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Quinoa Benefits; A Reader’s Guide on this Marvelous Whole Grain

Quinoa Benefits
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Even if you cannot pronounce quinoa, try eating it as quinone benefits are numerous!

Quinoa is widely pronounced as Keen-wah. Try to say it two to three times so that it just rolls over your tongue. Quinoa meaning in Urdu is ایک بُوٹی کا نام ھے جِس کے بیج کھائے جاتے ہیں.

Now that you have learned how to pronounce quinoa, it is time to shed light on what is quinoa and what are quinoa benefits.

Basics First

Quinoa is primarily an ancient South American whole grain. It has recently gained popularity because of its supreme nutritional content. It is because of the high nutritional content of this whole grain, that quinoa benefits are making headlines.

Quinoa is a seed of the Chenopodium quinoa plant. According to scientists, it is not technically a grain, but it resembles the nutrient content of a grain and can also be eaten exactly. 

Quinoa Fact Check: 2013 was also named the “The International Year of Quinoa”. 

This measure provides insight into the global acknowledgment of quinoa’s health benefits. Thus it is high time you start adding quinoa to your daily meal plans and let us educate you on the whys and hows. 

Quinoa Seed Benefits; Nutritional Load

Quinoa is also deemed one of the healthiest foods on earth. Let us have a look at its nutritional burden so that we can see why it is so. Shall we?

Manganese: 58% of RDI

Magnesium: 30% of RDI

Phosphorus: 28% of RDI

Folate: 19% of RDI

Copper: 18% of RDI

Iron: 15% of RDI

Zinc: 13% of RDI

Thiamin: 13% of RDI

Riboflavin: 12% of RDI

Vitamin B6: 11% of RDI

The above information clearly shows a picture of various quinoa benefits. As it copes with various nutritional deficiencies in your body. 

Have Antioxidants Compounds

One of the premium quinoa health benefits is that it is not only rich in nutrients but also strengthens the immune system like some other food choices. This is because quinoa contains plant compounds that are well-documented for their anti-inflammatory properties. 

Furthermore, they also prevent your immune system from severe cell damage because of free radicals. Adding quinoa to your diet means that you are preparing your body properly for bacterial and viral infections and their impacts. 

Thus quinoa’s benefits are that it will protect you against several diseases and also reduce the mortality rate. 

A Fiber-Rich Whole Grain

Quinoa is a fibrous whole grain that contains 5.18 grams of fiber in a one-cup serving. Their fiber content even crosses that of brown rice. A steady fiber intake is essential as it improves the workings of your digestive tract. Fiber consumption also keeps digestive diseases such as diarrhea and constipation at bay by properly regulating bowel movements. 

Another quinoa seed benefit is that it helps with the overall BMI. A normal BMI is essential if you want to maintain a healthy weight. Thus, the fiber content is what emphasizes the quinoa benefits for weight loss. As fiber consumption promotes feelings of fullness. One can avoid hunger cramps by eating quinoa in the right portions. 

A Gluten-Free Meal

Dr Ayesha Abbas who is one of the top nutritionists in Pakistan says that it is of common understanding that people who have gluten intolerance tend to avoid those foods that even have minimum amounts of gluten in them. But, a prominent quinoa benefit is that it can be consumed by even those who cannot eat gluten. This is mainly because quinoa is free of any gluten. 

Quinoa is a natural whole grain that unlike all refined productions is healthy and does not lack any nutrients.  

Good Source of Protein

Alongside all the micronutrients, quinoa is also full of protein. Experts at DHA Medical Centre say that most of the time, quinoa is considered to be a complete protein food.  Because it provides your body with all the essential amino acids. 

Despite all that scientific debate, there is no denial in the fact that quinoa is a very rich source of protein. And consuming it now and then helps with the ideal protein needs of your body. 


If you are opting for a completely vegan diet, then you should dig deep into the matters of quinoa benefits. With the help of quinoa, you can plan out a rich full of protein plant-based meals in no time. For making it richer and more diverse add tofu, beans, and some other popular vegetables of your choice.

Packed with Minerals and Vitamins

In this modern life and jam-packed environment, it is becoming more difficult with every passing day to keep track of healthy eating. Several researches have also shown that children and adults are suffering from vitamin and nutrient deficiency. Well, eating quinoa can help in such matters. As we have previously established the fact that quinoa is loaded with folate, potassium, iron, and magnesium. 

Thus, quinoa’s health benefits are that it promises health and well-being that is long-term. Apart from all that, quinoa consumption is also valuable during pregnancy. Quinoa promotes stable fetal growth and development. It is also highly helpful in fighting kidney stones because of its oxalate content. 

Quinoa Recipes to Help You Plan Your Meals

Now that you have a profound understanding of various quinoa benefits, it is the right time to discuss some quinoa recipes. Do not restrict the use of quinoa to only in your salads or with oats in your breakfast. You can also use them as a sauteed veggie side for your chicken, beef, or fish steak. One thing that you have to keep in mind though is to prepare it properly, otherwise, it might taste bitter. 

Preparation of Cooked Quinoa 

This quinoa recipe accounts for three cups of this cooked grain. 

Quinoa Recipes for Breakfast

Here is our take on how you can prepare quinoa flakes for breakfast:

Remember the key here is to be as creative and healthy as possible.

Quinoa Recipes with Corn 

This recipe can be projected to make 4 side dishes. Let us see how this one proceeds!

Quinoa Benefits; Hard to Pronounce, Easy to Eat

Quinoa is a versatile whole grain that promises longevity and well-being. Thus either add them to your salads or consume them as a side dish for your steaks. You can even discuss with the best nutritionist near you to know the benefits of quinoa in order to make the most of it. The key here is to remember to eat it so that you can enjoy the various quinoa benefits.

Thus, try eating it and thank us later!

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