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15 Best Fiber Rich Foods to Add to Your Grocery List

fiber rich foods
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Are you suffering from constipation, want to improve your heart health or struggling to lose weight? 

Fiber is the ultimate answer!

Yes, you heard it right. Due to many potential health benefits, fiber or fiber rich foods are worth all the hype. Fiber is nothing but a type of carbohydrates your body needs to function well. Fiber is  good  in both soluble and insoluble forms.

Here is why having enough fiber in your is important.

How much fiber should you eat in a day?

Average daily fiber consumption should be 21-25grams for women and 30-38grams for males.

Best Foods to Reap the Benefits of Fiber

Now the question arises from where can I get this much fiber? 

Here are some of the best fiber rich foods that you can add to your diet. 

Fiber Rich Grains


Do you know which grain is healthiest on the planet?

The answer is oats (جو) or oatmeal. Oatmeals are packed with fibers that can do wonders for your overall health. Oats are a good source of a soluble fiber known as beta-glucan (that is considered to be good for your heart health) alongside other non-soluble fibers. 

Amount of Fiber: 100g of Oats = 10.6 grams 

Read more about oats benefits and nutrition.


After oats, another cereal grain that is considered to be fiber-rich is barley. Barley has a low-glycemic index and contains good amounts of fiber in it that are responsible for its many health benefits. Whether hulled or pearled, fiber in barley is mostly soluble in nature.

How to Use Barley? 

Barley soup, barley water, barley roti, barley porridge are some of the common ways to add barley to your diet and get the goodness of fiber.

Amount of Fiber: 100g of Barley (Hulled) = 17 grams


Are you on a diet? What’s better than a quinoa pulao or quinoa roti?

Well, quinoa is considered one of the best food choices to make if you want to lose weight. The reason is FIBER, a lot of fiber in quinoa.

Insoluble fiber this whole grain keeps you full for longer periods and you don’t crave too much. This ultimately results in fewer calories consumed. Further, it’s rich in proteins and healthy fats that boost your metabolism. In all these ways, quinoa helps you to lose weight. 

Amount of Fiber: Quinoa (1 cup) = 5 grams

Whole Grain Pasta

Hey pasta lovers! What if I tell you that you can still enjoy pasta and still lose weight?

This is absolutely true! You can enjoy this comfort food and still achieve your fitness goals. The reason is the rich fiber content in pasta. According to research, consuming whole grains help even with the management of diabetes, that too because of fiber.

Nutritionally speaking, pasta contains a good amount of complex carbs such as fiber that make it a good addition to your healthy diet. 

Amount of Fiber: Whole wheat pasta (1 cup) = 6 grams

Read more about the best weight loss exercises.

Fiber-Rich Vegetables

Not a veggies lover? Only if you know how much fiber these contain, you can’t push them aside. Here are some of the vegetables high in fiber which can prove to be the ultimate replacement of your fast food cravings.


Good amounts of fiber, low in fat and a good source of plant protein…. 

Are you still looking for more reasons to add peas to your diet?

Fiber in peas not only keeps your gut bacteria healthy but ensures that you don’t have to struggle with constipation. So, peas can be a good addition to your soups, stews and salads.

Amount of Fiber: Green peas (100g) = 5 grams


Carrot, a popular root vegetable, is next on the list of fiber rich vegetables. Known for their bright color and great nutrition profile, carrots have enormous health benefits. 

Other than fiber, carrots are also a rich source of potassium, iron, vitamin A, K and other important nutrients giving a boost to your skin health, immunity and even your dental health.

Amount of Fiber: Carrot (80g) = 3.1 grams


Coming to the cabbage family, broccoli is a known leafy green recognized for its health benefits. Due to its high fiber content people prefer having it every day. It’s particularly considered good for people who have insulin resistance in their body.

Amount of Fiber: Broccoli (1 cup) = 5 grams

Beets or Chukandar

Many nutrients and fewer calories – It’s a win-win situation, I guess. 

This makes beet next in the list of fiber-rich foods. Not only does it make your salad plate colorful but it brings you many health benefits due to being rich in fiber and iron. Beet is also a root vegetable just like carrot that benefits your health including your digestive and heart health. 

To reap the maximum benefits of beets, make sure to consume these raw rather than cooked. 

Amount of Fiber: Beets (100 g) = 2.8 grams

Other than these, artichokes, collard greens, sprouts and kale are other good sources of fiber.

Fiber-Rich Fruits

If you don’t like veggies, you can get a good amount.


Apples are one of the best fiber rich foods. This fruit has a crunchy flavor and can satisfy your hunger. Apply peels contain most of their fiber so eating raw fiber can be one of the healthiest foods to pick.

Amount of Fiber: Apple (100 g) = 2.4 grams


Pears are a wonderful combination of nutrition and fiber. Just like apple, pear skin contains most of its fiber content.

Amount of Fiber: Pear (medium-sized) = 6 grams


Raspberries, strawberries and blueberries…. Are the next on the list of fiber rich fruits!

Not only can you enjoy the freshness of fruits but also a bowl of berries can help you to get enough dietary fiber. 

So, add these to your oatmeal, to yogurt;[ or blend into smoothies, the choice is all yours!

Amount of Fiber

Raspberries (100g) = 7 grams

Blueberries (100g) = 2.4 grams

Strawberries (100g) = 2.0 grams

Other than these bananas, oranges and avocados are some other fiber-rich fruits.


Are you still looking for the cheapest sources of fiber? 

No matter red, black or yellow… A cup of lentils is one of the best ways to get enough fiber. Just take the lentils, soak in water, add your favorite spices to it and enjoy the goodness of fiber. 

Amount of Fiber: Lentils (100g) = 8 grams

Just like lentils, different varieties of beans can also make it your fiber rich foods grocery list.

High-Fiber Snacks

Don’t worry, I have got you some wonderful snacking options that are packed with fiber. 


Amount of Fiber: Popcorn (100g) = 13g grams

Yes, you read it right! Popcorn actually contains this much amount of fiber making your favorite snack a must-have in your fiber-rich foods list. 

So, even if it’s a movie night or not, you always have got a reason to be a popcorn fanatic!

Other Fiber Rich Foods

Alongside these, there are many other fiber rich foods such as almonds, walnuts, peanuts etc. However, these nuts are quite high in calories so make sure  to keep a check on your total calories.

Now It’s Time to Shop for Fiber Rich Foods!

From fruits to grains, now you know are some of the best food choices to make when it comes to choosing fiber rich foods. However, make sure to eat all of them in moderation as too much can cause bloating and constipation. Always consult your physician while making such food choices to get their maximum benefit. You can now book an appointment with the best certified nutritionist in Karachi via to make wise dietary choices to improve your overall health.

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