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Home Remedies to Make Your Lips Big – Bubye Lip Fillers!

Home Remedies to Make Your Lips Big
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If you are an admirer of beauty and a constant user of social media platforms like Tik Tok and Instagram, you must see your ‘For You’ page full of lip-plumping videos these days. 

You might see girls online using lip-plumping lip glosses to enhance the fullness of the lips to make them look big. And, with the Kardashian clan ruling the internet, the only way to make your lips look bigger is by getting lip fillers, which is not a very safe option. 

With healthy hair and clear skin, every girl wants to have bigger lips these days. Well, to get clear skin and healthy hair you need to follow a set skincare and haircare routine, whereas to make the lips look plumper there are two options. One is the expensive clinical procedures and the other is to go for effective and accessible home remedies to make your lips big. 

A lot of my own friends, while searching for other beauty tips, keep browsing the internet to know the answer to ‘how can I get bigger lips naturally?’ 

If you are someone who has always felt ashamed and conscious over small lips, then this blog is for you. Read it, in order to make your lips look big by using all the ingredients easily available at home.

DIYs to Get Bigger Lips Naturally!

There are a few home remedies and DIYs that can be used to give your lips a fuller look and make them look big. Here are some of the easiest ways that you can opt for. 

Exfoliate! Exfoliate! Exfoliate!

To make your lips bigger and plump, it is very important to exfoliate. Yes! just like we exfoliate the skin of our face. Exfoliation if done once a week can bring a huge change in the size of your lips. 

Usually, to make the lips look plumper and bigger there are two options available. One is to opt for expensive clinical procedures and the other one is to go for effective and accessible home remedies to make your lips big. 

Now stop asking yourself ‘how can I get bigger lips naturally’ and just exfoliate. Exfoliation of lips through scrubbing helps by increasing the blood flow and circulation giving the lips a fuller look. Mentioned below are the best scrubs that you can use to make your lips big.

Cinnamon Lip Scrub to get Bigger Lips Naturally

Cinnamon scrub is one of the most popular scrubs used to get pouty and fuller lips. This is because of the presence of cassia oil in cinnamon that enhances the blood circulation. 

Some people feel a little irritation on their lips after using cinnamon lip scrub but, it gets better in minutes. A few of the best cinnamon lip scrubs that you can try to get that pout in no time are.

Cinnamon & Shea Butter: One of the best home remedies to make your lips big is the cinnamon and shea butter scrub. To make it, take 1 tablespoon of shea butter and melt it. Now mix it with 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Pat a thin layer on the lips and leave for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes scrub it well. Rinse it later with warm water or clean it with a washcloth.

Cinnamon & Peppermint Oil: Cinnamon and Peppermint mixture can do the wonder for your lips. Mix 1 tablespoon of peppermint oil with half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Massage the mixture gently on the lips. Then leave it on the lips for 5 minutes and then rinse it off. 

Icing – For a Plumper Pout in Minutes

Leaving for a quick meeting or getting late for a party? Well, there’s no need to worry. You can get those plump lips in no time. Ice can be your rescue here. There’s no doubt that it is one of the most unknown home remedies to make your lips big.

To make your lips plump and big you need to take an ice cube and rub it on your lips. You can do this for at least 2 to 3 minutes and this will do the trick. Ice when rubbed on the lips compresses the blood vessels and gives you a fuller, smoother, and ”pink-lips” look. Doing this for at least two to three weeks can make your lips bigger without even going for surgical procedures.

Brushing Technique to the Rescue

Well, If I tell you that the secret to your bigger and plumper lips lies in your bathroom. Let me tell you, it is something you use every day. Yeah! It’s your toothbrush

Keeping all the home remedies to make your lips big this one is the easiest one. It is important to keep the lips less flaky and smooth in order to give them a full and plump look. All you need to do is to take a toothbrush and gently buff it on your lips. This works like magic as it removes the flakes from the lips and increases blood flow, this gives the lips a rosy look to the lips as well. 

The best way is to use a wet toothbrush on the lips and scrub them for 2 minutes at least. This works best when you apply a hydrating lip balm after scrubbing. This can definitely become a game changer once you start doing it every day. 

Exercise – Great Home Remedy to Make your Lips Big

A few of the facial exercises can be an answer to your frequently asked question of ‘how can I get bigger lips naturally.’ 

I know, no one likes to get invasive procedures done for such petty wishes. So, the facial exercise that I am about to tell you about if done frequently, can show promising results in making your lips bigger. 

Whistle! Yes, whistling is a great exercise to get your lips pouty. This not only enhances the lip muscles but also shapes the lip in a way that helps you flaunt your pout effortlessly.

Another exercise that can help a lot is puckering up the lips. This works by puckering your lips as if you are kissing someone and then holding it for a few seconds. This should be repeated at least 20 times a day and shows miraculous results.

Wrapping it Up!

There are several home remedies to make your lips big that work like magic. In today’s times, there’s so much social pressure to look a certain way. Well, instead of listening to all those suggesting you to get invasive procedures, try out all the above-mentioned home remedies to get naturally enhanced and fuller lips.
If you are thinking of getting surgically enhanced bigger lips, then you can book an appointment with the best plastic surgeon by visiting or by dialing 042 32500989.

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