often express themselves in severity.

This is due to the fact that the scarring of liver tissues has extended beyond an irreparable stage. The symptoms that are most likely to develop in the end stage liver disease are as follows:

These symptoms often take time to develop but once they are developed then it is not possible to reverse the progression. So it is better to record your health from the very beginning. Thus regular checkup with the doctors is essential to rule out any underlying issues. 

Side Read; Find out the foods good for the liver!

Diagnosing Fatty Liver

Also there are a bunch of tests that can be done in order to detect any medical issue. Lab tests often include liver functioning tests and blood tests that can give an overview of the body’s physiological state.

There are some other tests that can also be conducted to detect any underlying issue. These tests may include an ultrasound and in some cases, doctors may even suggest to undergo biopsy test in which the part of liver is excised and is tested.

Fatty Liver Treatment Options

There are many methods and treatment plans available but the effectiveness of the procedure solely depends on the degree of deterioration.

 If the fatty liver is just at the initial levels which is also called simple fatty liver then proper assisting medications, dietary routines and regular checkup can restore the normal liver functioning and can also help with the symptoms of fatty liver.

But in more advanced stages of liver disease it is not possible to recover the normal functioning of the liver. In that case the main goal is to save the life of the affected individual through different measures.

Another thing that should be considered is that there are no specific medicines discovered as of now to treat fatty liver disease.

1-Managing Other Complications

You should take the medicines regularly in order to avoid any further complications, if you have any of the following diseases:

If you are suffering from other ailments then it is necessary to manage those diseases effectively. If you are suffering from diabetes then consider controlling the amount of sugar in your diet.

If you are experiencing any heart disease or even high blood pressure then take the medicines regularly.

2-Liver Transplant

If the fatty liver disease has progressed to an extreme level then liver transplant can be done. 

As far as liver transplant is considered then either a small portion of the liver can be cut and the normal liver can be grafted in that place or in another scenario the whole affected liver can be removed and the new liver can be placed there. 

In both of the cases the liver will regain its normal size because it has a tendency to regrow itself.

3-Lifestyle Changes

Lifestyle changes are at present the possible solutions for fatty liver disease. There are many things that can be done in this regard. The best way to treat and to prevent further progression of fatty liver is to cut down the weight

There are studies that have shown that losing 4 to 5% of your body fat can considerably reduce the amount of fat in your liver. Thus it will help in reducing the risks associated with fatty liver disease.

There are some other lifestyle changes that can be done in this regard to reduce the risks of advanced fatty liver disease.

Side Read: Find out these 8 best diet plans to give a start to your weight loss journey.

4-Exercise Regularly

This will help to get the body in shape and will also influence the body organs in a more curative manner. A light exercise which is easy to maintain should be inculcated in the daily routine.

Related: find out the benefits of walking in lowering blood pressure which will in turn prevent the fatty liver symptoms from arriving at an earlier age.

5-Follow a Proper Balanced Diet

A diet which is rich in fibres and low in cholesterol and fat content will be beneficial in this regard. Also try to avoid highly processed food items. Don’t forget moderation is the key. Eat contents but in a balanced way. If you are consuming alcohol and are diagnosed with fatty liver disease then it is necessary to abstain from alcohol. 

Consuming vitamins in normal amounts is also helpful in this regard. As per studies, vitamin E is found to be an effective treatment in the case of non alcoholic fatty liver disease.

6-Drink Plenty of Water

Drinking plenty of water will be far more helpful than any other tonic. The water which is consumed will help to flush toxins from the blood. This in turn will help to reduce the burden on the liver.

The Final Outlook!

If you are experiencing fatty liver disease then it is indispensable for you to take the necessary measures to limit the advancement to a badly affected liver. It is essential to rule out the reason and then take actions to target that specific reason. As they say, prevention is always better than cure so it is essential to take care of your health from a very beginning stage. If you want to get the best treatment plan to treat fatty liver disease, then make an appointment today with the best hepatologist in the area. To get yourself updated on general health issues, visit our website

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