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How to Make Lips Pink and Healthy? Simple Home Remedies for You

How to Make Lips Pink and Healthy
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Soft, pink, full-looking lips are a dream of every woman. We live in such a world where taking care of ourselves is hard due to busy routines. Even if you care for your face and skin, you may often skip your lips. 

Soft and pink lips make your appearance fresh. It is a sign that your lips are healthy. If you are cautious that your lips are readily turning dark, dry, and chapped, you may want to try some easy home remedies that will answer your question ‘how to make lips pink?’

But first, we must understand why your lips turn dark. 

What Causes the Darkening of the Lips?

The color of the lips, like skin tone, varies from person to person. Lips that are darker in color are more common in people with a darker complexion. This is normal and is caused by an excess of melanin in the skin. Melanin is the pigment that gives skin its color.

Studies show that hyperpigmentation can also cause people to grow darker lips. This happens when parts of the skin get darker than the rest of the body. 

Some everyday reasons why your lips get dark are:

Prolonged Sun Exposure

Sunlight causes your body to produce melanin, which absorbs UV radiation. While melanin protects your skin from some of the harmful effects of the sun, it also causes you to tan. 

But how to make lips pink when you have to spend the entire day outside in the sun? 

Simple! Wear sun protection on your lips to prevent them from getting dark. 

Use a lip balm with an SPF of 30 or higher to protect your lips from the sun. 

If your lips become wet, reapply every two hours or more frequently. Lip balms also help keep your lips supple by preventing the sun’s rays from destroying collagen.

Recommended ReadBest Sunscreens for all Skin Types


Lips get dry as a result of dehydration. Lip skin can become rough and peel off in areas, resulting in chapped, damaged skin as well as black stains. 

To achieve pink lips, drink at least eight glasses of water throughout the day and consume plenty of watermelons, cucumbers, and other water-rich foods.

Licking Your Lips

Lip licking is an unhealthy behavior that darkens your lips and the area around your mouth. Saliva contains enzymes that aid in the digestion of food, and licking your lips frequently can irritate the thin, sensitive skin, causing it to darken in color. 

The more you lick your lips, the drier they become, eventually resulting in chapped skin! 

When you’re used to licking your lips, how do you develop pink lips? Simply make an effort to avoid licking your lips!

Excessive Caffeine Intake

Caffeine can stain your teeth as well as darken your lips over time, depending on how much tea or coffee you drink. 

Consider reducing your daily intake and drinking a glass of water after each drink to rinse your mouth and lips.


Years of smoking can cause your lips to darken. 

As you inhale cigarette smoke, nicotine and tar transfer to your lips, causing discoloration. It also causes constrictions in the skin’s blood vessels, resulting in the build-up and restricted blood flow in the lips. It darkens the lip color and gives them a blotchy look.

Expert general physician Assist. Prof. Dr. M. Shahzad Hafeez says, smoking to be a major cause for dark lips in his male patients.

Cheap Lip Products

Chemical compositions in low-quality lip balms damage the sensitive skin of your lips. 

Long-term usage of these products can cause your lips to deepen in color. Expired products can also be harmful to your lips.

 If you’re looking for a quick way to acquire pink lips, try switching to all-natural skincare and makeup.

Unhealthy Eating Habits

When you don’t eat well-balanced meals, you’re missing out on a variety of nutrients that are essential for attractive skin and general wellness. 

If you have dark lips, check for an iron deficiency. It causes a lack of hemoglobin, which is responsible for blood’s red color. It can produce lip discoloration.

Read more about iron-rich foods to boost hemoglobin. 

How to Make Lips Pink At Home? Remedies You Must Try

People with naturally dark lips may be able to temporarily lighten them with home remedies, whilst those with hyperpigmentation may benefit best from hyperpigmentation treatments.

There are both natural and artificial ways to make pink lips. Plastic surgery, washing, and peeling are all artificial methods that can injure your lips in the long run. 

That’s why I will not tell you about those artificial methods. We will rely solely on natural remedies to make pink lips at home permanently. These will be from the ingredients that are available in your kitchen:

Exfoliate Your Lips

Exfoliation is a method of removing the dead layer on the surface of your lips. It softens, smoothes, and lightens your lips, giving them a fuller and bigger look.

Make sure to exfoliate your lips 2-3 times a week. 

Use a Honey-Sugar Scrub

You can pamper your lips with a delicious honey and sugar scrub. 

This scrub is soft enough to use on the delicate skin of your lips. Sugar scrubs are well-known for their exfoliating abilities. This scrub will gently exfoliate the dead skin cells that cause your lips to seem dry and flaky.

Use Turmeric-Milk Mask

Turmeric and milk have numerous health advantages. 

For skin nourishment, colds, coughs, and other ailments, a mixture of turmeric and milk has long been the go-to remedy. 

This mixture can also be used to achieve healthy, pink lips. Using a teaspoon of turmeric powder and a splash of cool milk, make a paste. 

To get rid of the discoloration and get healthy, pink lips, apply this to your lips and keep it on for 5 minutes before rinsing it off with warm water.

Read more about the health benefits of honey

Lemon and Almond Oil to Moisturize

Lemon is an excellent skin lightener. Lemon juice is a natural bleach and skin toner that is suitable for all skin types. It is a great way to naturally lighten and repair sun damage to your lips.

An excellent moisturizer, such as sweet almond oil, is required to keep your lips from drying out. 

Sweet almond oil hydrates your lips from the inside out while also helping to balance out their complexion.

Just mix equal amounts of lemon juice and almond oil to moisturize your lips. 

Beetroot Juice to Get Pink Lips!!!

If you’ve ever eaten the wonderful vegetable beetroot, you’re aware that it leaves a vivid pink stain on not just your lips, tongue, and teeth, but also your clothes and fingers.

Beetroot helps to lighten your lips’ pigmentation. 

Why not take advantage of the fact beetroot is natural, chemical-free, and inexpensive? Did you mention beetroot for pink lips? Why not, right?

Take one tablespoon of beet juice and one tablespoon of honey in a mixing bowl. Wet your lips with a cotton swab and gently massage the liquid into your lips. 

You’ll notice your lips becoming soft and rosy in the morning. To acquire naturally pink lips, do this for a week.

A Last Word!

So, ladies and gentlemen!!! Do not be concerned. If you use these tips and tricks regularly, your lips will become very attractive and pink. 

Drinking enough water and juices helps to keep your skin fresh and supple. Water hydrates the skin and aids in the formation of new skin cells. 

To keep your skin and lips healthy, drink at least 8 glasses of water each day.

It’s simple to get pink lips, but keeping them that way is more difficult. To achieve great-looking, remarkable pink lips, stay hydrated, acquire your vitamins, and avoid unhealthy habits.  If you want to know more about dermatology processes for pink lips, consult a well-known dermatologist in Lahore. You may book an appointment via Healthwire. pk or call at (042) 32500989.

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